Stizz1e's Scrog

So I've been thinking of pulling the screen fo this grow, I can only veg for another week and a half, and there is no way that the screen will be anywhere near 40% full by then. I'm looking for opinions though. What do you guys think i should do?
awesome screen name man. I'm seriously thinking about pulling the screen, the plants will veg for one more full week, then the screen will most likely get pulled, but if they get some crazy growth spurt i might keep it. For exhaust I picked up a 28 CFM squirrel fan, and put that in at the top of the cabinet. That along with 2 passive intake holes keeps temps between 75-85F. Depending on ambient temps.
Thanks for the info on your grow. I am ready to start my own and you have opened my eyes to things I havent considered.

Keep up the good work.
thanks man, +reps for you dude. Little update, the screen came out yesterday, they all got fed again. The green morphine is doing very well, the other two, not so much. There has been no vertical growth on the poison berry, and the paris kush isn't looking too hot either. Hopefully they will perk up, or this will end up a green morphine only grow...which would suck.
well, here we go with the day 1 of 12/12 update.
the Poisonberry is finally showing me new growth. cant really see it in the pic but its there.

the Paris Kush is still tall and skinny:

and she's starting to show me some brown spots on the upper leaves:

the green morphine is kickin ass!

I think i splashed some nue on its leaves though, hopefully some one can tell me:

well thats my update, hopefully the poisonberry and the paris kush fill in some, but at least they look healthyish.
Looks like that GM is going to rock! Stick with Paris, I'm a noob, but I had a "stick" w/some small leaves (over fert/over water!), after she went to 12/12 and I had the watering prob solved she EXPLODED! She is now bushy and happy.
Good luck

if practice makes perfection.....I'm perfect at practicing!
Honey? Why can't ya keep your cat outa your herbage? I have a cat, we love cat's here. If my cat ate my leaves the first time, I'd make some changes so that wouldn't happen again. I feel for ya, and I'm actually surprised they're not showing too many signs of stress. Good luck! ;-)
thanks for the kind words, we've been about 2 weeks without a cat attack, the Paris' leaves just didnt recover and dropped off dead. we'll see if it does anything, I'm giving it until week three of 12/12 to show me something or its gone.

and Ms fox and Floridabud both of your grows are going amazingly. I can see your cats are better behaved than mine lol.
So I was out tonight getting meds and I saw an awesome sweet tooth clone, so I picked it up to replace the paris. I got it home and realized that it has a spider mite infestation. Is it worth trying to get rid of the mites or should I try to take the clone back?
top view:

side shot:

aww im sorry dude. no one likes unhealthy clones...
thanks man, ur right no one likes sick plants, but i just got off the phone with the dude at the co-op(Westwood Organics) nice little spot too by the way. They are going to take it back no problem. So at least that works out.
nice, maybe you can grab a healthy one from them to add to your nice garden. Good luck.
The mite ridden clone went back to the co-op today, I looked for another clone, but just as i thought they all had mites. And much to my dismay, when I returned the clone, the bud tender just put it back on the shelf with all the other ones, so if your shopping for clones, I'd stay away from westwood organics for a little while.
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