Steelcurtain22: Soil, GSC - 2022

I woulda flipped sooner but with the move I waited until they were settled into the new place before flipping. Oh and that’s 79 days since breaking soil so wasn’t all just veg, includes seedling stage too. Their on their way to flowering now and very happy about it!
Ah that's right . Remember now. Boy they going to be some kinda huge when they do flip
Day 80: Day 6 of 12/12 So staying at the new house all weekend…well most likely always now, final move of all big items is next Saturday! Couple of pics of Laverne and Shirley, really happy looking, getting great temperatures of 22.5/24 degrees and 35/45RH. Shirley still hasn’t been fed but will be very soon!


Steel, all looking great…I’m in early flower organic soil and am addressing some deficiencies. Quality will be great, yield may suffer. Cheers
Thx @cr8grow, sry to here of the deficiencies, I’ve been very fortunate that I’ve avoided any thus far, (knocking on wood) I’ll take quality over yield any day though. Cheers!
Day 81: Day 7 of 12/12 Couldn’t sleep last night which worked out just fine as Shirley was due for a watering. Let’s see what the next week brings as they’re getting tall. What a crazy week it’s been with moving little by little each day but surprised at how quickly a lot of things are in the new place! Nice to be living here now and only going back to the old house to get more small things. Final move day is next Saturday and won’t be much left, can’t wait!


Day 82: Day 8 of 12/12 Firstly, Happy Mothers Day to All the moms here and everywhere! Had a nice weekend with my wife and mom, nice dinner yesterday and brunch today. Went golfing with my brother, and had bit of good, bad and some ugly, about covers it all. Laverne is very close to a watering, drinking up a lot quicker. Few pics at lights on, will check on Laverne after the Leaf game and get her fed. Hoping it’s the last feeding before switching order of nutrients to bloom. GO LEAFS GO!






Day 83: Day 9 of 12/12 So upon looking at the girls tonight at lights on I noticed what looks like some white pistils which is a great thing to see! So Laverne still was not ready for her watering last night but definitely is now, just wondering if I should switch to bloom order for the nutrients. As I have said, I am testing the directions on the bottles which differ from what most say to do which is the order of M/G/B throughout grow. For the flower stage I will be doing the order it says on the bloom bottle which is B/G/M. I’m currently doing the grow bottle directions of the order G/M/B and have throughout the Veg stage and only did M/G/B order during the seedling stage. As you can see they’ve done just fine so far with this curiosity I have with going against the grain. I say that because not only have members here stated you have to do M/G/B order throughout grow, the nutrients grower support I called said I should do that and even the nutrients website says it, but not the bottles, so we will see when all said and done. Anywho, here’s a few pics.






Day 83: Day 9 of 12/12 So upon looking at the girls tonight at lights on I noticed what looks like some white pistils which is a great thing to see! So Laverne still was not ready for her watering last night but definitely is now, just wondering if I should switch to bloom order for the nutrients. As I have said, I am testing the directions on the bottles which differ from what most say to do which is the order of M/G/B throughout grow. For the flower stage I will be doing the order it says on the bloom bottle which is B/G/M. I’m currently doing the grow bottle directions of the order G/M/B and have throughout the Veg stage and only did M/G/B order during the seedling stage. As you can see they’ve done just fine so far with this curiosity I have with going against the grain. I say that because not only have members here stated you have to do M/G/B order throughout grow, the nutrients grower support I called said I should do that and even the nutrients website says it, but not the bottles, so we will see when all said and done. Anywho, here’s a few pics.






Dude those girls are looking amazing. Great color and they are hitting flower on point
Dude those girls are looking amazing. Great color and they are hitting flower on point
Thx a lot @Tkmk, they are nice to look at, could just sit in my tent all night, lol. Just fed Laverne her first flower nutrient recommendation and weeks 2,3,and 4 will get the additional Big Bud from same Nutrient brand. First time adding any thing else other than the 3part nutrient line and cal mag, interested to see difference from my 2nd and 3rd grows, which were very nice already!
Day 84: Day… So looks like Laverne is doing good with her first flower nutrient watering and leaves me confident Shirley will get her first soon. They both look great, and feel like I could say they are in the start of flower day 1, maybe 2, any thoughts? Here’s some nice pics of the ladies!







Day 85: Early flower Took a few pics at lights on then at ten o’clock and really makes a difference depending on time of day or how many hours lights have been on, always amazed! Also seems you can tell Laverne has had first watering with bloom nutrient schedule. Shirley is a almost ready and both are looking good either way. Temperatures in the new place (basement) are good, night 19/20 degrees and day 22/24. The RH is averaging 44/45, even turned off humidifier as it was up to 49. So the basement works better than my old spare room upstairs. Have a good a good night all.




Ladies are looking fantastic Steel, glad to finally see some pistils! Yea, I love growing in my basement the temperatures stay very stable. Hope they don't stretch too much for you ;)
Ladies are looking fantastic Steel, glad to finally see some pistils! Yea, I love growing in my basement the temperatures stay very stable. Hope they don't stretch too much for you ;)
Thx @LKABudMan, yeah finding out the basement is the place to be! Feel like at lights on they’ll be through my support net. Looking to raise my light tonight, only have about another 6” to raise light but should be okay from there. It’s been 12 days since flipping to 12/12 so can’t imagine to much more stretching…okay hoping they don’t stretch much more, lol. :)
Day 86: Going with Day 4 of Flower So Shirley will get her first watering with bloom nutrient schedule tomorrow, then the Big Bud will be added for weeks 2, 3, and 4. I could have also used the Overdrive and one other additive but just going with Big Bud this time around, should help with final product either way and last two grows did well with nothing else added to same nutrient line. Was thinking today that little surprised nobody asked why I had wrench’s taped to my net, lol. Simple answer really, just what was available at the time to balance out the net. Few pics of my favourite girls! Oh almost forgot, created more room with my light by simply eliminating two of the four wire hangers and only using two. Doing this gives me an additional 7 almost 8 inches. Laverne is 16” from top point of plant to light and Shirley is 19”. I also have more room to work with so it worked out great!










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