Super Male Project

Donpaul I have been researching on Ethylene, the hormone we are trying to stimulate in the males so they can flower. I found this

Ethylene in Plant Biology
By Frederick Abeles

Hi all,
yep project is still up and running, just not had much to update until my plants have finished showing sex as i want a few males to run the project with,

thanks for all the info and the info on ethelyne, it gives me a few options to try.
ive got a male auto ill be trying it with as well which just showed sex yesterday so that will be used for this project, so ill start stressing that one in the next day or 2, the other males need removing from flower room so i can grow them elsewhere without the risk of getting pollen everywhere,

so the project still running and ill put some pics up of the males in the next day or 2, one way ive always managed to make females go hermie is to leave them in pots that are way to small for them, so one male will be kept in a small pot to see if that causes hermies just like it does with the fems,
i dont give up on my projects, once i start something ill see it through, if it proves to me its not worth doing then ill post the results, but if it proves its worth doing then again ill let you all know,

ive got lots of projects id like to run but dont have the room to do them all at the same time.
id like to do a side by side grow with hid and led,
my next project will be polyploids and triploids,
id also like to produce a strain that has high cbd and low thc for medical purposes but i have no way of testing the end result, i know hemp produces high cbd and very low to 0 thc so their is the possibility of using hemp to cross with to produce a low thc strain but without getting the results tested id never know how the crosses was turning out so thats something for the future if laws change where i am,

but for now its the super male project, then if i get enough cash to buy an led light that compares to a 400watt hid then ill buy one and set up another grow room and do side by side grows with clones keeping everything the same apart from the light.

so again thats on the back burner until ive got the funds to buy a decent led unless i come across anyone i know who has got one they no longer use, but once this super male project is finished or at least producing results ill then jump on the genetically modified train and hit up some polyploids,

i know people are against gm products but chances are most growers have smoked gm weed,
G13 is produced from polyploids along with some other potent kush strains,
you only need to look at the name to see its a GM strain, G genetically 13= 13th letter of alphabet which is M, so G13 is clearly a GM plant, at least when it first came out it was but chances are now its just a regular strain as i cant see either parent being a polyploid, i know it was crossed with a poly in the first place and thats why it was a potent strain, but chances are the G13 you can buy now is just produced from the male and female from the regular G13, so both parents would be G13 without one of them being a poly,

so got lots of projects i want to run and do tests on,
The polyploid project is super interesting with proven results, but its way complicated for me. If you ever start it, I will be watching closely. Polyploids are within us right now as people say that is the origin of strains like UBC Chemo, OG Kush, Master Kush, Pink Kush even the NY diesel, but polyploids demand extra attention and extra investment…

Donp I got my plant ready to start collecting pollen, some cluster balls have opened, but Im not really sure what to do next…I will post some update tomorrow and see if I can start collecting pollen.
polyploids had a background in most them strains, a parent was a polyploid and was used to cross with a regular plant and that produced a stable but high thc plant, so polyploids are a way of producing some potent strains and strains that produce huge monster sized buds, they can be a lot of work but so can plants in general,

with the males when i collect pollen i have the plant in a seperate room, make sure their is no air moving around so no windows open or fans blowing,
then i check on the male very day and when i see a flower has popped open i get a small plastic tub and hold it under the flower thats opened, then i give the stem a gentle tap and the pollen will then fall into the tub or piece of paper or what ever your catching the pollen in,

the flowers will continue to open over the next few weeks so you have plenty of time to collect the pollen, at first you will only have 1 or 2 male flowers open and you can collect pollen from these, but give it 7 to 10 days and lots of flowers will be open and you will have lots of pollen to collect,

just remember if your not storing the pollen in freezer or fridge then you need to use it as soon as possible, at room temp its only viable for a few days as humidity breaks the pollen down and kills it, ive not stored pollen long term as ive not needed to so i collect it over a week then after that week ill gently brush it on the pistils on the female plant i want seeds from.

i also dont turn a whole plant to seed, i just use some lower branches and pollinate the pistils on these branches and that gives me 40 to 50 seeds for future grows, i pollinated my sensi star about 2 weeks ago with some male gdp pollen and the seed pods have popped open already and the seeds are turning brown so much quicker than any other cross ive made, but this gdp x sensi star is a strain im trying to make stable so ill grow out the seeds and select pheno types and all that crap until im happy with the end results,

so give us a shout when your need some info and ill do my best to answer, but as long as your male flowers open the pollen is ready to fall out, some will fall out when the flower opens but most of it will remain inside the male flower until you tap the plant, if the male flower is inside the plant and you cant get a tub under it then use a piece of shiny paper and catch it that way, you dont get much pollen from just 1 male flower so you may end up losing it all as it sticks to the paper, i just use a tub and tap the flowers into that so the pollen collects in the bottom, then its ready to use and i just use a que tip/cotton bud and dip it in the pollen then brush it onto the pistils i want seeds from.

if you need to store the pollen long term or at least until you female is in flower then you need to collect as much pollen as you can then store it, you dont want to collect a bit each day and store it then get it out of storage to collect more, so if you need to store it then id wait until the male is in full flower and you will then have lots of pollen to collect, if you just want a handfull of seeds say 50 seeds then a few males flowers worth of pollen will be all you need. i got pollen out of 4 male flowers and used this on my sensi star and i recon ive easily got 20 seeds coming from each bud site, it all depends on bud sites and how much pistils that part of the plant has got,
Man I hope everything is well in your world, when ever you have a chance it would be interesting you take a look at whats happening with my experiment the plants that were pollinated using the male hermie pollen.

take care.
Hi mate, long time no see. It was around Fuzzy Duck's grow last time I think!
Here for the ride anyway and hope your grow turns out well! :thumb:
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

Awesome man great idea..._have u heard that using coloidal ionised silver encourages female to turn hermie producing female( male) pollen giving u feminised seeds:goodjob:
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