Step's 3rd Journal - Ebb & Flow

totally just realized ive had them on the flood/drain non-recirculating schedule instead of hydroponic schedule. meant to have them on that while in rw cubes and swap once they went into the tables but forgot. o well...theyve been doing well either way. i dont think they needed the stronger dose schedule anyway or would have been too crowded

looks like theyve added 2 more to the pro mix, too, that i dont have. diamond nectar and flora nectar. gonna check out the flora nectar and see if i can through it into the routine for the finish. edit: looks like its mostly a molassus/sugar solution plus a few other things. dont think its better than bud candy and molasses combo. already using molasses as is..

LST lvl: expert :Love: just put these girls on week 4 tonight. hoping the top girls will be done in 4 weeks...not sure how damn big these babies will be in 4 weeks, but the space will definitely be full. when they get a little tier im going to put them in some saucer flood trays with a hydroton bottom and space them out. finished moving the mars 1200 and the carbon filter. the clock is counting down till i order my second light

*Update - 8/17* - everybody is on the correct schedule now. should start to fill out a little faster now. left side has stopped growing tall. they seemed to have peckered out at around 42". the ak's are filling out a little bit faster than the bb/st. they have the fastest advertised finishing time so that makes sense. having a hard time deciding between another ii1200 or an epistar 160. if the pro series are still on sell next week i'll probably just get one of those



babies ~ 31 days

noticed this afternoon while looking up into the canopy some of the leaves on 2 colas of the sweet tooth had brown spots on them. hoping its just a cal/mag def so i doubled the dose of calimagic. waiting on my phone ot charge some more so i can use the scope and get a better look

edit: i think the scope got wet at some point and there is a little bit of residue on the inside where i cant whipe but i got a good enough look to see there were no creepy crawlies. looks like calcium def to me :cheertwo: i was mainly scared of spider mites, although it didnt look it, because a lily in my greenhouse just came down with them last week.

*Update - 8/30* - the ak47 is really budding up thick now. it's going to have some really nice fat buds when it gets done. the blueberry and sweet tooth seem to be taking their time but are coming along beautifully. they are all on week 9 recirculating schedule. ill swap to week 10 wed or thurs i think...i didnt grab any baby pics tonight.. i did lower them the night before last by putting them on a piece of eggcrate in a plant saucer, giving them another 3-4 inches. a few of the lower leaves sagged and died...removed them this morning. moving them down that much at one time may have been a slight shock for them, but the tops are still great.

i think there was a smudge on the camera when i took the photos, too. they look kinda fuzzy in the mid left region.. :straightface:



*AK47 Day 86* - some ak47 bud pics. they are swelling very nicely. hoping theyll go at least another 30 days. i'm very impressed by these 31w g26 cobs. i had used them before but the grow failed by algae before they started budding, so i didnt get to see the full effects. well...i take that back..i used them on the sides on the last grow and those plants actually did extremely well. they grew a little taller reaching for light but they tasted amazing the had tons of crystals, just like this ak47 does. ~186w total plus the two 23w cfls leads to 232w on that side. cant wait to see what kind of g/w i'll get off both sides. they put out very low lumen readings but you can get the bulbs much closer to the plants because of the low temps. im sure the depth penetration isnt that great either, but im psyched to see what theyre gonna put out! they have a newer model out now that is supposed to put out more light per watt and also come in a 45-47w model, but the spectrum is slack af, as are these. really hoping on 1g/w on the right side and at least 1.25 on the left, if not a luscious 1.4 :circle-of-love:. hopefully everything will pull through. if not, ill have tons of leaf litter to make butter this round for sure. cleaned the camera lens too...seems to look a little better.

also had an accident sometime last night/this morning. came in this afternoon to find at least 10gal of nutrient solution had poured into my closet and got everywhere. the hose attached to one of the drains came loose from the bottom the the flood tables so everything just poured out everywhere....hoping it didnt make it into the neighbors adjoining closet...they just moved in this week :X

another note. even though the bb/st werent ready for week 9/10 i did not want to feed them anymore florablend or floragrow because they were getting too tall. i will repeat these weekly schedules until i feel they are on schedule with finishing time, instead of repeating weeks 6/7 as suggested by the manufacturer. the ak47, on the other hand, i do feel is on schedule and will probably be pulled before the others.
*Update - 9/4* - got a bit of a calcium def going on on the left side. havent been lowering the ph enough. just got back from the pet store with some extra and will try to keep it as low as i can. this shit doesnt work very well at all, so i'll order some hydroponic variety tonight offline.

a few night time pics, 2 hours after lights off. got some really tall/full colas; probably close to a foot tall of full bud on a few. gonna have some nice long buds on this grow. 2 of them have small light burn dmg on the tips. did a res change tonight, week 10 again. ph was 6.5 after nutes and got it down to 6.0 after 2/3 of a bottle of psi ph down aquarium crap. plants still got a long way to go though. hope they fatten up nice and plump. i'll probably raise the scrog too if they start to get too heavy. thought about putting the 6 bulb 4ft t5 setup standing tall facing the left side to get some more light in, but i didnt know how the heat would manage. i used to have a bunch of hanging work lights but i threw them away de-hoarding/making room in my small little apt. always end up needing the shit i throw away though..just need more place to put my stuff

*Update - 9/14 am* - did a res change tonight. got ph down to 5.8 and ran out of ph down. ordered half a gallon that should be here tomorrow. ph goes up pretty fast throughout the week as the water is sucked up. theyre still on week 10 schedule. keeping them on week 10 till the buds compact and ready to pluck; then i'll swap em over to week 11 and 12. adding 3-4 ml/gal of cal/mag and a few gloops of molasses with each change. doesnt look like the blueberry plans on finishing any time soon. the sweet tooth really only has one large cola and the rest are pretty short/low. it looks like it may finish a bit sooner than the blueberry. i'll get some pics of each diff cola next update. got a bit of light burn on 2-3 of the bb colas, but nothing too bad or not expected.
*Update - 9/15* - got a few pics of the different colas. blueberry is still all white and growing. pics dont do it justice. top buds are bigger than soda cans. st is a bit further along. also has much more cal def :(

*Update - 9/19* - raised the top scrog some more. maybe half a foot. everything is still on week 10. did a nute swap tonight. removed a few of the burned leaves two nights ago from the sweet tooth. didnt want to remove all of them and steal the energy away from the top buds, but the really bad ones just needed to go. adjusted the ph every other day the past week and kept it under 6.2. set at 5.8 but after 2 days it was usually ~6.2

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