Stix Test Grow

Re: StiX' Test Grow

I would just put like 2 more in there. The more light the better. You can have plants get bigger and yeild more and you get alot of penitration.
Re: StiX' Test Grow

I'm gonna stay with 3 lights for now, for me to add 2 more lights its gonna be a little bit of a hassle. I would have to install another fan to vent them as well. Thanks for the advice though. I may install them after the first grow, we'll see. I just installed an air filtration system in the room. It kept getting dusty in there. We'll see how well it works.

Here are some shots of the plants!!!!

DAY 15





Re: StiX' Test Grow

those plants are looking nice and healthy...keep up the good work...

looks like lowering the nutes and stabalizing that pH really helped...
Re: StiX' Test Grow

thanks guys. Should I top the plants this weekend? will that help make them more bushy for flower? Or should I just go ahead and flower. How high should they be before I flower? I really dont want them getting taller then 3 feet. I'm thinking 10 - 12 inches. Kinda tough to figure out being I have no idea what strain these are.
Re: StiX' Test Grow

yeah i'd flower at 10 inches...being that you don't know what it is...

that's what Teg did...and his turned out to be 5 ft.
Re: StiX' Test Grow

lol...yeah real soon. those plants look great..and their roots are incredible!!!
Re: StiX' Test Grow

Yeah it's going to be a bit crowded in there with 18 plants. I don't think you could fullly veg more than 8 or 9 in there. CannabisDragon Is right though, now that you already have one I doubt it would be too hard to look at it and figure out what you would need to duplicate it.
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