Stem benders


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever used these things?

Im finding them very useful. And it doesn't even take much of a bend to get a huge benefit from them.

I have a plant strain named Guzzurple.

It started going bizzerk with growth. In the stretch phase.

I mean tons of small thin growth that was seemingly buried by the larger nodes. All coming up in the center and around the edges.

So I defoliated a little bit but bent all the large stems outward and it allowed light to get to the massive growth that seemed like it would go nowhere or produce small buds if left alone so I put those stem benders on all the tall nodes and within two days all that thin small growth grew double in length and will probably now reach the top of the canopy soon.

Also it's drinking a gallon and a half of water every two days.

I don't think this is even useful for some types of plants. But this one is 75% sativa and 25% indica.



Trellis netting


You can get way more out of less plants using that method?

Is that the goal?
And do you have to eventually feed more than the schedule states for the size container they are in because of the increased yield potential?

Do you have issues while it grows where bud sites start getting caught in the trellis netting as it stretches?

Is there a thread that deals with when to start this process and how to maintain it?

Thanks for the post. That seems a much better way.
Just another gimmick for the weed revolution stem benders. All us old growers would of been wealthy if we'd of had the internet 30yrs ago like today. Bending, twisting all that is just a way to train for " hopefully" larger yields. Plenty of items laying around the house has multi uses if you just think about it. But yet folks keep buying from China and the plastic waste we now create.
You can get way more out of less plants using that method?

Is that the goal?
And do you have to eventually feed more than the schedule states for the size container they are in because of the increased yield potential?

Do you have issues while it grows where bud sites start getting caught in the trellis netting as it stretches?

Is there a thread that deals with when to start this process and how to maintain it?

Thanks for the post. That seems a much better way.

Just another gimmick for the weed revolution stem benders. All us old growers would of been wealthy if we'd of had the internet 30yrs ago like today. Bending, twisting all that is just a way to train for " hopefully" larger yields. Plenty of items laying around the house has multi uses if you just think about it. But yet folks keep buying from China and the plastic waste we now create.
Well ive had my trellis netting for years and its MORE than paid for itself in yields and when it is time to retire it ,it gets chopped up and recycled just like all of our table scraps our carbon 👣 @ my house is small compared to some and as far as China goes i buy ALL AMERICAN to keep my American brothers and sisters working so they can feed their families where i can,some shit you just can't get here in the states so your statement doesn't pertain to some of us!
Well ive had my trellis netting for years and its MORE than paid for itself in yields and when it is time to retire it ,it gets chopped up and recycled just like all of our table scraps our carbon 👣 @ my house is small compared to some and as far as China goes i buy ALL AMERICAN to keep my American brothers and sisters working so they can feed their families where i can,some shit you just can't get here in the states so your statement doesn't pertain to some of us!
I'm not talking about a trellis the post was for those plastic clips. What you can't find a trellis made in America? It pertains to those who don't use their own brain an braun to do it themselves.
You can get way more out of less plants using that method?

Is that the goal?
And do you have to eventually feed more than the schedule states for the size container they are in because of the increased yield potential?

Do you have issues while it grows where bud sites start getting caught in the trellis netting as it stretches?

Is there a thread that deals with when to start this process and how to maintain it?

Thanks for the post. That seems a much better way.
Where the plant naturally's Y's the plant will push up the trellis netting . never caused a issue .
i will not be stacking the netting any more one layer put on the pant in first part flowering will work.
Stem bending ... mainly trellis netting , that's the plan .......................
On main line training i bought some S hooks to pull the branches down .

But I screwed up on the flips on my tents and grew way to tall.. so I use these S hooks to pull the cola's over .
These work and they are cheap
Where the plant naturally's Y's the plant will push up the trellis netting . never caused a issue .
i will not be stacking the netting any more one layer put on the pant in first part flowering will work.
Would you use a trellis on a plant that grows like 5 feet or over?

I have a white truffle plus JR-14 from Humboldt and it's already 5'8" tall inside. I can't believe it won't stop stretching. I pull the lights up and it just keeps reaching the light every few days. It has buds on it now. I am wondering how early I would have to start and would it not get too wide for say a three by three trellis?
Would you use a trellis on a plant that grows like 5 feet or over?

I have a white truffle plus JR-14 from Humboldt and it's already 5'8" tall inside. I can't believe it won't stop stretching. I pull the lights up and it just keeps reaching the light every few days. It has buds on it now. I am wondering how early I would have to start and would it not get too wide for say a three by three trellis?
Really it depends on how healthy the plant is .
I have had nice cola's bend over because I wasn't using silica
pic would be nice of your plant.
In door or out ?
It's indoor. Which is what blows me away how tall it is.

This is two days ago. I won't go in my basement today because I had to remove a straight hermaphrodite plant from the room today. Caught it in time but I pulled all the watermelons off of it I'll check it every three days for more. is the plant two days ago...

I rope that one stalk and pull it under the other light because it's at its limit on height. I'm probably going to have to move it up into my closet where I have an 8 foot ceiling. This ceiling is only 7 foot 2 inches

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