What I did not say is, an oz. of good medical would run you nearly the low end of the rent I quoted by the time you add in the tax. I just pick up small quantities of a few strains and some chocolate three or four times a year for treats.

Cannabis is expensive to grow , especially indoors. It is just a fraction of the cost of buying it here though.

Probably way more than 2 years. Colorado is still having major problems. The City here would close every dispensary if they could.

That's insanity. It's beginning to feel like we'll never get this done in our lifetime. Every step forward seems to be followed by two steps back. The greed factor keeps ramping up. Everybody's trying to get rich on a plant anyone can grow.
I'm off doing some loose research, kind of a free-flow experience, and I'm wandering around Dr. Allan Frankel's site when I come across a blog he wrote about that consultation that sets the protocol and the information that needs to be gathered in order to do this as thoroughly as we'd like to be able to. This just blew my mind, so I'm posting this partial list to keep my own perspective.

This is how you do cannabis therapy responsibly. What a national shame that so many of us are being denied this fundamental freedom.

– Is this a patient who has used cannabis?
– Did it help their symptoms?
– Did it worsen their symptoms?
– Do we have any information on their using cannabis orally?
– If yes, what was their reaction?
– If the reaction was bad, does not mean that oral CBD won’t be great?
– I need to know the patient’s other medications.
– I need to review any potential drug interactions. Medications metabolized in the liver compete cannabinoid metabolism.
– Do we expect a serious interaction?
– Should we decrease the expected CBD dose?
– Should we decrease the other drugs?
– When should there be follow-up.
– How does the patient follow up?
– How frequent makes sense?
– How often do we increase CBD on a patient with seizures?
– When do we add THC-A to the regimen for seizures or other conditions?
– If we add more THC to a cannabinoid regimen, how do we anticipate levels of psychoactivitiy?
– When should we use rectal cannabinoids?
– When should they be used sublingually? Orally? Topically?
– Should we go with a very low dose? CBD? THC?
– What ratio of CBD:THC medicine do we start with?
– How can we be certain the patient is taking what dose we THINK they are taking?

Yeah........ We have quite a way to go.
Seven hours lost in research mode. I think i need a break. Step away from the iPad. :laughtwo:

Cannabis oil & herxing... feeling worse before feeling better


What is it?

Also known as the "Herxheimer Reaction", this reaction occurs when the body tries to eliminate toxins at a faster rate than they can be properly disposed of. The more toxic one's bodily systems are, the more severe the detoxification, or healing crisis. It is characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing or detox process which may be mild or severe. You may feel worse and therefore conclude that the treatment is not working. But these reactions are instead signs that the treatment is working and that your body is going through the process of cleaning itself of impurities, toxins and imbalances.

Such reactions are temporary and can occur immediately -- or within several days, or even several weeks, of a detox. Symptoms usually pass within 1-3 days, but on rare occasions can last several weeks. If you are suffering from a major illness, the symptoms you experience during the healing crisis may be identical to the disease itself. Sometimes discomfort during the healing crisis is of greater intensity than when you were developing the chronic disease. This may explain why there may be a brief flare-up in one's condition. Often the crisis will come after you feel your very best. Most people feel somewhat ill during the first few days of a cleanse because it is at that point that your body dumps toxins into the blood stream for elimination. With a more serious condition there may be many small crises to go through before the final one is possible. In any case, a cleansing & purifying process is underway, and stored wastes are in a free-flowing state.

The healing crisis is the result of every body-system, in concert, working to eliminate waste products through all elimination channels and set the stage for regeneration. The end result: old tissues are replaced with new. When any treatment or cleansing program causes a large scale die-off of bacteria, a significant amount of endotoxins (toxins within the bacteria itself) are released into the body. The more bacteria present, and the stronger their endotoxins, the stronger the cleansing reaction. When any treatment or detox causes the organs of the body (particularly the liver, which is a storehouse of drug and poison residues) to release their stored poisons and toxins, a cleansing reaction may occur. Any program, such as fasting, which causes a rapid breakdown of fat cells (which are a storehouse for toxins), can cause a healing crisis as toxins previously lodged in the fat cells are released into the blood stream.

The healing crisis will usually bring about past conditions in whatever order the body is capable of handling at that time. People often forget the diseases or injuries they have had in the past, but are usually reminded during the crisis. There are a wide variety of reactions that may manifest during a healing crisis, the most common are:

Increased joint or muscle pain

Extreme fatigue and/or its opposite, restlessness
Headache (believed to be caused by buildup of toxins in the blood)
Aches, Pains
Arthritic flair up
Sinus congestion
Fever (usually low grade) and/or chills
Frequent urination and/or urinary tract discharges
Drop in blood pressure
Skin eruptions, including: boils, hives, and rashes.
Cold or flu-like symptoms
Strong emotions: anger, despair, sadness, fear, etc.
Suppressed memories arise
Mood swings
New phobias develop

One MORE thing I have never heard of or knew existed...Thank you, Panacea!

And, I suspect this is what is going on with my dad right now. His mood and personality has become completely unbearable and he (as of TODAY) is filled with despair, anxiety and depression.

Today was officially the worst day of my life. I stood in my dad's bedroom and listened to him tell me that he "gives up" and that "this is no way to live." Ready to throw in the towel because he has to pee every 20 minutes, has NO energy or desire to get out of bed, AT ALL, and his emotions are over the top. I never thought I'd see him in such a state.

One MORE thing I have never heard of or knew existed...Thank you, Panacea!

And, I suspect this is what is going on with my dad right now. His mood and personality has become completely unbearable and he (as of TODAY) is filled with despair, anxiety and depression.

Today was officially the worst day of my life. I stood in my dad's bedroom and listened to him tell me that he "gives up" and that "this is no way to live." Ready to throw in the towel because he has to pee every 20 minutes, has NO energy or desire to get out of bed, AT ALL, and his emotions are over the top. I never thought I'd see him in such a state.


Awwwww baby. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

It's all I have at such a moment. I wish to God we were closer. I'm as close as I can be. I'm right here Tanya. :hug: :love:

What's your evaluation of the situation? Are you continuing with cannabinoid therapy? Is he getting pain relief?
Well Sue, I don't even know where to start this time...Bear with me, please.

This afternoon, I got a phone call from my brother who lives with my parents and he tells me that my dad's home health care nurse said she was going to call hospice in so that they could put my dad on morphine so that he can "Die peacefully in his sleep." I said WTF???? And I jumped in my car and flew down there with full intentions of dragging that nurse out of the house by her hair and throwing her into the traffic on the highway that my parent's house is on. Since when do you put someone on morphine when they are not in any kind of pain??? I have asked my father every single time I see him or talked to him, if he is ever in any pain, and he has ALWAYS responded with, "Oh, HELL NO...Not even a little!!" His only gripes were that he couldn't swallow and was always coughing shit up. I asked him if it hurt whenever he tried to swallow and he always said NO. I know my father very very well, and I can say with ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE that he was never lying to me when he said he was NOT in any pain.

So, I get down there, and that nurse is gone (luckily). I go into my dad's room and before I could even ask him what was going on, he told me that he's "Done" and he "gives up." He said he didn't want to do anymore treatments and he has lived a good life. He was all bent out of shape because he never got out of bed today and he's sick of coughing. He went on and on about how he's bullheaded and now he just wants to figure out a way to make his heart stop beating...He's "had it."

I stood there in disbelief with my jaw on the floor. Then I gathered my thoughts and told him that I just acquired enough starting material (TODAY) to make him enough oil to properly tackle his cancer and start upping his doses much higher and could give it to him so that it would give him a bit of a euphoric feeling so we can NOW hit this really hard! He wanted to hear none of it and more or less waved me off. He told me I need to face the facts that it's time for him to die, and he added, "What part of NO do you not understand?!" So, I asked him if he wanted to commit suicide and he said "ABSOLUTELY!" And he then told me that the nurses agree with him, the doctors agree with him and MY MOTHER agrees with him!! I was beyond speechless. I couldn't get any words to come out of my mouth. I just couldn't believe it. Well, I left the room and took my mother outside and told her what he just told me and she almost lost her mind! She knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this revelation and neither do his doctors!! She couldn't believe what I just said to her...So, NOW I have established that my dad is lying to me about THIS. I had suspicion that he was talking out of his ass when he told me that because of the way he said it and I also had a hard time believing my mother would consent to such a thing. NO way. My brother that lives there said that the home health care nurse "Put that suicide-by-morphine idea in his head..." ARE YOU F#CKING KIDDING ME??? Have you ever heard of such a thing, Sue??? OMG, I saw red...I am not kidding, if she would've been there when I heard that I would've been in jail right now. No joke.

As I said, I know my dad very well, and I know that he has ABSOLUTELY NO PATIENCE anymore and he wants EVERYTHING NOW, NOW, NOW, and expects to feel A LOT better REALLY REALLY, RIGHT NOW FAST. Instant gratification really doesn't cover it...and THAT'S the problem. He is not in any pain AND he has gained 4lbs since I put him on MY feeding regimen. Yes, 4 pounds in a week. And that happened even though he hasn't been eating as often as I instructed...every day, my mother misses at least 1 feeding because he's gone out in his Jeep somewhere. Yes, he is leaving the house and driving around EVERY DAY and he is gone for roughly 2+ hours every day...EXCEPT for today. And that, in itself, probably had a lot to do with the mood he was in. My father gets beyond irate if he cannot go on his daily "tour" as my family has coined it over the years. So, this whole thing about "this is no way to live" is such bullshit because it's not like he's been completely bedridden and unable to go outside or leave the house for months, or even weeks! It was just TODAY. And, now he's suddenly ready to commit suicide. Ugh, I just can't even....

So, now I'm on a whole nother level. I finally have enough starting material to make a BUNCH of oil and am fully prepared to tackle the Cannabudwig and Bio Bomb using all the information you have already provided me, but NOW he isn't willing to even try it. So, the only thing I can figure is to maybe go with the Bio Bomb idea, and draw it up in a syringe and put it directly into his feeding tube...perhaps blended in with his food so he doesn't even know we're doing it. I figure that's the only way I could get it in there because I KNOW the Cannabudwig will never go down that tube. It's just too thick with that cottage cheese in it. Bio Bomb, not so much. Oh, and the guy I acquired the 1/4lb of starting material from told me to rub the oil on the bottom of my dad's feet. He claims it goes right into the bloodstream THAT way....Um, huh???? You ever hear of such a thing? Doesn't make any sense to me and I'm thinkin he may have smoked too much shit.

So, now a couple questions:

1. In that video with that "over the top" woman mixing up the Cannbudwig, she had a bottle of Beta Glucan. What is this? And do I need that? I don't recall seeing anything in YOUR information about that?
2. The flaxseed oil capsules I got don't say lignin or non-lignin, but it does say they're organic and cold pressed. Is that OK?
3. In your tutorial, you use olive oil for the bomb....I was thinking about using hemp oil instead simply because I like the fact that there is a few more calories and fat in it, along with a couple grams of protein, I believe....but I'm just spitballing, here.

Sorry for bending your ear (so to speak) but I am just at a loss over here......but, I still have some wind left in my sails. Just hope I can put some back in my dad's.....
I'm extremely against giving someone medication without their knowledge or consent. This is unethical Tanja, as much as you want to, as much as you know it can help him. The medication option isn't yours, it's his.

You've established that your father's been less than truthful. He hid the severity of the illness from you until it was at critical levels. Have you considered that he's feeling more than he's telling you? He's the only one who knows what he's feeling. I understand his point. My husband and I had that conversation five times in the last two years of his life. That last conversation we knew was the final one. The choice was always his. No way was I ever prepared for his death, but the call for the end was never mine to make.

Your father deserves to be heard. The hospice personnel don't take this lightly at all. This isn't a frivolous call on their part. They deserve the respect of being heard too. It sounds to me like you may be entering your father's end of life. You need to ask yourself what memory you want of this moment with your father.

I can't even begin to tell you how often a family member or friend finally has all the pieces in place and it's too late. All too often it was already too late to begin with and we're left with palliative care. I speak from personal experience, hospice nurses are angels, trained to gently assist the passage, pain-free and surrounded by compassion. Work with them. That's my best advice.

You can't force him to stay. You can't force him to fight. You can accept his decision and be there to love him to the last breath. Laugh and cry with him and tell him you love him. He's proud that he had a good life. Allow him that.

I'm sorry this is where you find yourself. Try to find some peace. :hug: :love:
I'm extremely against giving someone medication without their knowledge or consent. This is unethical Tanja, as much as you want to, as much as you know it can help him. The medication option isn't yours, it's his.

You've established that your father's been less than truthful. He hid the severity of the illness from you until it was at critical levels. Have you considered that he's feeling more than he's telling you? He's the only one who knows what he's feeling. I understand his point. My husband and I had that conversation five times in the last two years of his life. That last conversation we knew was the final one. The choice was always his. No way was I ever prepared for his death, but the call for the end was never mine to make.

Your father deserves to be heard. The hospice personnel don't take this lightly at all. This isn't a frivolous call on their part. They deserve the respect of being heard too. It sounds to me like you may be entering your father's end of life. You need to ask yourself what memory you want of this moment with your father.

I can't even begin to tell you how often a family member or friend finally has all the pieces in place and it's too late. All too often it was already too late to begin with and we're left with palliative care. I speak from personal experience, hospice nurses are angels, trained to gently assist the passage, pain-free and surrounded by compassion. Work with them. That's my best advice.

You can't force him to stay. You can't force him to fight. You can accept his decision and be there to love him to the last breath. Laugh and cry with him and tell him you love him. He's proud that he had a good life. Allow him that.

I'm sorry this is where you find yourself. Try to find some peace. :hug: :love:
I completely understand what you're saying and I do agree with you.

What I'm struggling with is the fact that I only put him on low doses a mere 3 weeks ago, and he was actually getting better and eating some solid foods and able to walk. And THEN he started smoking his cigarettes again...and a lot of them. Well, then here comes these bad coughing spells... Go figure. And not to mention, he starts coughing and hacking when my mom tube feeds him because he REFUSES to sit up when he eats nor will he sit up for 20-30 after he eats, so whatever she puts in his tube starts making it's way up his esophagus
and then he sort of starts to aspirate and he lays there miserable. Really, too bullheaded to sit up for a little bit a few times a day??

You know, I could see the whole suicide-by-morphine thing IF he was completely bedridden for months! But, THIS??? It was only ONE DAY.

So, that doesn't sit well with me. No way. It was ONE really bad day. Not day after day after day, Ya know?

My point is this:

It doesn't take much to completely RUIN my dad's mood and set him on a tailspin that will turn his mind around in a heartbeat. As I said, Just the fact that he didn't have the energy or ambition to go on his daily cruise could very well be the reason he went so far into the dark so fast. Other days he takes his walker and goes out to his garden and tinkers around out there and he has even gotten on the riding lawnmower and mowed the grass for a couple hours. See, it's not like his incapable of doing anything he's just doing LESS of the things he used to do. And I am quite confident that he hasn't been lying to me about being in pain because he has been in constant excruciating pain from the Spurs on his spine, ever since I can remember. He couldn't hide it no matter how hard he tried AND he would openly complain about it. He never been too concerned with hiding his pains and bad days from me, ever. When he's in pain, it's written all over his face and he bitches about it with no reservations. But, oddly enough, when he came down with this cancer, miraculously his back stopped hurting him for the first time in his life. So, figure that one out cuz I'm stumped.

All I can say is I hope it was just a bad day and perhaps something in the next few days will turn his attitude around again.

I absolutely agree that it's every individuals right to decide when they are ready to throw in the towel, but not when you're being so irrational because ur having a bad day. No! Bad day after bad day after bad day for weeks or months? Yes. But not over one measly day. That's not fair.

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You do what you think is right :green_heart:. But remember you do want No regrets from doing something or not doing something. If it was my father i would personally be persistent with the oil. Try to have a heart to heart and let him know what the oil will do for him. Sounds to me there may be a few non believers dissuading him from this also. good Luck!:circle-of-love:
I completely understand what you're saying and I do agree with you.

What I'm struggling with is the fact that I only put him on low doses a mere 3 weeks ago, and he was actually getting better and eating some solid foods and able to walk. And THEN he started smoking his cigarettes again...and a lot of them. Well, then here comes these bad coughing spells... Go figure. And not to mention, he starts coughing and hacking when my mom tube feeds him because he REFUSES to sit up when he eats nor will he sit up for 20-30 after he eats, so whatever she puts in his tube starts making it's way up his esophagus
and then he sort of starts to aspirate and he lays there miserable. Really, too bullheaded to sit up for a little bit a few times a day??

You know, I could see the whole suicide-by-morphine thing IF he was completely bedridden for months! But, THIS??? It was only ONE DAY.

So, that doesn't sit well with me. No way. It was ONE really bad day. Not day after day after day, Ya know?

My point is this:

It doesn't take much to completely RUIN my dad's mood and set him on a tailspin that will turn his mind around in a heartbeat. As I said, Just the fact that he didn't have the energy or ambition to go on his daily cruise could very well be the reason he went so far into the dark so fast. Other days he takes his walker and goes out to his garden and tinkers around out there and he has even gotten on the riding lawnmower and mowed the grass for a couple hours. See, it's not like his incapable of doing anything he's just doing LESS of the things he used to do. And I am quite confident that he hasn't been lying to me about being in pain because he has been in constant excruciating pain from the Spurs on his spine, ever since I can remember. He couldn't hide it no matter how hard he tried AND he would openly complain about it. He never been too concerned with hiding his pains and bad days from me, ever. When he's in pain, it's written all over his face and he bitches about it with no reservations. But, oddly enough, when he came down with this cancer, miraculously his back stopped hurting him for the first time in his life. So, figure that one out cuz I'm stumped.

All I can say is I hope it was just a bad day and perhaps something in the next few days will turn his attitude around again.

I absolutely agree that it's every individuals right to decide when they are ready to throw in the towel, but not when you're being so irrational because ur having a bad day. No! Bad day after bad day after bad day for weeks or months? Yes. But not over one measly day. That's not fair.

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I hear you Tanja. The cigarettes are bad news. Any way to get him to cut back. Way back?

As panacea said, do what you think is right. You understand the dynamics of the situation. We'll be here to offer any support we can. What do you plan to do from here on out? Is there anything I can help you with?
With a broken heart, I have to announce that I lost the fight trying to save my dad.

Sunday morning at around 4:30 a.m. he fell out of bed and my mother heard the noise, woke my brother and they put him back in bed. After that, he was unresponsive and unable to communicate. I raced down there to see him and watched him struggle with every breath. I held his hand and I told him that he was the BEST father a girl could ever have and he raised me right, and strong so I told him not to worry about me, that I would get through this BECAUSE of all he did for me all my life. I thanked him for always being there for me and having time for me. I apologized to him for not being able to do a better job to save him and I told him I wished I had more time. I told him I love him and that I know he loves me too, and said it was OK if he wanted to go. He squeezed my hand and looked at me, and he tried and tried to tell me something but nothing would come out. It was BEYOND DEVASTATING.

At 7:18 p.m. my mother peeked in on him, as she had been doing all day, every few minutes, and she waved me to come into his room. His breathing had slowed to almost nothing and I grabbed his hand. My mom was saying his name over and over and we then watched him take his last breath. I tried to feel his pulse, and it was gone... He was gone.

I want to thank you ALL for all you did and how much you helped me...helped US. You are all angels and I love you.

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so sorry,,wonderful that you could be there for him till the end, there was nothing you could have done, peace to you
With a broken heart, I have to announce that I lost the fight trying to save my dad.

Sunday morning at around 4:30 a.m. he fell out of bed and my mother heard the noise, woke my brother and they put him back in bed. After that, he was unresponsive and unable to communicate. I raced down there to see him and watched him struggle with every breath. I held his hand and I told him that he was the BEST father a girl could ever have and he raised me right, and strong so I told him not to worry about me, that I would get through this BECAUSE of all he did for me all my life. I thanked him for always being there for me and having time for me. I apologized to him for not being able to do a better job to save him and I told him I wished I had more time. I told him I love him and that I know he loves me too, and said it was OK if he wanted to go. He squeezed my hand and looked at me, and he tried and tried to tell me something but nothing would come out. It was BEYOND DEVASTATING.

At 7:18 p.m. my mother peeked in on him, as she had been doing all day, every few minutes, and she waved me to come into his room. His breathing had slowed to almost nothing and I grabbed his hand. My mom was saying his name over and over and we then watched him take his last breath. I tried to feel his pulse, and it was gone... He was gone.

I want to thank you ALL for all you did and how much you helped me...helped US. You are all angels and I love you.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Tanja, you did a courageous thing. Being there for his last breath is a special honor and I'm so glad you were able to exercise it. Our hearts and prayers are with you through this period of adjustment. Know that we'll still be here for you if need be.

Be well girl. Get yourself well now and be sure your mom gets more than average hugs. :hug: :love:
I'm just a couple pages into this journal but didn't want to wait before commenting on how great and valuable the information is! :goodjob:

Why thank you Mr. Krip. That warmed my heart. :battingeyelashes: :love: It's my passion. I'm having a challenge lately trying to get myself focused. I started with no clear plan, intending to let myself and everyone else be fluid and organic. After a few months of aimless wandering I feel the need to be more structured.

Lol! I just spent the past year letting myself learn to relax and be unstructured for the first time since childhood. To find out the mission I set for myself requires structure to become what I envision. It's not that I don't have the training to do it, just that I'm being stubborn about structure. Dammit! :laughtwo:
Tanja, you did a courageous thing. Being there for his last breath is a special honor and I'm so glad you were able to exercise it. Our hearts and prayers are with you through this period of adjustment. Know that we'll still be here for you if need be.

Be well girl. Get yourself well now and be sure your mom gets more than average hugs. :hug: :love:
I'll stick around, Sue. Even though I was unable to save my dad, I am still intending on incorporating this phenomenal plant into my everyday life thanks to all your help and guidance. I'm probably just going to be a bit quiet, for awhile.... But, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. You are like my smarter big sister who lives across the country ..

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Hi Sue,

I have cannabis oil mixed with olive oil, 4 gr in a 25ml dropper bottle. If I take 3 drops I feel a little high. So it is good stuff (CBD Crew). What I am trying to find out is how much to take to get me to sleep (and not just get blasted). I also have full Simpson oil, also made with CBD Crew. So could take that. My worry is that I take too much of either and end up just being wasted and not sleeping. Any advice is very welcome!

Hi Sue,

I have cannabis oil mixed with olive oil, 4 gr in a 25ml dropper bottle. If I take 3 drops I feel a little high. So it is good stuff (CBD Crew). What I am trying to find out is how much to take to get me to sleep (and not just get blasted). I also have full Simpson oil, also made with CBD Crew. So could take that. My worry is that I take too much of either and end up just being wasted and not sleeping. Any advice is very welcome!


Welcome Whitebeach,

Is it falling asleep that's challenging you? Are you able to sleep through the night when you do fall asleep?

Most of what the CBD crew produces has a balanced 1:1 ratio CBD:THC. Care to share which strain you're using? It sounds to me like you need to be careful about the timing of the dose. What many people don't realize is that CBD too close to bedtime will wake them up instead of put them to sleep.

It's the THC that causes the drowsiness that helps you drift off. It's the THC that promotes deep sleep. In smaller concentrations CBD will help to extend the sleep cycle if all you're dealing with is difficulty falling asleep, but you're able to sleep soundly once you do fall asleep.

Although it's fine to use a strain with more CBD to relax in the evening, too close to bedtime can create problems. It may not be that you're getting too high, but that the CBD is making you too wired to fall asleep. My gut feeling is to limit the higher CBD ratio meds to an early evening cut-off and try something with more THC closer to bedtime. It can't hurt you, and it may work. The higher CBD meds may be a good one for morning, to counter the effects of the THC used for bedtime meds. CBD is an "alerting" molecule.

I hope this helps. If not, keep asking and we'll sort it out. We're all lab rats in cannabinoid therapy. Even the doctors openly admit this. Experiment and, please, let me know how it goes and if there's anything else I can help with.
Hi Sue,

Thanks for your fast reply! I think it is CBD crew skunk haze, 5% CBD 10% THC. But it feels like more THC than that. I haven't tried to use it for insomnia yet, hence my question. The last thing I want is to stay awake because of being stoned! I don't have access to other weed. This is all my homegrown. Do you think it best to try the oil or the simpson oil. I have only tried that once and it is seriously strong.

Another question would be re inflammation/arthritis. Do you have an idea which dose (either olive oil tincture or Simpson oil) would be best and how to apply (back feet etc)?

When I have smoked other high THC weed it doesn't make me drowsy more a bit mental anxiety freaking out! Very in my head as opposed to lie down and crash.

Do you know a good lab that could test the Simpson oil? (Australia?!)
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