Sugar Water?

Re: Sugar Water ?

I add 1 oz. unsweetened pineapple juice per gal/water every other time I water.

Before humans developed agriculture (estimates of when this was vary by thousands of years according to who's talking) there was no marijuana.
And you made a good analogy re: corn. There was no corn before humans learned agriculture either.
Scientists have found ancient corn in excavations in S. America. They were small, and resembled modern-day wheat.
But by people saving the biggest kernals for the next crop over and over for thousands of years, modern corn developed.

Did marijuana suddenly jump out of nowhere? Your argument defeats itself right from the start. Humans found marijuana, liked it, and figured out what makes it better! They also figured out that a version of marijuana, hemp, was really good for rope and clothes but not so good for the medicine, thus the different types today, from millenia of breeding and planting. You think the big stands of hemp growing are wild? that was some farmers crop a thousand years ago!

Hemp still has thc, although a very very small amount, it still has it and other cannabanoids. I think all the reference books, etc. hold true to that fact, ie hemp is a member of the cannabis family.
Re: Sugar Water ?

You guys are all talking about sugars, molasses and pineapple and others, but I have never seen anyone talk about using honey.

So has anyone used honey here or thought about it and if so, why or why not.
Re: Sugar Water ?

I know it's an ancient thread but damn ppl? Two minutes of effort and you get 1000s of thought bytes like one.

From Wikipedia:
Hemp (from Old English hænep) is a term reserved mainly for low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) strains of the plant Cannabis sativa. Of the approximately 2000 cannabis plants varieties known, about 90% contain only low-grade THC and are most useful for their fiber, seeds and medicinal or psychoactive oils. Hemp is one of the earliest domesticated plants known.

Anyways~ Yes, sugar, good for roots. Roots, well, healthy root, healthy plant. Blackstrap Molasses, NOT sorghum (something about sodium levels, idk), WAY better than sugar (added enzymes). For a strong, healthy root system, add a tablespoon to about a gallon of spring or distilled water and feed plants every 3 to 4 days with it. As the plants get older reduce to about once a week. No flush.
Re: Sugar Water ?

I use a tiny bit of sucanat ... but I will tell you this does nothing for the flavor of the finished product.
i dont even like eating white sugar its processed shit. but i do put a tablespoon of molasses in every gallon of feed and foliar spray it on my girls and they love it.
Re: Sugar Water ?

You guys are all talking about sugars, molasses and pineapple and others, but I have never seen anyone talk about using honey.

So has anyone used honey here or thought about it and if so, why or why not.

ive used honey,vt maple syrup, and mollases.
its all good and benificial. energy.
Re: Sugar Water ?

You guys are all talking about sugars, molasses and pineapple and others, but I have never seen anyone talk about using honey.

So has anyone used honey here or thought about it and if so, why or why not.

ive used honey,vt maple syrup, and mollasses.
its all good and benificial. energy. all natural better than bud candy.
Sucanat Sugar can be used in a Tea. Generally from what I understand the darker(more brown) the sugar the better for use in Tea. I myself am using 1 tablespoon Unsulphured Molasses per gallon of water for my Tea for my sugar/carbohydrate boost. You do have to be careful though as this can invite ants into your grow area.
Re: Sugar Water ?

The only ones that would "work is beer (because it's sweet) and blood (because it contains N). But there are other much better things to add that are cheaper (in the case of beer) and less disgusting (in the case of mentrual blood).

Really? Im kinda on my "happy days" now, i shall go squat above my girls hahahahahahaha (Im just joking a bit) :)
Re: Sugar Water ?

Over the years I've heard lots of simply untrue "tips" on growing weed.
-Like hanging a plant upside down or plunging the roots into boiling water causes "thc to rush to the buds" to make it more potent.
Not true. THC is made at the bud sites, it doesn't "hide" in the roots or stalk.
-Stressing a plant by cutting off water or keeping a plant in total darkness for days before harvest "makes the plant think it's dying and it makes more THC".
Not true. For top quality buds keep the plant in the best of health. Not enough water causes a plant to wilt and that's detrimental to it's health.
-I've heard people recommend the following additives:
birth control pills
baby formula
menstrual blood
metal shavings
The only ones that would "work is beer (because it's sweet) and blood (because it contains N). But there are other much better things to add that are cheaper (in the case of beer) and less disgusting (in the case of mentrual blood).

Other things I've heard of people doing is driving a nail through the meristem to supply minerals. This helps a little but not because of added nutrients. You can accomplish the same thing by breaking the hurd which makes the plant stronger and aids in nutrient distribution.
Some people resommend "beating up " the plant. Again, the only way this might help is through breaking the hurd, but it's negative side-effects outweigh any benefits.

One thing that's NOT a myth, and something I recommend for outdoor grows is adding a little human piss to the nutrient solution. Not much--like 2 or 3 oz. per gal/water. But not if your on chem meds or use narcotics and not the first whiz of the day.

A new one I just heard a few days ago is to remove the outer bark from the lowest 1" of the meristem, just above ground level.
The guy that told me this claims it causes an explosive increase of THC.

THC exists primarily to make pollen stick. Once a plant has been pollinated it takes at least 3 weeks to make seeds, and seed production requires a lot of energy, so the plant won't "suddenly" make more THC if it "thinks" it will be dead in a matter of a few days.
Have you tried the beer thing and how has it worked for you? First time grower here, not doing half bad so far but would like to maximize tricombs in amount and strength and would appreciate all the help!
Welcome to 420, JER:welcome:
This is a 17 year old thread, you might want to start your own thread, asking that same question...
If I knew the answer, I'd help you out- but I don't...
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