StonedGypsy's First Farming Foray!

Transplanting the babies revealed 1 that was not a pot plant lol, maybe a millet or hops seed or something close.
All is well with the rest, and 1 that was slow to shed the helmet has even stood up a little since.
The biggest baddest baby of them all has the purple stem! Exciting! Maybe post pics tomorrow.

Thanks for checking out my journal, I truly appreciate it.
Update: Day 10 OTF

I decided to FIM and Supercrop all the clones except 1 Purple Skunk that was the smallest. I think all went well as there is signs of new growth. Maybe I should have waited until after transplant to the final pots, only time will tell now I guess. I will give them 1 more week in the cups as I didn't know the original cloner's time schedule and to let them recover from the minor FIM & Supercrop. When is the best time to transplant from cups?, and should it occur before FIM/Supercrop or after? Enquiring minds want to know.

Some pics from today:



Hello?...Is this thing on?

When is the best time to transplant from cups?, and should it occur before FIM/Supercrop or after?

Enquiring minds still want to know.

Hey again. Sometimes it's hard to get an answer right away when you are looking for it in your journal. The FAQ section can sometimes help you out quicker if there aren't very many followers to your journal. Some people are on here every day helping out and others are here every few days or on weekends. Just so you know :)

As for your question, I would personally do any training after the plant goes into it's final pot. This will make the training that much easier as well as the transplanting. I actually did my transplant and top/fim all in the same day so I wasn't stressing or stunting the plant twice. Are you able to see the root structure of the clones? Do they have holes at the bottom and are there any roots poking thru? If there are roots showing then yes you can certainly transplant them. Also if you are starting to notice new growth on the clones than they have likely rooted well enough to be transplanted as well.
Hey friend!

Looks like you have a nice little set up here! I will be following along and checking for updates.

I hope we can benefit from our new experiences together!

Here's to hoping we can produce something like the bud you posted a pic of!

Hey friend!

Looks like you have a nice little set up here! I will be following along and checking for updates.

I hope we can benefit from our new experiences together!

Here's to hoping we can produce something like the bud you posted a pic of!


Yes, that is my plan! I want to try and use some cold water during flower to induce any purple traits. Thats what a wizard friend told me he does to his crop, and I have a bag of royal purple nugs from him that hopefully will last till my crop is done. I am subbed to your grow bro, Peace and Cheers and much respect!
Thanks for the reply and respectfully I had searched the FAQs,
but just wanted to see if I had anyone that even cared about my grow!

No problem, I try to get around to all my journal subscriptions at least every 2nd day. If I happen to not be working or am around the house I usually can reply fairly quickly. I am subbed to decent size list of journals on top of other discussions and contests that go on so sometimes it's hard to make it around to all of them in one sitting.

Good that you searched thru the FAQ section, sometimes it can be hard to find what you're looking for in there, other times you can find exactly what you need by using the advanced search and selecting to search all posts related to the words you entered in the search bar.
The other thing you can do if you need to is make a new post in the FAQ section with the issue or question you have. There is normally someone lurking around that section at anytime throughout the day trying to help people out. If they can't help you, someone will in due time for sure.

There will always be someone that cares about your grow, no worries there. It all takes time to get the flow of people coming thru your journal especially being new to the forum, it was the same way when I first got here. The more you get around and visit other journals or threads and get talking to people, the more they will get to know you and see your signature with your journal link there. :)
Update: Day 11 OTF:

I decided to take the advice of one with more knowledge than I (dick23rk) and transplant, as I looked at the roots and they were almost rootbound in the cups. I guess this happens when you get clones from somebody who cant tell you the date they were first rooted. But they are still in good shape and should recover easily in their new pots for a few weeks. Then I will move them to 8" pots next. I put them in FF Ocean Forest with the root ball being in the middle of the soil height. Then I gave them the new food to help them recover.

I added a 100w T2 fixture above the LED to try and stimulate extra veg growth without the high heat of the 300w MH, as my room stays at 78-80F @ 70-80RH range without even doing anything else. The plants all seem to be thriving well and smell magnificent when you open the tent. I will test the DIY DWC this week some time and update, but first some pics...





O yeh..and a purple nugget just for being a good farmer! It has such a wild chocolatey, hashish hit
with an old panama red note on exhale...truly a wizardly strain from way north of here!

Peace, Cheers and much respect!
Looking good sir!

Keep up the good work. Everything looks healthy which is all you can ask for at this vulnerable stage.

Now find a way to stay busy! I am finding that (likely because it's the first grow) - I am spending way too much time just sitting and observing it... wanting to tinker with this or that. I hope the same is not the case for you. I'd use the analogy that sitting around watching it is kind of like watching grass grow but it literally is. Albeit, delicious grass.

'til the next post,

Thank you for stopping by!. Its nice to have someone that is in the same stage of their grow, so we may share the glorious goodness that is called growing. I never really got into it much before I realized the true value and sense of self accomplishment that comes from making something come alive. I bet Dr.Frankenstein had a similar feeling lol. I do keep busy doing 3D CAD design and 3D printing, and a little rock n roll on the weekends with the band. One of the other band members is also a grower so theres that too. He goes outside somewhere to grow so he is of little help besides curing, germinating etc...But he is a good source for seeds and something different to can't smoke purple weed all the time lol
I do know somebody who knows somebody who has a card, and his caregiver has LBS of purple!
It is 300 miles to go and get it from where I am, but it is worth the trip IMO nothing else like it.
If your ever out this way who knows....

Cheers, much peace and respect!

Couple o pics for the followers (DWC 10 point feeder & Progress).



I ended up FIMing the last Purple Skunk as it was time!, but I didn't do Super Crop to this one.
I want to leave 1 semi-normal to see the overall difference in method and yields. New feeding system
being installed today. Hope it works as good as I hope, I will go full on DWC next grow perhaps.
I like that it delivers an even nutrient spread to the plant, I may add some Perlite to the top to help disperse.
Overall it will make feeding much easier once they get bushier at the bottoms.

Thanks for checking and as always... Cheers!
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