Staker's 2017: SSSDH, Killer Purps, Dolato, Candyland & Breeder's Test Grows

just vaped some lsc from the plant that had no smell while it was growing when you break open a bud there is a minor lemon smell from it but vaping it is a real treat the flavor which the best way for me to explain it is sweetened lemon zest and it lingers and lingers no kidding 20min later you can still taste it and you want more the high is uppy ill have to talk later about the high haven't had enough yet and theres no real cure on it yet!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Lemon smelling strains are my favorite for daytime. I usually just get some positive energy and lift from them, so I can still do most of my work. :)

What happened to skunkworkz? He can be abrasive, but had some interesting things to say.

oh he's around lurking in the background he will emerge when he has some thing new i think!

Haven't seen him, but agreed. I hope he pops back in, but if not I'm sure he's growing some killer cuts.

I've been vaping on my bud too and never expected it to have such a piney aroma thatyou can hardly keep it in your lungs :laugh:

That's the one that gets me too, the pine. Maybe it's a bronchiodilator effect, but it's like some weed just steals your breath. The ChemD has been that way for me so far... hard to keep down lol, but wow when you do. :)
hey conrad sounds like some good shit man i love when you can't keep in your lungs means its some potent stuff enjoy bud!:smokin2:

I had to wash the ChemD and used H2O2 too, so I didn't get much smell on them - until you break them up. Then you get the usual dank/chem smell, and it's piney and dank, but wow, when smoking it - after I cough and cough - she hits like a train. I barely like Indicas lol, and she's got me wanting to smoke her in the daytime. ;)
oh really chem in the daytime and still get things done lol,sounds good to me i try not to do indicas in the day sometimes you just want that flavor and high rite now its aurora bud for my evening that stuff gets you pretty damm loaded before the couch sets in,sounds like your doing good i wash all my weed lemon juice baking soda i don't see where it effects anything except it might make smoke a little smoother,if i had mites on there i would do h202 also get that shit off of there lol,I'm soaking a gorilla cookie and a sour patch kiss and some ultra dog thanks conrad start another run for the spring and summer!:cheesygrinsmiley:
You find the right stain and you best hold it. I have one that works for headaches,,, least they say.. Me weed always increased a headache. But I know afew that had pretty good knocks to the noggin, and they have their favorites that helped. Hope all's well in your world.

Keepem Green
Good to see you my friend. :Namaste:

You find the right stain and you best hold it. I have one that works for headaches,,, least they say.. Me weed always increased a headache. But I know afew that had pretty good knocks to the noggin, and they have their favorites that helped. Hope all's well in your world.

Keepem Green
Always fun finding something that helps. I don't get too many headaches, but it helps with a lot of other things, both pain and mood. I'm a good candidate for CTE, so I'm hoping that it's neuroprotective properties might help tip the scales in my favor towards not having it express itself. But hey, I also just like to get high. I'm thankful I still can, nothing else works, or I burnt that bridge lol. :Namaste:

Why so quiet in here these days. Let's see that ECSD!

Hey man, they have been the slowest rooting clones. I think I made a couple of mistakes. One, just using indirect sunlight in winter, it's the spectrum of death for plants. Two, using a heat mat. I've never had good luck with these things, they run too hot. Anyway, I think I just saw roots, after putting it under a real light. I'll post something as soon as something changes though. :Namaste: I'm also behind on a lot of stuff so need to take a break to get caught up. I'll be around more at some point I'm sure. Just too many projects and work. Peace brother hope all is well with everyone! :Namaste:
oh really chem in the daytime and still get things done lol,sounds good to me i try not to do indicas in the day sometimes you just want that flavor and high rite now its aurora bud for my evening that stuff gets you pretty damm loaded before the couch sets in,sounds like your doing good i wash all my weed lemon juice baking soda i don't see where it effects anything except it might make smoke a little smoother,if i had mites on there i would do h202 also get that shit off of there lol,I'm soaking a gorilla cookie and a sour patch kiss and some ultra dog thanks conrad start another run for the spring and summer!:cheesygrinsmiley:

I have been washing on and off for years. I've gone back and forth. I currently DON'T wash. Even though I foliar up to 30 days from flip. I feel you lose something with the wash in the smell department. Just a bit. Sort of....holy shit what the ever living fuck is that?!, vs... wow yeah, that smells pretty strong. Flavor too, it changes, sometimes for the better, but for my tastes it's been leaning towards not lately. Now that I have some clones to work with, I'll learn to really dial in some finer points. The ChemD btw is insane. I didn't get her better than 8/10 and she's still better than anything I've had. To where I feel like I had edibles, the pull is so strong.

UPDATE: I've flipped (2) SSH and (1) Slurricane, and (1) Chem-D yesterday. :volcano-smiley:
No stress brother. I know exactly what you mean. It goes like that sometimes.

Bro, if you have issues with mites again, then track down a product with milbemectin as it's active ingredient. The stuff is amazing, and relatively safe to use as well. After one application, all mites are toast, and plants bounced back in just 24 hours. I will spray again on tuesday just to be sure, but this stuff is pretty awesome. Do some reading about it. If you spray the tops of the leaves, it will even kill the mites hiding under the leaves. It is effective for up to 28 days, and in some tests was shown to still have a negative effect on the mites reproduction after 40 days. It is safe to use on fruits up to 7 days before harvest. Obviously, I wouldn't spray 7 days before harvest, but you get what I'm saying. In tests it has also been proven to be effective against resistant mites. It kills aphids and a whole host of others nasties as well. This stuff is a must if you can get your hands on it.
that d sounds good man and you've got a nice assortment coming up there i have no doubt you will dial them in and make them beautiful,when you get them all pretty we want to see them lol,ok have a good one cs!:smokin2:
Thanks Sticks!

No stress brother. I know exactly what you mean. It goes like that sometimes.

Bro, if you have issues with mites again, then track down a product with milbemectin as it's active ingredient. The stuff is amazing, and relatively safe to use as well. After one application, all mites are toast, and plants bounced back in just 24 hours. I will spray again on tuesday just to be sure, but this stuff is pretty awesome. Do some reading about it. If you spray the tops of the leaves, it will even kill the mites hiding under the leaves. It is effective for up to 28 days, and in some tests was shown to still have a negative effect on the mites reproduction after 40 days. It is safe to use on fruits up to 7 days before harvest. Obviously, I wouldn't spray 7 days before harvest, but you get what I'm saying. In tests it has also been proven to be effective against resistant mites. It kills aphids and a whole host of others nasties as well. This stuff is a must if you can get your hands on it.

:high-five: That scabies stuff is pretty amazing for mites, I got the tip from Griz. So I have the Agri-mectin, which is Ivermectin 1%, although the Monteray Spray with Spino took care of the mites with 2 sprays 7 days apart. Amazingly. In the future, I'll use the Mectin on the Veg girls and the OMRI listed Monteray for the Moms and Veg. The harder part was the PM believe it or not. Still working on it. Never seen PM like this. It's been blooming at 30-45% RH wth is up with that. I have 3 humidistats, reading the same, it's a bit crazy. I think it's finally under control, but I'm sure it's everywhere still. Probably everyone growing near me, venting outside....I'm surrounded by brick buildings, large populations. Never seen PM this bad, so that's my conjecture. :)

I have a Slurry going and it is probably the frostiest plant I have ever grown out. I have grown some frosty strains but this is fuzzy! It is also getting colorful and looks like it may be done by week 8 of flower for me.

Sounds like your having fun, that's awesome. :high-five: I'm hoping to see the same, great to hear you're getting what you paid for lol. She's a spectacular looking plant already, huge fans, tight nodes, and thick. Hope the smoke is decent or better, I'm pretty sure it will at least be potent with all that resin. Mine is about 3ft already and I just flipped lol...hope she doesn't get too much taller. Thanks for the timing tip, I was thinking 9.
Sounds like your having fun, that's awesome. :high-five: I'm hoping to see the same, great to hear you're getting what you paid for lol. She's a spectacular looking plant already, huge fans, tight nodes, and thick. Hope the smoke is decent or better, I'm pretty sure it will at least be potent with all that resin. Mine is about 3ft already and I just flipped lol...hope she doesn't get too much taller. Thanks for the timing tip, I was thinking 9.

I have been thinking about going 9. I have seen it mentioned the the purple punch looks done at 8 weeks but does best when taken to at least 10 weeks. So I have had a hard time deciding when to take her. I will probably let her grow until she stops drinking water so quickly. My Slurry stretched a decent amount when I put her into flower. She is probably 5.5' with the pot. I did not top or train her this first round though.

I am sure it will be decent. I saw In house say that someone that grew some out ended up getting 28-29% thc. They showed the results as well. So at the least it should pack some punch :laughtwo: Whether it is the high you are looking for that is hard to guess at. I will say mine smells amazing. It has a very nice fruity scent. Twox described his as blueberry poptarts and so my mind leans that way. I wont know for sure until she is done. Oddly it smelt best around week 3 of flower. I kinda hope it is either getting muted by the girls around her or that she decides to turn the stink back up before chop.

About the PM, that sucks. I have dealt with it and found the best thing is to cull everything and start over after lots of bleach is used to clean things. I would not want to cull if I had the elites you have around though. PM being systemic you will never get rid of it if clones are taken from plants that are infected. I have used green cure in the past to some avail but it wont get rid of it just help knock down the infestation. Your rh being on the low side may be why it is blooming. With it already being in the plants tissue, the stress from the lower humidity could be enough for the out break. 45 is not bad but 30 will stress them. Growing in your area with the temps being low and having such a low dew point it is hard to manage your rh during these months as you already know.

Best of luck with the pm bud. I look forward to any pictures you may post of these ladies when time allows it. :high-five:
I use some 3/8" thick pannel mould to keep tray off of heat mat.

I should have, but there were no roots yet, so I didn't think it would matter. I'm pretty sure I was totally wrong. :)
Great to see you my friend. I'll get caught up with everyone soon! :Namaste:

I have been thinking about going 9. I have seen it mentioned the the purple punch looks done at 8 weeks but does best when taken to at least 10 weeks. So I have had a hard time deciding when to take her. I will probably let her grow until she stops drinking water so quickly. My Slurry stretched a decent amount when I put her into flower. She is probably 5.5' with the pot. I did not top or train her this first round though.

I am sure it will be decent. I saw In house say that someone that grew some out ended up getting 28-29% thc. They showed the results as well. So at the least it should pack some punch :laughtwo: Whether it is the high you are looking for that is hard to guess at. I will say mine smells amazing. It has a very nice fruity scent. Twox described his as blueberry poptarts and so my mind leans that way. I wont know for sure until she is done. Oddly it smelt best around week 3 of flower. I kinda hope it is either getting muted by the girls around her or that she decides to turn the stink back up before chop.

About the PM, that sucks. I have dealt with it and found the best thing is to cull everything and start over after lots of bleach is used to clean things. I would not want to cull if I had the elites you have around though. PM being systemic you will never get rid of it if clones are taken from plants that are infected. I have used green cure in the past to some avail but it wont get rid of it just help knock down the infestation. Your rh being on the low side may be why it is blooming. With it already being in the plants tissue, the stress from the lower humidity could be enough for the out break. 45 is not bad but 30 will stress them. Growing in your area with the temps being low and having such a low dew point it is hard to manage your rh during these months as you already know.

Best of luck with the pm bud. I look forward to any pictures you may post of these ladies when time allows it. :high-five:

Thanks big guy, great info on the IHG gear. I'll get some cell pix up in just a minute. :)

OK, I've been wanting to talk about PM, so here it is. :cheertwo:

I've heard it said that PM is systemic, but that's a bit of a misnomer. It gets into the plant, but it isn't viral, and doesn't travel through pholem or xylem, so it's spread is usually very localized to where it injects itself. It can feed on the plant and multiply, but to do that it pushes back through the surface of the leaf, to eject the newly formed spores. Pulling that leaf, if it's the only infection, would 'cure' the plant. But it's never just that leaf. And it can get into the stalk too. And after infection it lives dormant in the air of the GR, until you disturb the air and it settles on your plant. So, while I agree that it is systemic, and it sucks great big balls - it's not a death sentence or as serious as all that.

With that said, I got tired of fighting this war, and E20'd all the moms. That's a cure, unless reinfected, or left with infected leafs still intact. And I'll grow them out, then take cuts, and grow those tall, then take cuts to keep as new moms. I've read some reports that found that when pyrolized, the effective ingredient MYC turns to hydrogen cyanide HCN on the order of PPBillion, if used as directed, even at the flip of flower. Well, if you ingest even the worlds cleanest cannabis, by lighting it on fire like I do, then you're already getting HCN levels that exceed what e20 residue might add. Inhaling burnt cannabis comes with some health risk. Burnt cannabis always contains HCN. I'm a mostly natural/organic grower when left a choice, but frankly I'm more worried about the bus stop fifty feet from my window, and it's health consequences. Anyway, I'm satisfied with my choice. I'll look to be able to eradicate it entirely (although always temporary lol) and keep it gone, but this is just the biggest, and last gun to fire. Our labs can test for it, so I'll drive a sample out there too, after I have a finished product. I may wait to sample until I've tested but I doubt it... I'll wait till harvest though.

And...with all that lol, one more thing. I do think that there is a version of what we would call - memory, in the plant. Not quite like antibodies, but the plant remembers key events, like flowering or blights. That might lead me to speculate that it might make the given cultivar more susceptible in the future - but only when it's present, and conditions are right. But, maybe not.

Agree....kinda hot. Hydrofarm has a heat mat thermostat or another good fix is to use an upside down foam meat tray....creates a pocket of warm air between heat mat & seedlings/clones. :Namaste:

Yeah, I had them on a thick glass baking tray that I thought would slow down the transfer and disappate the heat, but it really didn't. I used to put a book betwen them, and that worked a lot better. But finally, they are rooted, yay! I saw a tiny root hanging out of the bottom of one cup, and posture and growth looks to say 'roots man'. :) I was also delivered a rooted copy, just in case lol. :rofl: Now maybe I'll just flower those 3 rooted copies, and keep the new larger rooted copy as a mom. ;) Can't wait to try her.
Thanks big guy, great info on the IHG gear. I'll get some cell pix up in just a minute. :)

OK, I've been wanting to talk about PM, so here it is. :cheertwo:

I've heard it said that PM is systemic, but that's a bit of a misnomer. It gets into the plant, but it isn't viral, and doesn't travel through pholem or xylem, so it's spread is usually very localized to where it injects itself. It can feed on the plant and multiply, but to do that it pushes back through the surface of the leaf, to eject the newly formed spores. Pulling that leaf, if it's the only infection, would 'cure' the plant. But it's never just that leaf. And it can get into the stalk too. And after infection it lives dormant in the air of the GR, until you disturb the air and it settles on your plant. So, while I agree that it is systemic, and it sucks great big balls - it's not a death sentence or as serious as all that.

With that said, I got tired of fighting this war, and E20'd all the moms. That's a cure, unless reinfected, or left with infected leafs still intact. And I'll grow them out, then take cuts, and grow those tall, then take cuts to keep as new moms. I've read some reports that found that when pyrolized, the effective ingredient MYC turns to hydrogen cyanide HCN on the order of PPBillion, if used as directed, even at the flip of flower. Well, if you ingest even the worlds cleanest cannabis, by lighting it on fire like I do, then you're already getting HCN levels that exceed what e20 residue might add. Inhaling burnt cannabis comes with some health risk. Burnt cannabis always contains HCN. I'm a mostly natural/organic grower when left a choice, but frankly I'm more worried about the bus stop fifty feet from my window, and it's health consequences. Anyway, I'm satisfied with my choice. I'll look to be able to eradicate it entirely (although always temporary lol) and keep it gone, but this is just the biggest, and last gun to fire. Our labs can test for it, so I'll drive a sample out there too, after I have a finished product. I may wait to sample until I've tested but I doubt it... I'll wait till harvest though.

And...with all that lol, one more thing. I do think that there is a version of what we would call - memory, in the plant. Not quite like antibodies, but the plant remembers key events, like flowering or blights. That might lead me to speculate that it might make the given cultivar more susceptible in the future - but only when it's present, and conditions are right. But, maybe not.

These are interesting thoughts to read. I have talked to a few people that run grow shops and have read a bit of info myself which all stated that it was systemic. I kept seeing people refer to it as herpes for plants. You may not see it, but once the plant is stressed you will have an outbreak. I know that i have had a harder time dealing with it than mites even. I have never used the E20 due to all the bad I have heard about it. I have had people talk about using preventatives to avoid it because "once you get it you will not get rid of it without starting over". I have been told to cycle through green cure, serenade and neem oil to help reduce the chances of contracting it in the first place. The serenade is supposed to be a beneficial fungus. The thought behind using it being that once you have a fungus or mold living on a surface others wont be able to take hold and live on them as well. Now one of the people worked at a grow shop so I am sure they would benefit from me buying these three products from them and continuously using them. I have also seen others suggest the same rotation on the forum before as well so maybe there is some truth to it. I have seen another member (I think it may be bobbrown) mention making a horse nettle tea to spray on his plants that helps prevent it as well.

I hope you are able to eradicate it. You have some true winner that it would be a shame to lose. Your plan with the E20 plan sounds solid. I hope it gives you the results you want :)
These are interesting thoughts to read. I have talked to a few people that run grow shops and have read a bit of info myself which all stated that it was systemic. I kept seeing people refer to it as herpes for plants. You may not see it, but once the plant is stressed you will have an outbreak. I know that i have had a harder time dealing with it than mites even. I have never used the E20 due to all the bad I have heard about it. I have had people talk about using preventatives to avoid it because "once you get it you will not get rid of it without starting over". I have been told to cycle through green cure, serenade and neem oil to help reduce the chances of contracting it in the first place. The serenade is supposed to be a beneficial fungus. The thought behind using it being that once you have a fungus or mold living on a surface others wont be able to take hold and live on them as well. Now one of the people worked at a grow shop so I am sure they would benefit from me buying these three products from them and continuously using them. I have also seen others suggest the same rotation on the forum before as well so maybe there is some truth to it. I have seen another member (I think it may be bobbrown) mention making a horse nettle tea to spray on his plants that helps prevent it as well.

I hope you are able to eradicate it. You have some true winner that it would be a shame to lose. Your plan with the E20 plan sounds solid. I hope it gives you the results you want :)

Thanks for posting back brother, I'm sure there's some nuggets in the convo for others battling this shit. :high-five: I hope so too, but I don't bank on it. I may have to learn to live with it, but I had it a few times and haven't remembered seeing a single spot in the last 2-3 years running 70+Rh often. I may find out that there is no way to clear it in a given cultivar, but that goes against how a fungus works.

I almost said the same thing, like herpes lol. But herpes is a virus. PM is a fungus. Like Nail fungus versus Herpes virus. If it bothers you enough, you cut the toe off and move on. Ain't no moving on from herpes, no matter what you cut off :rofl: A fungus doesn't change the genetics of the plant in any way, it has no mechanism to do so. It can only infect by injecting itself into the leaf, replicate asexually inside the leaf as it sucks it dry, and then bloom out spores from the leaf surface. It doesn't live inside the cells of the plant like a virus, it eats them, and uses that energy to push spores up through the leaf. Subsequent blooms are hard to control because the spores get everywhere and can lie dormant for unknown amount of time. I might be proved wrong with these genetics, but I'll figure out a way to make something work, the genetics are just too good not to. :Namaste: Loving it man.

Ive been around a bit. Wish i had more time. Great read on the P.M.

Thanks brother. I'm not advocating for it's use, but for me at this time, the e20 is a miracle. I've got Green Cure, Seranade, SNS417?, and a couple others, and I'll rotate them through...but that Seranade did nothing, and smelt of shit for like weeks, and the e20 stopped it in it's tracks. For the record lol.
Yeah you are right there is nothing you can cut off to get rid of herpes :laughtwo: You are shedding new light on how to look at this for me. I am glad to hear that it may not be the be all end all that I have heard it referred to as. I did end up killing everything I had other than some clones at one point because of it. I lost 12 strains that I had been working with. I traded a cut of Kandy Kush to a guy for his OG Kush. He told me after I had it that he had PM on the mother plant. Failed to mention that it was there before he took cuts. I lost my GSC, my chocolope, kandy kush and a few others because of this. The Kandy Kush is in my top 5 all time strains I have run (out of 60 or so). I was devastated but did not want to lose what I had in veg. Set me back months. The seranade will not kill it. It only works as a preventative. I hear it works well as such but it is probably best used in outdoor gardens as it does smell awful! You are welcome for the posts back I have enjoyed the back and forth and hope that people can do as you said and glean some useful info from it :high-five:
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