420 Member
Several years later but worth a mention. You can get a good oil infusion result. Raw bud straight into oil and decarbed along the way with a 6 quart Instant Pot and 2 one pint widemouth canning jars. Look on Amazon reviews, I wrote how to do it. SweeterNgreased....um... I make my own CBD, CBG, and THC oils. Just grow, dry, cure, and when ready, get some really good grade coconut oil and zap a batch. No need for a butter maker, and last prime day the 6 quart was going for about $70, even at full price is good deal, and you can make great roasts in it too (how I appease my spouse, making him munchie food after zapping a batch). Oh legal med here is $450 an ounceRSO stands for Rick Simpson Oil (also called just cannabis oil). He did not invent it, but he made it more common and was one of the pioneers in using it for curing cancer and other ailments. If you are looking to make extractions and infusions, I would highly recommend the Magical Butter Machine also. I make infused coconut oil, butter and tinctures and I don't know what I did without it!!! It is a great product and well worth the money. Shoot me a PM if you want some more info.