Steelcurtain22: Soil, GSC - 2022

Day 53: Veg, day 48 Not to much to report today, off to see the new house, can’t wait to see my new grow room space but don’t let the wifey hear that! :) Just a couple of pics as Laverne looks amazing…to me anyways, haha! Shirley looks a little frumpy but could be little stressed, she seems more sensitive, Laverne would be a Tom boy! Haha, Good day all!




So saw the new place, (whispering) more importantly the basement but shhhhhh! Loving it, I’ll have so much room and fresh air access it’s gonna be nice. Will also have a good dehumidifier as being in the basement will be different than in my current houses spare room upstairs. Girls are looking great, looked at Laverne’s tape bandage area, started to take it off but looked as though it wasn’t ready yet, so still there.




So Shirley got fed and took the tape off Laverne. Couple of pics to show her scaring but think it looks good, figure I’d let the area breathe.


Good morning @steelcurtain22 hope everything is going well.
Garden looks great. :thumb:
I find branches with a bulbous attachment like that are susceptible to snapping off under weight.
Sometimes I'll tape or zip tie a branch I think might break.
And leave it until after harvest.
I don't think it would hurt to leave some tape on the previous repair, just incase.
I know it looks like fek but I don't loose branches anymore.
Just a thought.
Keep up the good work.

Stay safe
Good morning @steelcurtain22 hope everything is going well.
Garden looks great. :thumb:
I find branches with a bulbous attachment like that are susceptible to snapping off under weight.
Sometimes I'll tape or zip tie a branch I think might break.
And leave it until after harvest.
I don't think it would hurt to leave some tape on the previous repair, just incase.
I know it looks like fek but I don't loose branches anymore.
Just a thought.
Keep up the good work.

Stay safe
Oh okay thanks a lot Bill, noted! Now I do have a zip tie but afraid it’ll cut into the stem. Going to get duck tape or is the scotch tape okay? I feel the scotch tape isn’t very strong but could be wrong?
Oh okay thanks a lot Bill, noted! Now I do have a zip tie but afraid it’ll cut into the stem. Going to get duck tape or is the scotch tape okay? I feel the scotch tape isn’t very strong but could be wrong?
I've used both in a pinch.
Duct tape is stronger and requires less.
I found zip ties will eventually get grown over and cause issues.
But it takes a bit so a temporary zip tie in an emergency is great.
It's those branches with the big bulb I find are most susceptible.
I'd just hate to see a great big cola snap off in the night.
It's heartbreaking to open the door and find it on the ground.
I found potassium silicate really helped my girls hold up big buds aswell.
Hope she is a crystal bomb for you. :thumb:

Stay safe
Looking good, jumping on this ride to follow along.

I snapped a branch in training last grow and used scotch tape and left it on....seemed to work, but I also supported the branch with a bamboo stake
Going to get duck tape or is the scotch tape okay?

Laverne and Shirley? Now there’s a blast from the past.
I like electrical insulation tape for repairs. It is flexible, slightly elastic and really only sticks to itself.
Laverne and Shirley? Now there’s a blast from the past.
I like electrical insulation tape for repairs. It is flexible, slightly elastic and really only sticks to itself.
Hey DonkeyDick, thanks for stopping by! Yeah it was my favourite show to watch for a long time, seemed like a fitting girl duo, haha!
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