Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

Highya VS,

Love your explanation of your overall watchcare plan! I realized what's missing from my grows. I grow outdoors in garden soil. Only compost (from onsite), and organic amendments go into the soil. However, there is too much organic material in the soil. So, much of the nitrogen in the soil goes to breaking down the organic matter. I've seen times when they needed a boost, and used compost tea. But it needed the nitrogen. Thanks for explaning that for me. Happy Smokin'
Even folks! Not a full on update but I have snapped quite a few shots from my time down in the garden the past couple days. Yesterday and today were spent readying three girls for flip along with spraying the rest of the veg and early flower lineup. I am feeling very good about where are relative to the lingering pest problem. I figure another spray or two and we should be clear......I HOPE!!!! I have one plant left in flower (Triple OG) with minor aphid signs....any leaves I see with signs gets plucked this close to harvest time.

We had an issue with a plant getting out of control in Flower Tent 1. I hadn't looked at her for 3 days and when I checked on her, she was through my light.

I moved her out of that flower tent and under the @NextLight Mega since it had an additional 4 or 5 inches of head room.

There was some minor heat damage to the leaves that hit the light but she should recover fine.....assuming she stops stretching. She should be just about done...but she could throw on another couple inches before she is done. If that happens, I will super crop her.

Now on to the new girls that we were prepping to flip. I have a cut of the Green Crack I have been running for a bit now, thats in a 7 gallon pot and turning into a monster. She is officially on flip day 1 as of today. I removed a bunch of leaves off her, gave her a good shower just incase there were any pests hiding and added a few pipe cleaners to open her up a bit. I gotta say, she is looking like the new sweetheart of the tent.

And here she is with the remaining flowering line up for scale. She's gonna be a big girl. I would have liked to give her another week before flip but I don't have the room to do that.

We also have another cut of the Blue Dream that I ran outdoors this year but never finished due to the weather. This one is also in a 7 gallon pot and got sprayed, trimmed, and opened up yesterday. She's another big girl!

Triple OG cola

Super Lemon Haze

Garlic Sherbert

All three of those are on Day 63 since flip. I figure that the Super Lemon Haze will get chopped in 2-3 days, then the Garlic Sherbert a day or two later and Triple OG will come down on day 70.

Here is the new Flower Tent 2 after the moving and grooming.

I chopped the Gorilla Glue we had in flower on Sunday. She went a total of 60 days, though I feel she might have been able to go a few more. But alas room sometimes dictates on flowering times. Next cut of her, I am going to let run to 65 and compare. This run of her was every bit as frosty and sticky as anything I have run. She is a gem of a cut! Thanks @Grandpa Tokin !

I also snapped a couple shots of BCP and the Jelly Wifi while I moving the tall girl out of Flower Tent 1. The BCP is just absolutely reeking and so damn greasy!! She's coming up on day 50 since flip, as is the Jelly Wifi. The BCP usually goes around 65 days. This will be first run of the Jelly Wifi so I have no clue how long she needs to go. I'll rely on my trustee method of waiting for her to stop drinking. Both are looking amazing.

Wow bro super super impressive very nice assortment..I keep going back for another look haha top job
Great info there VS:bravo: I'd been put off going the fully organic route due to using small pots. I could probably use a 2 or 3 gallon with a single plant in my little flower tent. Plan to try a hempy grow next but that will give me time to figure out and make a good quality soil to try at the end of the year. Got to be worth a try.

Thanks Vet! Organics is definitely doable. Its a space hog compared to bottled growers. I need space to mix up the soil, space to store the soil, shelves to store all the amendments, and a place to put used soil after harvest. It doesn't work for everyone. Fortunately I live on a couple acres and have plenty of room for doing my soil stuff.
Good morning Stanks. Hope all is well. Thx so much for the response. You always detail out exactly what someone asking is, of which I really appreciate. As to cooking, I plan on cooking for 60 days, just to make sure everything is broke down. And I totally agree as to lights. When i orginally started indoors, i went the cheap route, blurple. It did ok for what it is worth. When i upgraded to "real leds" I noticed a huge difference in denseness and penetration. I now have two goliath v2's 40 x 40 inch, covering my 5 x 10 tent. I am so ready to put nutes behind me and getting the best tasting medicine available. Now I am rambling. Lol. Hope u guys have an awesome day
No rambling sharing info. I do try to explain what I do relative to growing and then I also try to include the whys. Helps others understand the reasoning. There is a story I heard a while ago.....regarding why we keep doing things we do without ever asking why.

There was a little girl helping her mom make Thanksgiving dinner and she watched her mom prep the ham. The mom cut the ends of the ham off before putting it in the pan and throwing it in the oven and the little girl asks the mom why she cut off the ends. The mom responds "well i suppose its because thats the way my mom did it, but I don't really know, go ask Grandma".

So the little girl goes into the living room and asks the great grandmother "Grammy, why did you cut the ends of the ham off before cooking it". The grandmother thinks about and responds "you know, I don't really know, my mom always did it, go ask great Grammy. So on the girl goes. She goes up to the bedroom where her elderly great grandmother was resting and sparked up the conversation. "Grammy why did you cut the ends off the ham before cooking it?"

The great grandmother chuckled at the question and responded "Dear, I had to remove the ends of the ham because the hams we got were too big for our small oven. I would trim off the ends and save them for another meal."

Moral of the story is that sometimes we go around doing stuff and we don't even know why. Asking and understand why is very important.
Highya VS,

Love your explanation of your overall watchcare plan! I realized what's missing from my grows. I grow outdoors in garden soil. Only compost (from onsite), and organic amendments go into the soil. However, there is too much organic material in the soil. So, much of the nitrogen in the soil goes to breaking down the organic matter. I've seen times when they needed a boost, and used compost tea. But it needed the nitrogen. Thanks for explaning that for me. Happy Smokin'
There is a particular balance needed in organic matter....between carbon and nitrogen. Most organic matter is usually short on the nitrogen aspect of things. It can get tricky when there is too much organic matter in the mix and thats where the added nitrogen will definitely help. Not to mention with most top dressings, a certain portion on those amendments will end up being water soluble and easily utilized by the plants. I think the range we want to shoot for in our organic matter is between a 30:1 and 35:1 ratio by weight, of carbon to nitrogen. Get that compost dialed in and your organic grows go much better. Sometimes adding blood meal into your compost pile will add greatly in bringing those ranges into the sweet zone.
There is a tipping point and I find less is more most of the time.

me too less is more. I ignore the garden pretty well most of the time. Seems to work for me if I can resist mucking it up.
I find the soil easy enough for my simple mind.
Right now I am getting mid flower claw leafs, meh, such is as it is.
I thought I was the only one who's yield suffers in winter, good to hear I am not alone, still plenty enough to harvest.
good stuff
Thank you Van for the knowledge and nuances of your growing, very appreciated.:thanks:
and thank you Amy "fecund" is a new word to me. :thumb:
My pleasure Dynamo! As always, if there is a specific question you have, please ask it.
Always learn a ton over here brother, great write ups on organic soil. Really appreciate it.
Never seen anyone bust out flowers in smaller pots like you using organic soil.
How often are you top dressing in flower?
Glad to hear that you find something useful from my ramblings here brother.

Top dressing.....I generally top dress for 2 reasons, so the timing and frequency will depend on why I'm top dressing. First reason I top dress is to keep plants in smaller containers for longer periods. Adding a little when you start to see signs of deficiencies is where you start. An example of that is the MOB clones I'm running right now. I cloned it right before I flipped the MOB. That MOB was harvested 2 weeks ago and I still have the cuts of it in solo cups for almost 2 months.

The other reason I top dress is for the soil's energy. FOR THAT, I usually top dress right at flip with more of a veg based dressing (higher in calcium and Nitrogen) and then again about 30 days later with the flower formula (more P, moderate K, and lower N). Occasionally if I have a plant that is a nutrient hog, I will do a second top dressing in flower, but that is rare. 2-3 top dressings tops over the 70 days of flower.
me too less is more. I ignore the garden pretty well most of the time. Seems to work for me if I can resist mucking it up.
I find the soil easy enough for my simple mind.
Right now I am getting mid flower claw leafs, meh, such is as it is.
I thought I was the only one who's yield suffers in winter, good to hear I am not alone, still plenty enough to harvest.
good stuff
Less is definitely more as it pertains to soil growing, especially if have good soil. Mix it up and get out of the plants way is what I say lol!

Definitely not the only one with lower yields in the winter time....I think thats pretty much across the board for most northern growers who can't control their climate.
Garden update

Hey all.....hope everyone is staying warm as this storm rolls through. We haven't gotten anything here yet, but the snow should be starting real soon! They are calling for a foot or more of snow so we are just playing the waiting game.

Garden is rolling along really nicely for the most part. We did have a minor issue that surfaced with one of the plants. I know that @InTheShed is gonna be disappointed but I had to chop the leggy Jelly Wifi plants. I pulled her out for watering the other day and I had Ms Stank down helping me. She started to find nanners on it.....EVERYWHERE. Low, middle, near the had them all over the place. We stopped counting at 20 :eye-roll:

I was crushed having to take her out. She was smelling insane.....a loud citrus sour fuel that was very distinct despite only being 29 days into flower. Of all the plants I have had to chop down, this was the hardest to do. She was a truly beautiful girl.....till she started growing balls. Ain't nobody got time for a girl with balls!!! :thedoubletake: Oh well, we win some and we lose some....this one we lost.

The bad news is that I think she pollinated the other plants in the tent. The good news is that there were only recently flipped girls in there with the Jelly Wifi. Bad thing is they had started throwing pistils and those pistils are shrinking and showing evidence of pollination. Good news is I caught it relatively early. Bad news is that the pollination seemed to have skidded my vertical growth on the Green Crack to a haul. I made the comment to Ms Stank that "I really expected more vertical growth from that Green Crack, I wonder what happened". 20 minutes later when she found the open pollen sacks on the Jelly WiFI, I knew what caused my Green Crack to stop growing vertical.

Luckily the Blue Dream in the same tent hadn't started throwing any pistils so I don't think we have any pollination on her. Only the Green Crack seems to have been knocked up. Stuff like this is why I am not a big fan of automated growing. If I was growing in a manner that I didn't need to pull the plants out, water them, and do minor training on them....I wouldn't have discovered (well Ms Stank wouldn't have) the Jelly Wifi with nanners and most likely the entire tent would have been compromised in another week or so. Moral of the story.....keep your eyes peeled! Stuff can happen fast. If you see something that doesn't look NORMAL, investigate!!

That opened up an unexpected spot in the tent....which I filled with a big BCP girl and with a smaller Stankberry girl. I sprayed them before I moved them into the flower tent just to be safe. I also moved everything out of the tent (residual pollen), and cleaned the hell out of the flower tents. No telling how much active pollen might have been lurking on the tent walls....water renders pollen useless so just spray the hell out of your tent and wipe it clean. It can stay active for water is your friend. Not to mention, it is a very good idea to CLEAN your tents on a monthly basis. If you keep your tent clean, your grows go much better.

I did grab a few pics of the Jelly Wifi and her new 'bits'

We are getting down to crunch time on the oldest Jelly Wifi. She is on day 62 of flower right now and the plan is likely chop her on day 65. The BCP is also on day 62 and will be getting chopped close to day 70. I generally take her in the 65-68 day range, but we're going to try to get her to 70.

I am keeping an eye on the last Jelly Wifi to make sure it doesn't start throwing nanners. If she does, she will likely get composted as well. Garlic Sherbert is officially coming down 75. I took her on 67 last time I grew it...but she was still drinking so I gave her another week. I'll grab some pics of her at some point today. Cheers!! :ganjamon:
My pleasure Dynamo! As always, if there is a specific question you have, please ask it.
Moral of the story.....keep your eyes peeled! Stuff can happen fast. If you see something that doesn't look NORMAL, investigate!!
best practices- , Thanks for the tip on shining the light from below on the leaves when dealing with aphids,they are prolific as heck- it happens fast- I found some last night-aarrgghh:thedoubletake:
Shame that my fave started on the banana-boat, but great catch and nice that it only hit one plant with the pollen. Interesting cross at least?

Sometimes the prettiest ones are the ones that fool you...just ask my co-worker at the warehouse down on 28th and Park Ave South circa 1976. He got fooled big time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh, and congratulations on January's Grow Journal of the Month Van. It's been a long time coming, and well-deserved for years. :high-five:

best practices- , Thanks for the tip on shining the light from below on the leaves when dealing with aphids,they are prolific as heck- it happens fast- I found some last night-aarrgghh:thedoubletake:
I have recently found if you position the plant outside the tent, you can kinda use the grow light in the background as your flashlight. Glad to hear that someone else has used that tip successfully. I keep saying, find the source leaves and your problem will disappear much faster and become much easier to combat. Check all the surrounding stems and leaves in the immediate area to the source leaves, that will be where you find one or twos lurking which will continue the infestation/presence. Less leaves on a plant is easier to inspect and spray than a big bushy one.

Good luck with your bout with them....I hope its just a sparing session and not a full 15 round slugfest brother!
Shame that my fave started on the banana-boat, but great catch and nice that it only hit one plant with the pollen. Interesting cross at least?

Sometimes the prettiest ones are the ones that fool you...just ask my co-worker at the warehouse down on 28th and Park Ave South circa 1976. He got fooled big time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh, and congratulations on January's Grow Journal of the Month Van. It's been a long time coming, and well-deserved for years. :high-five:
Thank you my friend! I appreciate that. I seem to recall you questioning a few times in the past, perhaps in previous journals, how was it that my journal had never been nominated (prior to members being allowed to nominate) and I have to admit I had wondered that same sentiment a time or two. Honestly I never thought it was a title that would be next to my name, but I am extremely honored that it has happened.

Regarding the ones that will fool ya, I have been around the world a few times brother and I have seen quite a few that fool most of us! Thailand had quite a few. I was never a big drinker when I traveled but loved to people watch and I'd always see the drunk sailor or Marine hooking up with one like that.

Regarding the interesting cross.....possibly but I have always heard to stay away from genetics that nanners or hermies early in flower and probably won't do much exploration on it. But ya never know what might happen at 2am when Ms Stank is asleep on the couch and I'm creeping around high as a kite before bed time. That's usually when the seeds start calling my name and I swear I drop 95% of the seeds I grow out. If I didn't remember doing them so clearly, I would swear I was a sleep seed dropper, but I know better! :snowboating:
You rock!
Gramps!!! Ya old COOT!! I just recently chopped one of your girls! Man she is nice!!:ganjamon: She never sticks around long these parts though.
You're back! :ciao:

That was a very long walk...
Wasn't it though! Bet he lost a few more LBs while he was out!
.Grandpa probably did squats during his long walk
You know he did!
Gotta keep the earth rotating correctly on its axis for us!
Its a dirty job but someones gotta do it, glad we have him to do it for us.
I think it will,
had a couple of leaves completely covered but fairly small area so perseverance is in for the win. I sure wish I could figure out how they get into my grow. :hmmmm:
If its in veg and in a relatively small pot.....take it to the shower, put the pot in a plastic bag and spray the shit outta the plant while holding it upside down. The water pressure of a shower or garden hose will knock off 90% of anything aphid related .
If its in veg and in a relatively small pot.....take it to the shower, put the pot in a plastic bag and spray the shit outta the plant while holding it upside down. The water pressure of a shower or garden hose will knock off 90% of anything aphid related .
Hahaha spray the shit out of it hahaha that’s exactly what’s required too. I love your wording and your absolutely right man. That colouring on your buds is perfection man
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