I’d humbly disagree with that.
There's nothing humble about what you've said. The striking characteristic of what you've written is that what you've written is either incorrect or meaningless.
The dark period is absolutely necessary. Plants store excess energy, move it to the root section and rest during the dark period.
Cannabis is a C3 plant and is categorized as such because it does not need "a dark cycle" for its Calvin cycle to run.
Plants do not store excess energy. Photons + CO2 -> C6H12O6 + O2. The cells in the plant get the glucose and the O2 is emitted into the atmosphere.
You might want to brush up on your plant bio.
24 hours of light during veg will not increase anything except electricity consumption rates.
Is that re. 24/0 vs 18/6?
If so, please cite the research.
I ask because, I've read a few books on growing cannabis and have read at least dozens of research papers on how cannabis reacts to grow lights but nothing in the hundreds and hundreds of hours I've spent studying cannabis could possibly support your assertion.
The best auto growers out there run 20/4
"the best auto growers…" -
That's statement may be referred to an "appeal to authority" and is considered meaningless in argumentation.
I've been a member of a cannabis site that's dedicated to auto flowers for > 2 years now and a my observation has been that a variety of photoperiods are used for autos. I haven't done any surveys, granted, but that's the sense that I get from the hundreds of pages of grow journals that I've read there.
I use 24/0 in seedling and most of veg, then 20/4, 18/6, 21.3, etc. in flower. I change the photoperiod in flower as a means of changing DLI.
Why not use the dimmer? Most of the equipment in my tent is controlled digitally but I can't dim my lights because I use Growcraft lights and their 330 watt driver can't be controlled digitally. With that limitation, I'll change the light schedule by an hour or two to get the DLI I want. That approach is much easier than going into the tent, getting out the light meter or PAR meter, and fiddling with the dimmer.
Overall, I'm pleased with my results. While I'm not concerned about being a "best grower", anything less than a 1 pound grow from my 2' x 4' tent is a failure and my yields are consistently 18 to 22 ounces.
If people are interested, check the grows in my sig block. The latest one was a photo, the others were autos. I take light readings (Apogee MQ-500) (almost) daily, using at least a dozen sample points, and publish them in my journal.