So learned a lesson last night. I was washing some harvest in the 3 buckets. I was almost done for the day and when I grabbed the last bunch of cuttings I noticed something. The last bucket looked soooo clean. Usually near the end of a session even the last bucket has a little crap in it. So I checked the 2nd bucket and it too was crystal clear. Now this bucket usually has a good amount of crap in it. So then I checked the 1st bucket which would have tons of crap and brownish color to it, well it was clean too! So my first thought was wow the bottom of this one plant stayed super clean all grow long. As I was starting to dip the last handfull for the day the truth dawned on me. I had forgotten totally to put in Doc's baking soda and lemon juice.
I then had to rewash the whole batch in an actual bud wash not just warm, hot and cold water. Anyway I wrote this because it shows the difference in methods. Without docs recipe bud washing just doesn't work. Thanks again doc, you da man! Without your work I'd be smoking dust, dander, skin cells and pollen that I'm severely severely allergic too. I'm sure some is still there but what a difference it makes doing what you can to clean the buds. Damn right down right awesome!