Let me just throw this out there...... Maybe, just maybe we're going about this wrong, not the wrong direction per se. I was listening to a gentleman explaining cannabis on a talk show a few days ago, on the difference between cannabis off the street and cannabis from our own backyard. Basically saying the stuff we grow in our own backyard or closet is so much better than what we can get off the street. Comparing it to vegetables from our own gardens vs that from the supermarket/mega-farms. Stating that homegrown is for the most part always better tasting and nutritionally. Of which I totally agree as most everyone will. If you have ever got to pick fresh veggies or fruit from a grove or garden you'll know what I'm talking about.
Let's take those same fresh ingredients into the kitchen, we may add some salt, maybe a little pepper or butter. Some people may go a step further and use any other spice or herb from the pantry. We slice, dice or cook to the best of our abilities. Doesn't make what we've brought into the house any less wholesome or nutritious, just better for the most part. And for the majority of the time, still better than what we can buy.
I hope you all can understand the connection I'm trying to make here. We bring our cannabis in from the garden and all we can do is decarb to the best of our ability of which most graphs and data shows is a pretty straightforward task. We try to convert THCa to THC, over cook it by to much and it converts to CBN. Oversimplification on my explanation, I apologize. My point being, fresh veggies from the garden get cooked and some flavor is lost in the process, so we usually add some seasoning for flavor. Maybe we should be looking at adding some terpenes to our freshly harvested cannabis, using the best products we can grow and adding the best products we can buy to make it all a much better product..
I certainly hope I haven't put anyone to sleep with the above statements.....