Superweed's Outdoor Grow

Ehi Folkssssssss.

The girls look healty, some damages with some leaves, but we known that after starting our grow, so all seems very good.
We start:
Strawberry top:

Nlx5H top:

HG top:


Strawberry body:


Group shot:

And Strawberry:

Hima and on the right NL

NL now is the taller, the all girls are in the new vases.
And we go on, best as we can.
Wow Super! Those are some beautiful ladies ya got! :rasta:

When you grow outside, your grow is dependent on the Sun. Your stuff won't be ready until at least (earliest) mid Sept and the latest, November. Just check on the growing conditions at your latitude and for your strain (outdoor). When You grow indoors, you are determining when your plants will be ready for harvest, outdoors you don't have a say in the matter! Unless you were to manually bring them in every day at a set time and place them in the dark. they will mature all by them selves.
WOW! Super they look good. Nice and healthy. :cheertwo:

Soon you'll be smoking your very own grow. Outstanding!:goodjob:

Nice pictures too!:goodluck:

Thank you buddy :grinjoint:

Wow Super! Those are some beautiful ladies ya got! :rasta:

When you grow outside, your grow is dependent on the Sun. Your stuff won't be ready until at least (earliest) mid Sept and the latest, November. Just check on the growing conditions at your latitude and for your strain (outdoor). When You grow indoors, you are determining when your plants will be ready for harvest, outdoors you don't have a say in the matter! Unless you were to manually bring them in every day at a set time and place them in the dark. they will mature all by them selves.

We'll see my friend, i'll be happy anyway if the girls will arrive to harvest time^^.
Thank you for your advises
Cool that sun is great. Here I harvest around Oct. But then you should have some monsters dude. I know I got a big jump on this year, but you going to have some monsters there. I never did a NL outside will be interesting. You planing on putting them in the ground? They get as big as the root system can grow. But nice thing bout pots is you can move them. I'd say get some big ass pots, 10-15 even 20 gallon pots so they can be all they can. Rite now mine are in 10's but I plan on one more transplant into 20's. I'm going to have to dig holes and put the pots in them so I could move if I had too. Best Luck
Cool that sun is great. Here I harvest around Oct. But then you should have some monsters dude. I know I got a big jump on this year, but you going to have some monsters there. I never did a NL outside will be interesting. You planing on putting them in the ground? They get as big as the root system can grow. But nice thing bout pots is you can move them. I'd say get some big ass pots, 10-15 even 20 gallon pots so they can be all they can. Rite now mine are in 10's but I plan on one more transplant into 20's. I'm going to have to dig holes and put the pots in them so I could move if I had too. Best Luck

Ehy man, yes the sun is great, we don't want to have giants monsters, too much visibility, so for this reason i don't think will put them in the ground, but they will stay in any pot more time possible.:grinjoint:
For the NL i had one some years ago indoor, and she was a giant, something like 2 meters.
Thank you :peace:
Hi guys, here no upgrade but i'm really excited to see this weekend the differences after 2 weeks from last time.
Just starting a bad week (for wheater conditions) and it will be rain until sunday, i think.
I want more too PG, it's about 10 day i don't see them.. :smokin2::smokin2:
This week end i will go for sure, maybe before. :peace:

Don't worry Super! With the rain your having, they should be getting bigger and even more beautiful.:cheertwo:
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