Supporting Your ECS Without Cannabis

Sara, you never cease to amaze. :laughtwo: Your history explains so much. In the end though, you're on the right path with the oil. I find it intriguing how your system responds with such sensitivity. Your like a canary in a coal mine, aren't you?

My expectation would be that your ECS is already in healing mode, so you're counting the days now. :cheesygrinsmiley: You're smart enough to be doing Callanetics, which will keep the system open for energy flow and signalling efficiency. I get excited thinking about the potential ahead of you Sara. I mean really excited.

Stick with the deliberate waking. I just giggle with glee now when I make that declaration before I bounce out of bed in the morning. :laughtwo: My clarity and control of the emotional tone are a bit breathtaking. I've only been doing this for what, two weeks? That it could really be this easy.......

I can only speculate on the changes that must be going on in my own ECS to cause this much peacefulness.

I amaze myself, too. I've been told by more than one person that I should donate my body to science. I am an anomaly all around. Sometimes it's hilarious. Sometimes.

Sorry of that post was too much. I'm just utterly, utterly fascinated by the parallels and this intolerance to supplements I need has been on my mind the last couple of years already.

I keep telling myself I'm already healing. I choose to believe that. The deliberate waking is slowly becoming a thing.

I'm so happy to see that you've been using cannabis for so long, but you are still refining and changing not only the cannabis but also other ways of healing.
I'm here to PLAY! :goof: Very nice start on ECS.:thumb:

I finally read the Nat Geo article and Faith and Healing. Felt like I was reading one of your posts only shorter. :rofl: And better pics. (nothing wrong with yours, but think what you could do with an NG photog. You could start your own National Canna-graphic.)

Seriously, it's amazing how closely it follows and relates to what you've been talking about for months. Incredible that placebos can work even when the patient knows it's a placebo. Expectations turn out to be more important than the treatment sometimes. So thanks to you and also Barbara Harris's book I've started saying positive expectations of what I want each dose I take to do for me. Not out loud, but deliberately made. Even did that as I was making the oil this weekend. Best batch I've made, although a lot of that has to do with new techniques and better execution. End result is not just better oil, but also more positive expectations for it, and better healing to come from it. Thank you!

Wonderful to hear KR. :yahoo: I won't even apologize anymore for being overboard. Lol!

It's the deliberate nature that's making the difference. I'm convinced of it. I don't understand it yet in biological terms, but there's some connection being made between the ECS and the visceral nervous system that changes your perspective. That's all that's happening, and it begins so subtly that you'd miss it if you weren't alert for it. I realized that I've been missing the connections for decades, but I've been suspecting something of the sort all along.

I was simply unaware that we even had the system until very recently. That Cajun....... this is all his fault. :laughtwo:
Here is link on dosing and how to find optimal therapeutic level. Some dose as low as 2 mg per day.
Also talks about bi-phasic effect.

Cannabis Conversations with Dr. Sulak

Sorry, I know this is supposed to be about ECS without cannabis. My point in sharing this here is to answer Danolo's question from other video, and also to support idea that less can be more.
I'm here to PLAY! :goof: Very nice start on ECS.:thumb:

I finally read the Nat Geo article and Faith and Healing. Felt like I was reading one of your posts only shorter. :rofl: And better pics. (nothing wrong with yours, but think what you could do with an NG photog. You could start your own National Canna-graphic.)

Seriously, it's amazing how closely it follows and relates to what you've been talking about for months. Incredible that placebos can work even when the patient knows it's a placebo. Expectations turn out to be more important than the treatment sometimes. So thanks to you and also Barbara Harris's book I've started saying positive expectations of what I want each dose I take to do for me. Not out loud, but deliberately made. Even did that as I was making the oil this weekend. Best batch I've made, although a lot of that has to do with new techniques and better execution. End result is not just better oil, but also more positive expectations for it, and better healing to come from it. Thank you!

Careful now you wascally wabbit !

Deliberatly thinking positive expectations along with an action is basic magic. Which is why every time I flush my home toilet I flush the negativity away from the house. These acts scare the beejesus out of ancestral puritans, so are best mentioned among friends. Thanks for being my friend.

Faith works :)
What about GMO cannabis?

The designation GMO means that this genetic material has been modified to resist the toxic effects of the Monsanto product Round-Up.

This has nothing to do with the genetically modified seeds we concoct through our obsessive cultivation hobby. :cheesygrinsmiley:

For GMO forget the literal words Genetically Modified Organism and substitute "Transgenic." This is what most people mean when they say GMO.

Transgenic is where a gene is spliced into the DNA/mRNA of a cell in organism that doesn't normally express that gene.

The first comercially available transgenic "plant" was a Round-up resistant soybean approved in 1994.

According to wikipedia
Roundup Ready Soybeans express a version of EPSPS from the CP4 strain of the bacteria, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, expression of which is regulated by an enhanced 35S promoter (E35S) from cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), a chloroplast transit peptide (CTP4) coding sequence from Petunia hybrida, and a nopaline synthase (nos 3') transcriptional termination element from Agrobacterium tumefaciens.[7] The plasmid with EPSPS and the other genetic elements mentioned above was inserted into soybean germplasm with a gene gun by scientists at Monsanto and Asgrow.[8][9]

soybeans + extracts of : a cauliflower virus, petunia, bacteria = a transgenic process about 25 years old.

Most foods we recognize : are genetic modifications (GMO) = a selective breeding practiced for over 50,000 years.

P.S. Great to see you again, Canna Montana . We haven't crossed threads in awhile :)
. . .

The only danger documented from long-term use of cannabis is periodontal disease, and that was heavy, long term use, and not that broad a study, to be honest.

As a former board-certified dental hygenist, my wife believes the periontal disease is triggered by the heat of smoking.

For those who regularly smoke pipes, joints, or cigarettes - cannabis or otherwise - she suggests water pipes, cooling bongs, vaporizers, edibles, and oils.

Alternatively, she suggests the daily use of Oasis (by Sensodyne) of other alcohol free "Dry Mouth" mouthwash. These mouthwashes leave an air permeable coating on the gums that protect against the heat dangers of smoking.

[/end PSA ]

p.s. Oral health is an indicator of overall health. If you have periodontal disease, you have other serious health problems, whether they have been diagnosed ot not. (Why do you think veterinarans always look at an animals gums and teeth?)
As a former board-certified dental hygenist, my wife believes the periontal disease is triggered by the heat of smoking.

For those who regularly smoke pipes, joints, or cigarettes - cannabis or otherwise - she suggests water pipes, cooling bongs, vaporizers, edibles, and oils.

Alternatively, she suggests the daily use of Oasis (by Sensodyne) of other alcohol free "Dry Mouth" mouthwash. These mouthwashes leave an air permeable coating on the gums that protect against the heat dangers of smoking.

[/end PSA ]

p.s. Oral health is an indicator of overall health. If you have periodontal disease, you have other serious health problems, whether they have been diagnosed ot not. (Why do you think veterinarans always look at an animals gums and teeth?)

Good quick overview of the importance of the Endocannabinoid System.

You might consider having a moderator add this to your first post or add it as the second post in the thread.

Excellent idea Rad. I'll take a look at the first posts and see where it'll slot in nicely.

Essentially a month's supply for less than a dollar a day.

Step one: begin taking a probiotic with at least 50 billion cultures a capsule to replenish the gut flora decimated by diet and antibiotics.

Well, that's finally done. :high-five: Started these on the first of the month, making today my 7th dose. Noticable improvement in the gut. The antibiotics for the infected salivary gland were tearing through the gut flora. I've also been having regular conversation with my appendix to prepare for the end of the run of antibiotics. Between the probiotic, the download of fresh flora seedlings from my appendix, and the elimination of almost all processed sugar from my diet (learned that lesson the hard way, didn't you Susan?) I expect the gut to settle in record time and get back to the happy business of digestion and elimination.

My stubborn refusal to entertain any thought contrary to health, healing, and homeostasis will bolster my ECS in ways we have yet to be able to quantify.

My next planned step is to begin with an omega 3 supplement. I'll probably order from Puritans Pride.

The order is placed. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I went with the best offer. :battingeyelashes:

This choice gives me in excess of 1000 mg a day of the sought-after omega 3, taking three capsules a day, which is the way most do it. I think it might be easier on the digestive system like that. I've not taken them in years, one of those things I sacrificed so he could have them. Truth be told, I was glad to give the horse pills up. Lol! I have a stronger ECS than he did, and I knew that instinctively, although I didn't know I even had an ECS at that time.

I've already cut waaaayyyyy back on the ingestion of omega 6 rich foods and have started buying everything organic.

Next step: magnesium supplementation.

The journey continues
. :cheesygrinsmiley: :green_heart:
Random magnesium awareness, in preparation for balancing intake.

"I don’t recommend magnesium oxide because it can turn into magnesium hydroxide in the body, which can damage the intestinal walls and is also poorly absorbed." - Dr Axe

Apparently I'm shooting for a dietary balance of calcium to magnesium that come close to the 1:1 or 1:2 level, where at the moment the typical American diet is out of whack to the tune of around 3.5:1. Considering the many functions within a homeostatic system that require magnesium.......

So, let's begin with the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for a healthy individual. From the nih files:

Magnesium — Health Professional Fact Sheet


I'm going to do my best to get it back to normal levels through diet alone. The best sources are at minimum 20% of the Daily Value (DV). Spinach omelettes sound like an excellent place to start. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Top 10 Food Choices For Magnesium

* Balance this with calcium at a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio mag to calcium.

Spinach — 1 cup: 157 milligrams (40% DV)
Chard — 1 cup: 154 milligrams (38% DV)
Pumpkin seeds — 1/8 cup: 92 milligrams (23% DV)
Yogurt or Kefir — 1 cup: 50 milligrams (13% DV)
Almonds — 1 ounce: 80 milligrams (20% DV)
Black Beans — ½ cup: 60 milligrams (15% DV)
Avocado — 1 medium: 58 milligrams (15% DV)
Figs — ½ cup: 50 milligrams (13% DV)
Dark Chocolate — 1 square: 95 milligrams (24% DV)
Banana — 1 medium: 32 milligrams (8% DV)

Alrighty then. I think I'm ready to support the naturall healing process within. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Apparently, Magnesium is easier to absorb in an Epsom salts bath than eating anything with magnesium in it. It's basically a supplement that you soak up rather than eat.

Thank you Richard. That explains the sprays and creams. Hmmmm....... I could whip up my basic pain cream that I use on the feet (not for pain, just because it's nice) and add magnesium. I believe they have a good recipe for just such a thing over in Magnus's Topicals Study Hall. I need to make a new batch anyway. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I've been having my favorite spinach omelettes for breakfast or lunch. I think I'll keep doing that. The blackstrap molasses in hot water for breakfast...... Mmmmmm...... Can't give that up. All those tasty micronutrients.

Today I added another piece to the homeostatic puzzle. Finally my body's getting more of the basic building blocks for cannabinoids.



Now I'm doing more than talk the talk.

The final piece of the puzzle. The encouragement was to make three basic changes:
- begin taking a probiotic with a minimum of 50 billion cultures
- get omega fatty acids closer in ratio by avoiding an overload of omega 6 and beginning with omega 3
- incorporate a magnesium supplement

I'm most interested in what difference the mag increase will have on me. To be honest, I'm not certain I'll notice any difference, but I'll be feeling for any that might materialize. I'm blessed with good health and a youthful energy, but I recognize that my diet probably isn't meeting the needs of my ECS.

I feel better about the support I'm offering my own system now. If I make another change it'll be to explore a gluten-free diet. I suspect I've had a lifelong sensitivity to breads. It might be time to start paying attention to that. I don't eat all that much now, so again, not certain I'll notice much.

With these additions, added to my previous changes of limiting red meats, processed sugars and cutting waaaay back on dairy products, will only make me feel younger still. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Read the whole thread there Sue and it was great!

I've been taking almost everything mentioned and many more but often not at therapeutic doses as it bloody expensive and more so when living on fed gov't disability. Got refused provincial disability and trying to get that fixed.

I make my own turmeric caps with 10% black pepper, both organic, for my joint pain, and brain health too. Also cayenne pepper and MSM for the joints.

That magnesium oil in your last post isn't oil but magnesium chloride in water and it's much cheaper and easy to make your own. The Mg oil I have says it's 450mg of the salts per ml of water so get the Mg Chloride salts and add 450g to 1000ml/1L distilled or good RO water. Cut that in half to make it more dilute in case you get any skin irritation. Can put the dilute one in a sprayer and use it on yourself or someone else who may not be able to do it themselves. Very expensive to use as a bath soak but cheap epsom salts from the drug store is fine for that. I can order the Mg Chloride from the local drug store for $60 a Kg but it can likely be found a lot cheaper online. Commercially grown veggies and herbs are often depleted of Mg along with other trace elements so grow your own or buy organic for the richest sources.

For any of you older guys out there who have to get in the middle of the night to barely pee start taking Zinc. I take that, Saw Palmetto caps in pumpkin seed oil and eat a Tbsp of raw organic pumpkin seeds pretty much every day. Just the Zinc alone is enough to make a big difference and Saw Palmetto isn't good for some with certain conditions so maybe give that a Google before using it. Look for the Zinc citrate as it's easier to absorb than the gluconate version and usually cheaper.

I just realized I could go on for pages here and I have a batch of cocobudder to attend to so I'll leave it at that.

Again, a great thread Sue and thanks for posting it all.
OldMedUser..... :hug: ...... that was a lot of valuable information, particularly about the Mg spray, which I'm hard-pressed to remember to use. I do, however, soak in Epsom salts with my canna-medicated baths. I've noticed an appreciable improvement in my emotional tone that I attribute in part to this simple method of supporting my ECS.

I'll mention zinc to my BIL, although the infused canna oil caps I supply him with seem to have stopped this symptom in its tracks. I doubt he gets enough zinc in his diet. I doubt I get enough zinc in my diet. Huh! I just noticed my fingernails no longer show any signs of zinc deficiency, so maybe I'm wrong............. I went looking, and the RDA is 8 mg for a woman my age, and my two eggs every morning are giving me much more than that. Whew! :laughtwo: Another win! :woohoo: I know I'm getting enough magnesium, zinc, and potassium.

Probiotics are crazy expensive, so I've taken to drinking organic apple cider vinegar with water numerous times a day. This practice has greatly improved my health as the gut gets back to normal. Add some stevia and make it with hot water, and a tablespoon of ACV is a tasty drink that's become my go-to when I'm thirsty for more than water.

I finally made the switch to organic vegetables. Makes no sense to spend money on filler with little nutritional value. Little by little I offer the ECS more support.
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