Surfbuddy's GLR 2L DWC-H Coco Lowryder - Big Bud - BubbleGum - Northern Lights

Great trich pics! Looks like you are going to have some serious smoke!!
I liked your term indicay when you talked about the skinny leaves on the Big Bud. That sounds like a great strain with 100% indica. I have the same issue with my new Tangerine Dream. The last one had normal leaves. My new dream has very skinny and long leaves. Like 2 completely different strains.
What is the big deal on the weight anyway. All most of us do is grow for ourselves and friends anyway. So what if weed looses half a gram per oz after completely curing. As long as it is good. The price is always right if you grow your own!
Now I hear that a gallon is smaller in America as in England. On baggage wars on tv the other day was filmed at Heathrow Airport in London . One of the bidders won old American coins. They are worth more in England too!! Things get any worse I am moving to England!!
Thanks CF! I'm much more exited about those plants than the minis I just pulled. I see these guys points, a US oz vs. troy oz and then why all the seeminlgy random variations Jandre mentions. What ever happened to "a pint is a pound the world around"? Wet ounces, of course ;)

Nothing beats FREE HERB. If you go back a couple of pages, you can see where jandre2k3, and I are having a little discussion about what a pound really weighs. We both have data to back up our respective sides of the coin, it is just Friendly Banter between Knowledgeable Growers. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:blushsmile:
Yup, nothing beats free herb! I like the friendly debate!

JTG you crack me up buddy. :rofl:

453.59237 / 16 = 28.349523125 Rounded, that's 28 grams... BUT if you Multiply... 28*16=448... It seems that converting from U.S. Ounces to the metric gram is not an exact science. This is why I'm a proponent of getting in line with the rest of the frikkin world and America switching to the metric system. Working with 10's and 100's is a lot easier than figuring 12, 16, 32, 48, and 56's all for different measures.

Our inch is broken into 16ths, but that same inch is 1/12 of a foot, which is 1/3 of a yard which is 1/1760 of a mile...

Also, 16 ounces in a pound is 1/2000 of a ton... which is ACTUALLY 907 kg. Missing 93kg of the metric tonne.

And don't frikkin get me started on VOLUME measurements... Oh, my GAWD that gets frikkin confusing...

Okay, I'm started on it. For some frikkin reason, there is a DRY ounce and a FLUID ounce, which has NOTHING to do with the other volume measurement of Teaspoon, tablespoon, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons!

Okay maybe I've gone overboard there, but 8Fl oz = 1C... which seems to be 16 TBSP

So there are 2 TBSP per Fl Oz... right? But there are frikkin 3 tsp to a TBSP?!?

and to confuse things even more....

3 tsp in a Tbsp
2 Tbsp in an ounce
8 oz in a cup.
4 cups in a quart / 32 oz in a quart.
4 quarts in a gallon / 128 oz in a gallon.

What's with all the frikkin different numbers... 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 1000... DONE!!

How many mL in a L?? 1000... easy...

How many grams in a kilo?? 1000... easy...

How many meters in a kilometer?? yup you got it!! 1000... EASY!

Ugh... Metrics is so much less confusing...
Right there with ya buddy, my scale is in grams, and I became used to the metric system after living abroad. So much easier. But other measurements we take for granted$$$ 4 quarters in a dollar, 5 nickles in quarter, 2.5 dimes in a quarter those damn pennies and hay-pennies...

jandre2k3, I am glad to be able to crack anyone up. It is Supposed to make You Live Longer,:thumb: and we can ALL use that! I wasn't kidding about the Packaging either:loopy:! It used to DRIVE ME NUTS. Anyways, take care, if you ever need a Bloated Pound, COME HERE:yahoo:! SINCERELY, JAMETHEGREEN:thumb:.
Laughing DOES make you live longer. Believe it! I know where to go for a bloated LB! Troy ounces galore!

All I know about the weight of an ounce is that it never weighs 28 grams when it finally gets in your hands after your friends and their friends have taken their share before delivering to you. Around here the plastic baggie is included in the weight, along with stems and seeds. Something I won't be missin.:Namaste:
Boooooo. the baggie weighs almost 1/8 by itself! That sucks G!

ATTN: GRACESGARDEN, Move Now!!! Just what your saying, is Really Pissing Me Off! What they are doing to You and Everyone else is just WRONG!!! I have NEVER been anywhere where this happens. Follow some Threads, and learn how to Grow!!!:slide:Then You can be the Master of Your Herb Supply!:tokin: And You can LOOK like this Everyday.:thumb: SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
Good advice!

Hey James, thanks, can't move, take care of mother-in-law, we can't move and she's 89, draining me, and very healthy, but likes to act like a child. Anyway, I did just what you mentioned, I'm on Day 48 of flowering, I started a grow journal a few weeks back. Anyway, I'm done buying dry buds, can't wait to taste my own. Thanks/grace:Namaste:
Yea for self empowerment!!! You go girl!
Update- started flush today on the two biggest plants and the smaller BB. The seedlings are going apesh*t and I need to move them over to flower. I'm going to move over 1-2 plants every 3-5 weeks to get a rotation going depending on how quickly they finish.

The clones taken have mixed success, the two Liberty Haze clones busted all through the riot cubes and were transferred to coco 2L and 2.5L today (I found square 2L+1Pint apple juice containers while dumpster diving). Same went for the two NL clones I took, but their roots were not as strong as the LH. 4/4 for those, but the 6 Big Bud clones I took I think will all die. Two show one tiny root each and the others no mo' nothing. I think the clones were not big enough or old enough. Even the mom is so skinny stemmed. She may not make the cut.
Oh hell... I was TRYING to leave out the two-bit system we have for money... I mean REALLY 1-5-10-25-50-100... Just to get a DOLLAR?!?!?


BTW... two bits refers to a coin we no longer have.... thank gawd... I mean 1/8 dollar? Come on! How the hell do you count out 12.5 cents?!? But two bits now just means a quarter.

GAH!!! 2 Liters +1 pint!??! REALLY>!>! ugh..... You just had to didn't you?
LOL, actually it's worse:


And since I was in there, a group shot:

So 2Qt+1Pt.+1C.... what the hell?? That doesn't even work out METRICALLY!! 2.54L... Nor is it a true Half Gallon...0.67Gal sigh...

Companies and their measurements... Wait... What is the SERVING SIZE on the bottle?

I bet you it's 8Fl oz... that works out to 10.75 servings... sigh...
Close 2Qt 1pt 2cup 86 fl oz but yeah, wacky and not relative to anything but their serving size. But I like the squareness and that most of the volume is lower for a bigger res and maybe less tipping
Nice lookin collection! Lemme know how that Liberty Haze treats ya.

Thanks. Will do. So far, she's a slow grower. She was started a couple weeks before the plants in her tub and that stacked kush, although I topped her twice to get clones
Close 2Qt 1pt 2cup 86 fl oz but yeah, wacky and not relative to anything but their serving size. But I like the squareness and that most of the volume is lower for a bigger res and maybe less tipping


and to confuse things even more....

3 tsp in a Tbsp
2 Tbsp in an ounce
8 oz in a cup.
4 cups in a quart / 32 oz in a quart.
4 quarts in a gallon / 128 oz in a gallon.

What's with all the frikkin different numbers... 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 1000... DONE!!

How many mL in a L?? 1000... easy...

How many grams in a kilo?? 1000... easy...

How many meters in a kilometer?? yup you got it!! 1000... EASY!

Ugh... Metrics is so much less confusing...
It has been a long time since talking about the metric system. I remember growing it was a big debate and the US almost went to that system. I understand that it costs the US millions of dollars a year converting metric shipments back to our system. I believe it all boils down to this. We are a country of waste. We elect politicians to take office yet they do not do what is the best for the country. They must keep a fine balance with making friends in Washington and getting re elected. We have a President now that seems more concerned with his signature health policy when much of the nation is out of work. So what about health reform. It doesn't matter if insurance is available if you can't afford it. Lets start drilling, stop the DEA from harrassing tax paying MMJ ops, it would be great if the people really had a say. How out of touch can they be!! LoL!
It has been a long time since talking about the metric system. I remember growing it was a big debate and the US almost went to that system. I understand that it costs the US millions of dollars a year converting metric shipments back to our system. I believe it all boils down to this. We are a country of waste. We elect politicians to take office yet they do not do what is the best for the country. They must keep a fine balance with making friends in Washington and getting re elected. We have a President now that seems more concerned with his signature health policy when much of the nation is out of work. So what about health reform. It doesn't matter if insurance is available if you can't afford it. Lets start drilling, stop the DEA from harrassing tax paying MMJ ops, it would be great if the people really had a say. How out of touch can they be!! LoL!

Sigh... While I agree on most points, you hit a sore spot with me... "drilling". How long do you think we can continue to pollute the atmosphere and not feel the repercussions? I'm not talking about global warming here... I'm talking about the ever growing concern about pulmonary disease and our atmosphere. Certain species of animals that are particularly susceptible to rising levels of air pollution.

When I was a kid, I used to lie in bed and be sung to sleep by the frogs. I went back to my little pond and spent a few nights there. No frogs, no tadpoles, no fish, hell no cranes, or herons there to eat the fish... But there were so many mosquitoes around that I could actually hear the buzzing of them all around me... a constant buzz, bit just when one comes near your ear. It filled the air. Why? No bats, no frogs, no toads, no whippoorwills. All of which eat mosquitoes. So I got curious about my far-away place and decided to do some research into the decline of the wildlife in my boyhood home. I found that air pollution and groundwater pollution from petroleum-based toxins had caused it. Guess how far away the center of that petroleum-based toxin leaked into the groundwater... Take a wild guess...

It was about 60 miles away near Dallas. Some underground river brought it to a place where there was only one house... the one I lived in. My nearest neighbor was 7 miles away. And their catfish tank failed because of the pollution as well.

What the groundwater pollution didn't kill off, the air had. Believe it or not, even 60-something miles away, the pollution of the cars, power plants, and all the other things that are burning "fossil fuels" drove away the other wildlife, leaving only the mosquitoes to feed on what mammals were left in the area. The now, 7 houses in the area all had put up mosquito netting around their porches because they were so bad. My house that I lived in had bat houses in the eves... They now sit abandoned.

So I ask you... Is drilling *really* the answer to a better future? I think not. Sooner or later that reserve WILL dry up... then what? Find somewhere else to destroy? If there is no other oil field to feed the American's hunger, then what? Granted it may not happen in our lifetime, but it will happen. You may not care about what happens after you're worm food, but I have a daughter... I care about her future as well.
And to think we sent a Man to the Moon with our old outdated source of measurement! And we have not been able to get any further than the Moon since the Military and NASA both switched to the Metric system, makes you kinda wonder:thedoubletake:, what the hell is really going on!!! And ClosetFarmer and jandre2k3, I see both sides of your guys points of view, being the ardent Independent I am! We need jobs, so why the Hell not just go ahead and drill, then I realize, it has been some time since I actually saw a Bat. Luckily we still have Frogs here, Tree Frogs that is. But if we switch from Petroleum, to who knows what, I don't, do You? Then how will we power our Gas/Diesel Fired Generators that run our Power Plants for our Electricity. I swear our Society is set up so there are no Happy Mediums. I guess that means SNAFU, like we say in the Military, or Situation Normal All F..ked Up.:thumb: I know, We can all Grow more, maybe it will help fix the Ozone Layer:blushsmile:! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN. P.S. GracesGarden, I am so glad you are out, well almost out of your rip off situation, by the looks of Your Buds! Good Job, glad to see You took matters into Your own Hands!!!
Sigh... While I agree on most points, you hit a sore spot with me... "drilling". How long do you think we can continue to pollute the atmosphere and not feel the repercussions? I'm not talking about global warming here... I'm talking about the ever growing concern about pulmonary disease and our atmosphere. Certain species of animals that are particularly susceptible to rising levels of air pollution.

When I was a kid, I used to lie in bed and be sung to sleep by the frogs. I went back to my little pond and spent a few nights there. No frogs, no tadpoles, no fish, hell no cranes, or herons there to eat the fish... But there were so many mosquitoes around that I could actually hear the buzzing of them all around me... a constant buzz, bit just when one comes near your ear. It filled the air. Why? No bats, no frogs, no toads, no whippoorwills. All of which eat mosquitoes. So I got curious about my far-away place and decided to do some research into the decline of the wildlife in my boyhood home. I found that air pollution and groundwater pollution from petroleum-based toxins had caused it. Guess how far away the center of that petroleum-based toxin leaked into the groundwater... Take a wild guess...

It was about 60 miles away near Dallas. Some underground river brought it to a place where there was only one house... the one I lived in. My nearest neighbor was 7 miles away. And their catfish tank failed because of the pollution as well.

What the groundwater pollution didn't kill off, the air had. Believe it or not, even 60-something miles away, the pollution of the cars, power plants, and all the other things that are burning "fossil fuels" drove away the other wildlife, leaving only the mosquitoes to feed on what mammals were left in the area. The now, 7 houses in the area all had put up mosquito netting around their porches because they were so bad. My house that I lived in had bat houses in the eves... They now sit abandoned.

So I ask you... Is drilling *really* the answer to a better future? I think not. Sooner or later that reserve WILL dry up... then what? Find somewhere else to destroy? If there is no other oil field to feed the American's hunger, then what? Granted it may not happen in our lifetime, but it will happen. You may not care about what happens after you're worm food, but I have a daughter... I care about her future as well.

Drilling is just one example. Why not drill enough so and us our own natural resourses so we don't have to deal with countries that hate us anyway. Instead of putting them to work we could put our own to work. I do not believe by drilling we would wipe out any species of life with the new technolgies. Drill Baby Drill!!! Natural Gas is abundant in this country and runs cleaner than petroleum. It is proven to be able to run large trucks. This could be one solution. I know there are other solutions too. Win Win!!
And to think we sent a Man to the Moon with our old outdated source of measurement! And we have not been able to get any further than the Moon since the Military and NASA both switched to the Metric system, makes you kinda wonder:thedoubletake:, what the hell is really going on!!! And ClosetFarmer and jandre2k3, I see both sides of your guys points of view, being the ardent Independent I am! We need jobs, so why the Hell not just go ahead and drill, then I realize, it has been some time since I actually saw a Bat. Luckily we still have Frogs here, Tree Frogs that is. But if we switch from Petroleum, to who knows what, I don't, do You? Then how will we power our Gas/Diesel Fired Generators that run our Power Plants for our Electricity. I swear our Society is set up so there are no Happy Mediums. I guess that means SNAFU, like we say in the Military, or Situation Normal All F..ked Up.:thumb: I know, We can all Grow more, maybe it will help fix the Ozone Layer:blushsmile:! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN. P.S. GracesGarden, I am so glad you are out, well almost out of your rip off situation, by the looks of Your Buds! Good Job, glad to see You took matters into Your own Hands!!!

It is a touchy subject. I just think that drilling is not as bad as the democrats make it out to be. I grew up in a town that many of the residents made money on oil rigs and the like. There are a few examples in the country where drilling has caused severe problems. Drilling is much more safe now to the environment with the new technolegies. I would feel much safer if oil companies would drill more on land than drilling in the ocean so far that if there is a problem there is no way to quickly fix it. To me I am against deep offshore drilling. Remember the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico. It took months for the idiots to cap the broken well.
This is a sore spot for me too, here in OH they started frageting?, they go down 5000 ft, and turn and go another 5,000across, then they send all kinds of chemicals and presurized? water to blast away the earth down there, they, have had several earthquakes near Youngstown this past year, what happens when the sink holes start? All this because it's cheap to harvest natural gas this way, kind of like what they've done to the forest for the trees, and the mountains in West Virginia for coal, it's killing the planet.:peace:
Yeah, ClosetFarmer, and to think My Family collects Royalties from Land My Grandfather bought in Arkansas back in the 1940's, for the Natural Gas wells They put there, without asking our permission First. One day we were all happy, talking about building a Hunting Cabin on the Land Grandpa bought for us, the next we were being told, not asked, that they were already Drilling there! But hey, don't worry, all 19 of us would be receiving Royalty Checks. So out the Window went the plans for a Hunting Cabin, and in it's place, We all started receiving these So Called Royalty Checks. Well the largest check any of us has received so far, was for an astounding $84.13, personally I would of rather had the Cabin. And those royalty Checks, for such a Piddling Sum of Money, really cause more Tax problems than they are worth!! I found out a few Months back, that I was in Arrears for the Taxes on my Part of Land. Well that's funny, I thought, I have never paid taxes on any Land in Arkansas, because I do not own any Land in Arkansas, I am just part of a Family Trust, That My Aunts always Pay. Well it turned out, I owed a Whopping 58 cents, now like $8 dollars because I was late, and I owed another 58 cents for 2011, which I have till October to Pay, or I'll be in Arrears again! Needless to say, I wound up Paying about $15 dollars, when all was said and done, after penalties and the surcharge for using my Credit Card. It actually cost more to Pay over the Phone, than the actual Bills themselves!?! That is WRONG!!! No matter how You slice it. But Natural Gas would be a great alternative Fuel Source, I just wonder how much Natural Gas it takes to power a turbine engine on say a Super Cobra, M1A2, F/A 18 etc. I do not think you could even Power any of those Engines on anything but JP-8 anyways. Well I have said enough for NOW:blushsmile:. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
Heard about those Earthquakes Grace, scary to think We could really be causing them. I knew you were a Browns Fan! Ohio eh, maybe Cleveland, or somewheres there abouts! You Plants look GOOD, I bet they blow away that SHIT your, what shall we call them, Robbers in Charge, are selling. Do not let anyone in Your Area know what You are doing, as they might get jealous, and either rob You or turn You in. Just keep it all for Yourself and you wont create a War between the Robbers and You! They would probably like the competition as much as they like being fair to the People that buy their Shit:thedoubletake:. Not trying to tell You what to do, You probably know all of this already anyways:blushsmile:. I am so PROUD OF YOU!!!:thumb: SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
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