Whew! Take a vacation and activity picks up in here. Lol!
Well done Bobby.
I can feel the excitement from here. Lol! I always think the olive oil infusions smell like I’m cooking a savory meal, and the coconut oil infusions smell like goodies. Lol!
Grape seed oil is the one we choose for topicals. It absorbs well and is easy to source.
@Oldbear, I’m so stoked at your lab rat activities. I feel the same way about oil choices. “What do you plan to use the oils for?” is my question when I’m choosing. I’ll be watching for your next assessment post.
I know the tree came out wonderfully.
So guys, I’ve been taking a closer look at the lymphatic system and it’s increased my appreciation for our biobombs approach and our choice of oils. We choose olive oil to get the cannabinoids into the lymphatic system first, and it’s the lymphatic system that’s responsible for shuttling around the fat molecules.
Cannabinoids associated with coconut oil get to the liver first, but with competitive inhibition practices we can hope to get more through without metabolizing. Once they’re into bloodstream it appears they’re passed off to the lymphatic system.
Blood vessels are designed to keep fluids from penetrating and allow blood to flow out to the cells. Lymphatic vessels are designed to let fluids in and keep them from seeping out. My curiosity is do vessels deposit the cannabinoids into the interstitial fluid where they’d come into contact with receptors in cell membranes, or does the lymphatic system pull them out before that?
We now know receptors that cannabinoids interact with exist both on the cell membranes and inside the cells themselves. It occurs to me that the entire system is so interrelated that it appears to not much matter which oil you choose. The lipids are gonna end up in the lymphatic system anyway.
Except.... inside my brain the idea arises that choosing olive oil speeds the process up a smidge since it starts off in the lymphatic system.
It’s not rocket science, but cellular biology is still a deep rabbit hole. Lol!