Hi Folks
Monday Garden Update...
Almost ready to harvest the Wonder Woman Bonsai...
she should produce nicely, and the 2L have a few weeks to go
Group Shot this morning
Wonder Woman Bonsai is at 58 days, I let the last one go 66 and she was oh soo
a bud shot...they all look the same... thumb size, dense, loaded with trics around 60/40 cloudy/amber, and smelling really good!
If you look closely you can see the amber trics in this shot...Yummmm!
And the 2L's are coming along good...I think the green algae is gone, but has been replace by brown stuff, kinda looks like algae. I flushed them good and let them dry out for days and since then they get water/feed every 2-3 days, only after the bottle feels light...I'm trying not to encourage more algae growth, and they seem to be completely fine with less water. It has been awfully humid in there since last weeks 3-80 degree days, that could have something to do with it. Anyway I'm trying to listen to the plant and not just get into a routine that over doses them.
Wonder Woman 2L @ 41 days flower ... first two are top shots ... next two are lower buds
Pineapple Express @ 33 days flower - top
The Wonder Woman Bonsai in veg has outgrown her pot, so she got transplanted to a 6" - some shots of the process...I have her tied down pretty good, its a good thing I kept all those extra trash bag ties...my husband tells me I never throw anything away...I tell him it might come in handy
Here she is unleashed, you can see she's only got a few main branches
She was pretty root bound and pulled out easily
I think she'll like a little more room to grow, she's getting bushy and could use a trim. I did take 2 clones...I'm trying a new method, I'll let yall know how it goes if it works
I'm have a litte trouble with the Pineapple Express Bonsai...I discovered today...she's not eating. I put 695 in and 795 came out
And the newest addition are looking good, a first for me... I'm trying the LST thing with these two, I'm gonna bonsai these as well but I don't want to top them yet, so I bent them instead. I have to experiment, MJ puts up with all types of manipulation, can't wait to see where she grows
Northern Lights x Big Bud - popped 4/11
Blue Widow - popped 4/13
End of update, hope you enjoy. Thanks for looking
Happy Growing Everybody