Old bear...
The on leaf material soaks off the plant/vegetables within 15-150 minutes.
None of the cannainoids are ‘bio-available’ ‘aka..thcA is not active in humans?’
There is no conversion of;
CBD(>>ALL<<<)+A it carbolized too.
CbX+A carobolized.
Carbolized just means the nice thc and cbX is safely locked into its carboxl ring.
Think of it like Tupperware for thc.. of course and CB(all.)
Carboxlization is kinda like good oxidation. Rust does protect the under;ting material from further rust...err sometimes..mostly..
It’s forms the acidic ring that causes most of the
Hydrophobic properties—-it’s the bound oxygen, it’s electrons make it ‘polar’..
So, then it’s only about energy storage, and conversion. So, this means there is a minimum amount of energy required to disassemble the carboxyly rings. The alchemists in Holland measured this to begin at 200 f. Begin,barley preceptable. Old bear, et al,
Plants, girls included, convert sunlight (700-780 nM peaked is best..aka pure green) and water into energy, aka sugar is the means to that end. The plant makes sugars. Oh it burns pure hydrogen to get the external energy to make a complex sugar from only sunlight that hits only the top,surface of the greenest portions of the leaves. So not bark, stem, stoma, or the veins only green. As a waste product, oxygen in excess of it’s night time consumption , oxygen is produced in a positive net quantity. Ok sugar doesn’t just ‘break down and convert to,anything ...without ..a reaction..means added energy.. ok the plants later make more complex structures with the extra sugar it can produce with
Temperature >>65 f < 105 F.. they like it hotter than we humans do. Think chemical reactor factory. Solar fuels, low energy processes ..aka no smoke stack...external heat is energy. The range from 75 to 100 revs the plants factory workers way high up with moral..yeah .
Plants do extract sugars and minerals from the roots as well.
Ok so the plant also makes carboxl rings. CHO. c^6 H12 O6 . Carboxl six carbons 12 hydrogen’s 6 oxygens. Locked up tight. At increasing external temperature the bonds that bind, vibrate as heated..that is energy transfer, eventual the extranal energy overcomes the binding force Nd you have liberated the root molecule from its carboxl ring. Many things carbolized.
Analogy to cooking.
Sugar.any form...
When heated don’t do much below 200 f, cooking surface temperature..
as they sizzle, and heat up, the water is driven off. Heat more.. things chNge color, they smell great.. it’s food de carbolizing and ‘carmelizing’ as it too goes from 212 to 300 f.. same range as the de carb for,thc.. why?
Plants pkNts plants... all the same thing....we are actuLly cooking the buds to bring them to decarb, then we cook to extract..aka remove.. trichomes from leaf. Sometimes there another cook to mAke final item cookies cakes chocolates nice oil mixtures gourmet foods.
So most of us are ‘under decarbing ‘ too low heat, not holding heated state long enough ,or not decarbing prior to extraction and getting ‘results’ from extracted oils tinctures etc.
Removing the trichomes is easy, inanything other than comfy air. Like on plant or in a baggie, they will slip off in any active liquid. Water is a solvent .water is pretty amazing all alone..so is ethanol, heated evoo,coconut oils, yummy butter.. do clArify butter for thc use please.
About the extractors
Ethanol can get near 100% of the trichomes into solution. Then evapored yield most oil...
Coconut oil yields ,<85%
Evoo <75 %
Clarify butter,ghee,etc <70 %
Butter< 65%
Milk, cream fat, <60%
So unless you are using ethanol or coconut oil to decarb/extract you are losing 10/15/30 % of the thc and the cannainoids.
So, then why does under or no decarbed buds still,produce effects?
Idk ..yet.
One without decarb it’s nit like none of the thc is bio Available. From holland chart, it looks like 1/4 was there doing nothing. Ie they take 3 units to about 12 units all the time. Peaked for a moment at 13/14/15 ..units. Chemist units...yeah bs ...lol
If you go,from 3 units to 4.5 units , a 50% increase. That might incourage you..add more heat above 200,
3 to 6. Double the base raw thc cbX.. not bad.
3 to 9 ? Better
3 to 12? Yep this is what we want to do.. we want the thc and cbX free from 400% of there binds. Yep.
How? 230 f 42 minutes . Leaf temperature.
So making brownies with undercharged weed, lots of butter,eggs, chocolate, 350 F oven for 45 minutes.. sounds perfect for cook extract right into the brownie. Decarb as it cooks. The brownie dough reached 200 in about 15 minutes.10 F min rise.
The brownie loafs surface does get heated and sears shut.destrying local ..structure. It’s ‘nicely burnt’. Then in 32 minutes the loaf is at 300 f. I’d stop at 39 minutes if a could....
Omg sugar -ethanol- blackberries..
If you add all three there juice faster than any two ..way way faster. Better juice imho..
Ok then add heat... bring strained syrup juice fruit Parts to 200 f , slow boil up..
then plunge cool.. omg..it’s 5 buck a scoop gourmet dessert time.
I used corrvoiser - cognac, it could just as well been spirts but cognac is so good for food cooks...buds to.. cane sugar, confect sugar, two pints blackberries. Well 1.5 I eat some..
Old bear, sweetest sue...
What else is the goal of the no or low energy exratctions ?????
I am sure you are searching all possible methods.. and finding interesting process and results.
However, for thc and cannabinoids . There is no better way than ethanol or heated oil/water extracts.
There is one piece of info in that ‘how we bust you chart’ that mentions that””””
ThcA builds up inthe liver, some.
Additional uses ,consumption, re-triggers the ‘’breakdown” of thcA into the blood stream...
Hmm say what????
ThcA ..breaks down into thc.. then your body can use it.
So is that the amount we eat,consume..not inhale, a ‘cannainoids store” in us? In thcA stored inthe liver?
Then the very next ingestion, activates the thc store.. how wonderful if all that is true..
Old bear this would explain your process and effects with low decarb energy. It just takes the next dose.. lol. So,when you sipped this am. Your body very well may have pumped out last nights sip, and stored this mornings sip. Don’t stop,taking it..lol..
Look I wen from eating chcoclate w thc/Cbd in amounts that flor me today.
I stopped all,consumption for 30 days..
The pain profile of course was changing due to circumstances.
Once resumed, I can feel the ebb and flow of this medicines effects.
The inhaled fast head high
The tincture- whole body instant relief
The coconut chocolate deep slow tissue relief , over night rejuventTe.
Good advice. Ill do a separate test to drain and refill. I need to know how many times I can do an extraction on the same material with good results.