Sticky's bud pics

these lemon sno cone sure look good under these cfls!
That is a good sounding strain,, that Lemon... Looks like a full house... GL and Keepem Green

hey woody that lemon does sound good were gunna see how good and yes it is a full house I will likely have to remove a couple of the smaller ones but I'm going to try and keep them all in there watering is quite the task i have to pull most of them out so i can get around them that big fucker in the 15 is heavy lol! good luck to ya!
thanks for stopping by cs i appreciate your opinion i have been giving the leaders a pinch to try and slow them down a bit to let the others catch up trying to make a bush out of her will see I'm pretty happy with how its going!:cheesygrinsmiley:
Damn it sure is a party at your place!! I never asked ya before.. at least i dont remember, do you grow organically in soil? Whatever you do it works awesome bud! Your plants always look great.

thanks toast i try,l do grow organic living soil you don't get the yield when you go all organic but i like it clean and i like the flavor I'm the only one using it so a large yield isn't that important to me as is the quality its all about quality for me!
Yea im wondering what kind of yield i will get.. id rather have more potent better tasting and smelling buds. Plus my plants always seem to get issues when they go into flower and im thinking going organic will solve those problems im having using chemicals.

i can have the same problem sometimes its all about finding that balance and I'm still trying to find that each grow gets a little closer this time around i started with my soil a little to hot i am trying to get it to where all i have to do is water and a little foliar with some calcium and mag will see how these do when they get into full swing of flowering,maybe you should be talking to norcaliwood he uses ferts and some organics and does a beautiful job of it so it can be done good luck to ya toast!
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