My buddy likes to do minimal work in our lil converted double garage. I hate doing most of the work and supplying everything, but the cost of electricity kind of makes up for it.
He wont read up on proper feeding schedules, light distances, proper nutes, etc.
I use products by Elite Garden out of Cali. I only use their A&B and resin D along with monster bloom PK booster.
He uses an all in one bloom thats weak sauce, which is why his plants have problems. I can only suggest so much before I just do it myself and use my nutes.
His other problem is he doesnt know how to water. He puts a seedling in a 10 gal fabric pot and waters until it drains. Way too much water.
I think ill take over the spot and just go 50/50 with lights, soil, nutes.
He cant understand how my plants are doing so much better than his.
Hopefully he learns...