Hi weenmeoff Thanks for sharing this.
Something I'm working on is the relationship between my reaction to cannabis and the amount of sugar in my system. There is definitely a relationship.
I can be happily going along on some meds. Then if I eat a high sugar anything and boom - the system gets all revved up and weird. I think thats the paranoid reaction. Sugar effects your brain. I think its a dopamine release which why we all like sweets so much.
Its also linked to the munchies. I think my ECS is saying 'hey, I could use some good food here". Items in the 'munchie' food group are typically low grade carbs and processed sugars. Ingesting that increases the blood sugar levels and increases the reaction to cannabis.
I like the acronym ABV
Thanks Bear! I'm on a diet of sorts right now so will take a couple puffs and see how it affects me. Doc said I need to lower my cholesterol or take meds and I ain't taking meds! Been eating very well for a couple weeks and besides a couple slips with candy and sugary treats, not much at all so will not have any or very little sugar when I give it a try.