Switching from veg to flower Geoflora question


Well-Known Member
High all, I would have posted this in the Geoflora discussion thread but it's no longer open for discussion.
Any way.....when do you switch from veg to bloom geoflora nutrients. Last run I gave them a dose of veg and flipped to 12/12. Then started with the flower nutes 2 weeks after the flip and continued every 2 weeks as per @GeoFlora Nutrients recommendation. Anyone do it different? What would anybody recommend?
High all, I would have posted this in the Geoflora discussion thread but it's no longer open for discussion.
Any way.....when do you switch from veg to bloom geoflora nutrients. Last run I gave them a dose of veg and flipped to 12/12. Then started with the flower nutes 2 weeks after the flip and continued every 2 weeks as per @GeoFlora Nutrients recommendation. Anyone do it different? What would anybody recommend?
Hey Buddy :ciao:
I run veg formulation until I see pistils form then I switch to flower.
Then I follow the schedule week by week.
Hope that helps.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Buddy :ciao:
I run veg formulation until I see pistils form then I switch to flower.
Then I follow the schedule week by week.
Hope that helps.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Oh it helps! Thank you Bill. Hope all is good in your neck of the woods and the fish are biting.
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