Stealth Cabinet Grow - Sweet Tooth Auto Fem & Sleestack x Skunk #1

hey fellas...what about misting plants when you bring them out to water? that is what i do.misting is part of my regimine but i have insane good venting.! thanks for the useful info!:thanks:
hey fellas...what about misting plants when you bring them out to water? that is what i do.misting is part of my regimine but i have insane good venting.! thanks for the useful info!:thanks:

I've stopped getting foliage wet completely after blight killed ALL my outdoor plants last summer and since I caught a mold overgrowth on one plant while growing inside.
Thanks guys for the info ill keep that in mind i didn't spray the leaves today, So about the setup I have Gotten together today the 4 powerstrips and the extra 23w bulbs 5 warm light 4 soft light, and i have the sockets on their way it should look much better soon! For now i have 4 23w bulbs on the plants now instead of 2 23w and 2 18w. :)
Update timeeee, so the only thing I am waiting on now are the lampholders and then Ill be able to redo the setup right now i have 4 23w daylight spectrum on the plants now, and the plants are now on Day 4, 15, and 23. Yesterday i decided to top the plant while it was on day 14 in hopes that it would grow faster we will see how that goes, I also topped the eldest plant once and did some lst on it, also i wanted to let you know what soil and nutrients I have used for these plants Just realized I never gt around to it.xD For the oldest plant while it was in the small cup all I had was miracle grow but when i transplanted it I used fox farm ocean forest, and for the other two plants they are also in fox farm ocean forest and the only nutrients i have given to the older plant was VooDoo Juice (new improved lol) 2ml/1.5l of water once on day 18 and once on day 22. Other then that no other nutrients. Stay tuned guys! :thanks:
what week was the biggest one? sorry couldn't find back post. anyways when I skipped a day inbetween waterings my beauties just shot up twice the size in four days! 3 are behind im thinking of getting this for them, also one clone is wayyyy behind the others time for some researching for me! hope everyone is smoking good this morning yo!
what week was the biggest one? sorry couldn't find back post. anyways when I skipped a day inbetween waterings my beauties just shot up twice the size in four days! 3 are behind im thinking of getting this for them, also one clone is wayyyy behind the others time for some researching for me! hope everyone is smoking good this morning yo!

Amen brother, smoking on sour D out of my glass blunt tis morning ^^. The eldest plant is 3 days after week 3 and loving the voodoo juice may I tell ya xD.
Amen brother, smoking on sour D out of my glass blunt tis morning ^^. The eldest plant is 3 days after week 3 and loving the voodoo juice may I tell ya xD.

very nice soo! I as well am puffin on the sour deeeez!
this is a cola of the medicine we trimmed...

and here is a small bud dried that just went into me lungs...RoorRip

then ya gotta bag it up...
for weekly dosage..

enjoy your day bro!!!
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(my girl likes to keep my tolerance
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Hell yeah smoking on some of my BHO trim run this morning, I may have to consider the voodoo juice. I have never never used it before. looking forward to seeing how it works.
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