Thanks for the video Sue! I know what I am going to do now. Don't want to say too much and jinx it. I have that luck. Lol!! Oh, I almost forgot your morning hug. :hug:

This video doesn't include the winterizing steps, so review my documentation of my first oil-production attempt. That step is covered there. I'll be watching for any questions, but it's a fairly simple process. Don't skip the winterizing.
Strains and Ratios: Customizing your Medication

I'd forgotten to post this list. Thank you Cajun for compiling it. :love:

Since most don't know lots about CBD strains, here ya go:

Charlotte's Web - 23% CBD - around 1 % THC
Valentine X - up to 25% CBD and low range around 1% THC ( specimen may vary )
ACDC - up to 19% CBD and 1% THC
Harlequin - 8 % CBD and 6 % THC >> 12.6 % CBD and 8.4 % CBD
Canna Tonic - 8.11% CBD and 6.9% THC
Sour tsunami - 7.24% CBD and 4,32 % THC
Omrita RX - 9.5% CBD and 11% THC
Canna Sue - 13.8% CBD and 10.4% THC
Harle Sue - 9.4% CBD and 6.7% THC
Swiss Gold - 7.2% CBD and 3.6% THC
Med Gom 1.0 - autoflowering 15 CBD and 4 > 5% THC
Otto #1 - CBD 0.18 % and THC 0.40 % >> CBD 27 %, THC 1 % ( 28 % of plants expresses low CBD THC)
Sin Tra Bajo Auto - CBD very high and THC 12 > 15 %
White Widow ( or automatic ) High CBD high THC
Juanita la Lagrimosa - 8.8% CBD, 6.8% THC
Dutch passion
CBD Kush - 7% CBD and 7 % THC
CBD skunk haze - 5% CBD and 5 % THC
Compassion - 6% CBD and 6% THC
Dance world - 11 % CBD and 12 % THC
Royal highness - 12 % CBD and 14 % THC
Royal medic - 12 % CBD and 10 % THC, ratio 1:1
Euphoria - 10 % CBD and 9 % THC
Medical mass - 11 % CBD and 10 % THC
Painkiller XL - 1:1 9 % THC and CBD
CBD Crew
CBD Critical Mass - 5% CBD and 5% THC
CBD Mango Haze - 8% CBD and 6% THC >> 10% CBD, 8% THC
CBD Medi Haze - 8% CBD and 4 % THC
CBD Nordle - 5.5% CBD and 5.5% THC >> 8.93% CBD, 6.13 % THC
CBD outdoor mix - 5% CBD and 5% THC >> 11.6% CBD, 6.82% THC
CBD Shark - 6% CBD and 6% THC
CBD Skunk Haze - 5% CBD and 5% THC >> 11.12% CBD, 12,5% THC
CBD Sweet 'n Sour Widow - 6%>8% CBD and 6%>8% THC >>> 10.47% CBD, 8.31% THC
CBD Yummy - 5% CBD and 5% THC >> 9% CBD, 8% THC

More from CBD Crew:
CBD Therapy - 8-10% CBD, 0.05% THC
CBD 3D - ratios greater than 1:1 CBD:THC are possible
CBD Divine - CBD:THC 1:1 or 1:2 good for insomnia
CBD Med GOM Auto 1.0 - 10% CBD, 5% THC >> 15% CBD, 10% THC[
This video doesn't include the winterizing steps, so review my documentation of my first oil-production attempt. That step is covered there. I'll be watching for any questions, but it's a fairly simple process. Don't skip the winterizing.

I remember your winterizing, and I will be doing that as I remember it. Have to keep it cold so the unwanted plant stuff stays with the plant material. Headed to the store for syringes meow!
the hangover...

well lets see, its not exactly like a hangover from too much booze. its a headache and kind of a buzz at the same time. seems to be the tapering off of the high.

its happening again as I type. definitely still feel stoned. headache hung out for a bit. but is gone now. that part might have been driven by the herniated discs tho. happens a lot in sleep. tough to say tho.

the wife made brunch a few hours ago. with 1 1/2 teaspoons of olive oil (canna) in the 6 scrambled eggs split between us. that was around 10 am. bout 11 am we needed a nap. I awoke at 2 pm with a full on high going. very body stoned. wife awoke maybe 3:30 pm. she is still high. no hangover yet for her.

apparently the oil is awesome too. we each had about 3/4 teaspoon.

we have decided to try and be more proactive as a preventative method to getting a bad diagnosis. we both lost both parents to cancer, so it is in the dna we figger. that and we smoke, just as all of our parents did. ya ya I know we gotta quit that crap.

so we are going to work it into our diet daily. getting to a dosage that works for us. thinking 1 1/2 t is too much so tomorrow we'll try a tsp instead.
Strains and Ratios: Customizing Your Medication

I'd forgotten to post this list. Thank you Cajun for compiling it. :love:

OMG, Sue! What valuable information here! Man, u just keep making my life a little easier, EVERY SINGLE DAY!

IF u were near me right now, I would totally give u a big hug and a smooch on the cheek!

And thank u Canjun for putting it together!
Ok, so....I have to share this experience I had yesterday...because, I honestly don't know if I'm going crazy because of everything that's going on, or what...

I went to my parent's house yesterday morning, to assist my mom with giving my dad his daytime "tack." I decided to demonstrate on myself for her before I had her give one to my dad while I supervised and talked her through it. I decided to give myself a little bit more, like instead of the 1/4 size of a grain of rice, I gave myself more like 1/2 the size of a grain of rice.... This took place around noon. I did it, then I had her dose my dad and I then stayed there another 3 hours...feeling NO different than I ever have. Then, as I was leaving, I was talking to my brother about all this (I was already in my car and heading home quick, before I had to go to work) when suddenly, I felt "different." I couldn't quite put my finger on it so I just kinda shrugged it off and went home....started feeling a little bit more "different." OK, no big deal......go to work. Now, I'm not exactly sure how to put this into the right words, but I am going to do my best;

I'm not sure how long I was at work before I realised I suddenly just felt.....well.....BETTER. For the first time in I have NO IDEA how many years, I didn't feel like hammered shit!! I didn't feel tired, FOR ONCE. I didn't feel crabby, FOR ONCE. I didn't feel like I had no ambition, FOR ONCE. I didn't feel anxious, FOR ONCE. I didn't feel stressed out, FOR ONCE. I felt good. Just plain and simple, GOOD. NOT "high" (cuz, I honestly don't like that feeling) I didn't feel foggy, or slow or weird....I just absolutely positively felt perfect!!! And everybody who came into the bar I work at (they're ALL regulars and they ALL know me VERY WELL) noticed I was "in a better mood and more pleasant." LOL! They couldn't figure out what was "wrong with" me! And the more I thought about it, the more I sort of giggled to MUST BE the tack of CCO I gave myself earlier. It's just funny or weird because, I didn't think anything would happen....I wasn't anticipating any effects because I had already tried it, and it didn't affect me...So, that wasn't even a thought in my head that it COULD happen. And I especially wasn't expecting it to "kick-in" 3 hours after I did it. Now, I honestly don't KNOW if that's what I should attribute it to, but I really don't know what else it could've been?? And, I felt that way for a solid 9 or more hours after. It was like the best day I ever had! And I just can't understand why? I went to bed thinking: I want to feel like THAT, every day! And, I couldn't help but wonder, Is this what "healthy" people feel like???:hmmmm:
Yes Tanja, you dear girl, this is what healthy people feel like. :laughtwo:

Tacking causes the brain to immediately identify with the sense of homeostasis. You feel good, not high. If you swallow too much you also get a bit buzzed, with the right strain, or so I'm led to believe. I've never tacked. Something I'll have to amend soon.

Has it already occurred to you that you might also benefit from your own cannabinoid therapy? This sense of healthy and whole is a good tool. It's a way to experience wholeness as you work towards it, kind of like your brain laying out the roadmap for your endocannabinoid system to follow. You "feel" healthy and whole and your body finds its way to that feeling. Sounds corny, but it's the way the system works.

I sense a great excitement in you Tanja. :laughtwo:

The first time you took it your system wasn't ready for it, so to speak. You weren't a regular consumer of cannabis, so you didn't have the receptors that you had when you took the second dose. During the interim your system created new receptors, more points of attachment. The delayed reaction may simply be your body finally responding to the therapy. I'd be interested in what happens when you do another dose.

Are you planning on doing another dose for yourself, just to see? You strike me as a curious woman, so I'd be surprised if you said no. This should give you hope for your father and confirmation that you are indeed helping him.
Yes Tanja, you dear girl, this is what healthy people feel like. :laughtwo:

Tacking causes the brain to immediately identify with the sense of homeostasis. You feel good, not high. If you swallow too much you also get a bit buzzed, with the right strain, or so I'm led to believe. I've never tacked. Something I'll have to amend soon.

Has it already occurred to you that you might also benefit from your own cannabinoid therapy? This sense of healthy and whole is a good tool. It's a way to experience wholeness as you work towards it, kind of like your brain laying out the roadmap for your endocannabinoid system to follow. You "feel" healthy and whole and your body finds its way to that feeling. Sounds corny, but it's the way the system works.

I sense a great excitement in you Tanja. :laughtwo:

The first time you took it your system wasn't ready for it, so to speak. You weren't a regular consumer of cannabis, so you didn't have the receptors that you had when you took the second dose. During the interim your system created new receptors, more points of attachment. The delayed reaction may simply be your body finally responding to the therapy. I'd be interested in what happens when you do another dose.

Are you planning on doing another dose for yourself, just to see? You strike me as a curious woman, so I'd be surprised if you said no. This should give you hope for your father and confirmation that you are indeed helping him.


I decided I was going to go ahead and get MY OWN medical marijuana card AFTER I get my dad straightened out and on a path to feeling better, or (God-willing) recovery, very shortly after I started reading everything you and Cajun have blogged and posted on here, I was SOLD! Been struggling for YEARS with insomnia, depression, anxiety and migraines...and who knows what else is wrong with me, because I have given up on going to the doctor's since they never seem to help and I end up with ridiculous medical bills coupled with ZERO relief from my issues. Yeah, I'm ALL OVER this type of "medicine" NOW!:cco:

I was SO tempted to dose myself again today when I was there, but I didn't want to STEAL anymore of my dad's precious medicine I made for him, so I didn't. But, I cannot get rid of the curiosity and I am quite confident I will have no problem making some more for him, so I think I am going to give it another go tomorrow after we get back from his Dr. appointment.:thumb: You are certainly correct in thinking I am "the curious type." I simply MUST KNOW if it's possible for me to feel that way again, or if it was just a coincidence.

I am so surprised to learn that you have never tacked, yourself! May I ask WHY??? And may I also strongly recommend you try it??!!?!?! :laughtwo::laughtwo:

As of this afternoon, my dad had 3 tacks and I asked him if he ever "felt" anything? Better, worse, weird, tired, fuzzy, slow, etc...and he has responded with NO, everytime. So, when I was there today, I put a larger amount on the toothpick for my mother to give him this evening. I am hoping to hear tomorrow that he felt something, like I did when I gave myself the larger amount. Because I am SURE once he feels what I felt, he will start improving. I just have to find that "sweet spot" for him, or something like that...without going overboard and freaking him out, ya know?

I also had my mom start giving him a tablespoon of melted (in a shot glass surrounded by hot water, NOT in a microwave) coconut oil in his feeding tube when she feeds him, 30 minutes before tacking. Hoping that coconut oil keeps his liver busy while the cannabinoids make their way around his system. It is OK to give the coconut oil at the same time his feeding is, isn't it?? I hope...
I can't think of any reason why the coconut oil with his feeding would be a problem. I will tell you though, that it's recommended it be a small oily meal that precedes a dose, which is why the coconut oil on its own is such an attractive option. The overriding concern is that he have food in the system before tacking or having any cannabinoid therapy.

I'm glad you'll be getting a card for yourself.

With your dad, rather than increase a singular dose, try to get more doses spread out through the day. Add one in at a time until you have the number you're comfortable with, shooting for around 4-6 a day. You want a constant presence of fresh cannabinoids.

It's good that you have some idea of what you're expecting him to feel. It may come on him so subtly that he might not notice it at first. You'll notice though, or more likely your mother will.

I haven't tried tacking simply because I use extremely bioavailable edibles, my preferred delivery method. I estimate I consume between 50 and 200 mg of cannabinoids a day with my brownies. I'm reasonably healthy and more of a recreational user, although I get more mental health benefits than I initially realized. Knowing that, I try to take steps to enhance bioavailibility of everything I consume.

I'm certain tacking would benefit me. I may give it a try in the morning.
I can't think of any reason why the coconut oil with his feeding would be a problem. I will tell you though, that it's recommended it be a small oily meal that precedes a dose, which is why the coconut oil on its own is such an attractive option. The overriding concern is that he have food in the system before tacking or having any cannabinoid therapy.

I'm glad you'll be getting a card for yourself.

With your dad, rather than increase a singular dose, try to get more doses spread out through the day. Add one in at a time until you have the number you're comfortable with, shooting for around 4-6 a day. You want a constant presence of fresh cannabinoids.

It's good that you have some idea of what you're expecting him to feel. It may come on him so subtly that he might not notice it at first. You'll notice though, or more likely your mother will.

I haven't tried tacking simply because I use extremely bioavailable edibles, my preferred delivery method. I estimate I consume between 50 and 200 mg of cannabinoids a day with my brownies. I'm reasonably healthy and more of a recreational user, although I get more mental health benefits than I initially realized. Knowing that, I try to take steps to enhance bioavailibility of everything I consume.

I'm certain tacking would benefit me. I may give it a try in the morning.
I had initially planned on keeping the same small dose and increasing his tacks, from 2, to 3 per day....but, he keeps saying how if he doesn't "feel" anything or any different, then "how can it possibly be working?" And with that in mind, I thought I should alter my first plan and increase the dose little by little until he DOES "feel" something...anything, because I think it would bring his moral up, and that is what I think is pretty important right now. Plus, today, he felt even more awful than usual because when we went to talk to his cancer Dr we found out his blood pressure was only 92/42!!! I kid u not, I almost fell out of the chair I was sitting in when I heard those numbers! I said "No wonder why u feel like a dishrag!" He was SO worn down and unhappy, cold, dizzy, u name it. I just wanted to see if we could make him FEEL a bit better, like NOW, Ya know? So, THAT'S why I chose to increase the amount of the tack, instead of increasing the number of them. I hope I made the right decision. It's just SO hard to watch him in such misery...such a strong, independent, self sufficient man, turned into an invalid practically overnight. It's unreal.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using 420 Magazine Mobile App
my dad lived secretly with his cancer diagnosis for 6 months before telling anyone. we lived 6 hours away in good weather. the last time I spoke to him, was on a Thursday. he said he felt like crap, told us about the diagnosis. I told him to get his ass into the doctors office.

4 days later he was dead. it metastasized into his brain over the weekend and that took him.

we found out Monday at 1 pm, drove 9 hours through a snowstorm, and spent his last hour on earth alone with him.

they told us he hadn't responded to any stimuli since Saturday evening.

but I tell you this, when we were talking with him and holding his hands, his eyes fluttered some and he gripped a bit tighter.

I really miss him. that was 13 1/2 years ago.

fuck now im tearing up like a lil kid.

I wish I had known about these meds back then. he wasn't entirely secretive about it, he just flipped it and said they screwed up the test. but had I known of this back then............

sorry for bawling on yer thread sue, but tanja's description of her fathers condition hit me hard.

my dad was shriveled up, into half the man he was not 4 months earlier when we last saw him fishing with us on a visit.

this got me "strong, independent, self sufficient man, turned into an invalid practically overnight. It's unreal." described my dad to a T.
my dad lived secretly with his cancer diagnosis for 6 months before telling anyone. we lived 6 hours away in good weather. the last time I spoke to him, was on a Thursday. he said he felt like crap, told us about the diagnosis. I told him to get his ass into the doctors office.

4 days later he was dead. it metastasized into his brain over the weekend and that took him.

we found out Monday at 1 pm, drove 9 hours through a snowstorm, and spent his last hour on earth alone with him.

they told us he hadn't responded to any stimuli since Saturday evening.

but I tell you this, when we were talking with him and holding his hands, his eyes fluttered some and he gripped a bit tighter.

I really miss him. that was 13 1/2 years ago.

fuck now im tearing up like a lil kid.

I wish I had known about these meds back then. he wasn't entirely secretive about it, he just flipped it and said they screwed up the test. but had I known of this back then............

sorry for bawling on yer thread sue, but tanja's description of her fathers condition hit me hard.

my dad was shriveled up, into half the man he was not 4 months earlier when we last saw him fishing with us on a visit.

this got me "strong, independent, self sufficient man, turned into an invalid practically overnight. It's unreal." described my dad to a T.
OMG, Unforgiven!!! I'm SO sorry! My heart goes out to u! So sad, so unnecessary for good people to go through such things.... I'll light a candle in honor of your wonderful father, tonight. ❤❤❤ *hugs to u!*

Sent from my Nexus 6P using 420 Magazine Mobile App
I had initially planned on keeping the same small dose and increasing his tacks, from 2, to 3 per day....but, he keeps saying how if he doesn't "feel" anything or any different, then "how can it possibly be working?" And with that in mind, I thought I should alter my first plan and increase the dose little by little until he DOES "feel" something...anything, because I think it would bring his moral up, and that is what I think is pretty important right now. Plus, today, he felt even more awful than usual because when we went to talk to his cancer Dr we found out his blood pressure was only 92/42!!! I kid u not, I almost fell out of the chair I was sitting in when I heard those numbers! I said "No wonder why u feel like a dishrag!" He was SO worn down and unhappy, cold, dizzy, u name it. I just wanted to see if we could make him FEEL a bit better, like NOW, Ya know? So, THAT'S why I chose to increase the amount of the tack, instead of increasing the number of them. I hope I made the right decision. It's just SO hard to watch him in such misery...such a strong, independent, self sufficient man, turned into an invalid practically overnight. It's unreal.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using 420 Magazine Mobile App

I understand Tanja, and I support that decision. He needs to "feel" something to assure himself. He also need to tack more frequently, as soon as you can get him to participate. It's not worth a fight, you're getting cannabinoids in there and we're going to believe they're working. One small step at a time is still a step.
unforgiven........ :hug: :love:

All too often those who find their way to oil as a healing herbal med find it too late to be of much more than palliative value. Not to discount it as such, because it has much to offer, but it can be frustrating for friends and family caught in the death spiral with them. You read of miraculous cures and that's the hope we all come in with. Reality often has other plans for us.

I'm sorry your father's passing was so painful. It's made doubly frustrating knowing you grow fabulous meds and would have done all you could to try to help him heal. Time heals all things, even this painful memory. Another hug? :hug:

My dreams of oil making are on temporary hold. My bi polar BIL got angry with my singing last night (he lives in the apartment below me) and reported my grow to the local police. Then he left me a not telling me how happy he'd be when they hauled my ass off to jail and he wouldn't have to listen to my incessant singing anymore. The man is very sick, and one of the plants I chopped today was intended for him.

Lesson learned, but really, was it? If I have to worry about being turned in by the people I'm growing for, why am I growing? One has to wonder.

For the time being I'm strictly in research mode. Until I relocate to another apartment, far from him, I won't be growing.
My dreams of oil making are on temporary hold. My bi polar BIL got angry with my singing last night (he lives in the apartment below me) and reported my grow to the local police. Then he left me a not telling me how happy he'd be when they hauled my ass off to jail and he wouldn't have to listen to my incessant singing anymore. The man is very sick, and one of the plants I chopped today was intended for him.

Lesson learned, but really, was it? If I have to worry about being turned in by the people I'm growing for, why am I growing? One has to wonder.

For the time being I'm stiprictly in research mode. Until I relocate to another apartment, far from him, I won't be growing.

OMG, what an arsehole!!! Sheesh... Some people. What a way to thank u for trying to help him... This is my angry face
OMG, what an arsehole!!! Sheesh... Some people. What a way to thank u for trying to help him... This is my angry face:��������

Sent from my Nexus 6P using 420 Magazine Mobile App

He's ill Tanja. He has uncontrolled bi polar disorder and anger achieves nothing. I'm feeling betrayed, but not angry. Now my daughter, she's angry, but she understands I can't stay angry at her crazy uncle. I can, however, move away from his sphere of influence.

The building we live in has two sides. My daughter and brother live in the other side and my brother's relocating to Dallas next month. There's a possibility I'll be able to take over his apartment. That'd be an easy shift from one apartment to the other.

In the end it'll turn out to be a good thing. He's been making my life challenging for many months and this is the second time he's turned on me - the only member of the family who insisted in staying in touch with him. I moved him into this building so he wouldn't be isolated and had someone to help when he got sick. I'd do it again to keep him safe. Well, maybe not now, but I have a hard time holding a grudge.
well sue, in my life I have found family to be the least trustworthy of all I've known.

you are choosing the high road, so kudos to you for that. it takes a greater inner strength to walk away than it does to swing back.

still, I gotta say what an azz.

advice would be to get out of that building, since it seems apparent he is holding some grudge. if you ever want to grow again, it best not be in the same building.
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