It does but want to have more of a think. I have this idea (and never really done DWC save a few hydroline things) but 1.2 EC in DWC is more like 1.6 or more in coco. You’re making foie gras in DWCI just know that excess N in flower gives you more foliage and less flower clusters. Potency and yield are affected negatively. People do very well growing in coir with straight Maxibloom (5-14-15) from start to finish.
Cannabis is not a heavy N crop in my mind. I've played around alot in DWC with different formulas and did very well growing with straight Dyna Gro Bloom (3-12-6) from start to finish without any signs of low N in either veg or flower.
I think in terms of the containers being individual reservoirs. I know DWC plants do exceptionally well with 1.0-1.2 EC max in flower and many need less than that. I try to replicate these values and keep them as constant as possible. That's why I feed slightly lower than targeted EC and pH in the medium.
There's a lot of interactions growing Cannabis. In early flower right after transplant there's no bacteria or no inoculations present in the medium to fixate the minerals, this takes a couple of weeks to happen. When I see EC adding up on the runoff I'm backing off on the input strength to try to reach and keep ~1.2 EC constant in the medium.
I think in terms of: Hydro! hydro! hydro! Lol!
Hope that makes any sense!
Not anything I’ve read or anything, it just feels like that’s what’s going on.
I will re read when less mashup though!