Day 37 of veg (Sour diesel and Blueberry OG)
Day 57 from birth (All 3)
Day 61 from soaking seeds
Day 20 of flower for the White Widow Auto
Light: Sylstar GL-4000.@ 24inches, @80%, @ 360 watts, @18/6 hours
Lux: ? Meters got a flat battery (still)
Par: ?
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: 2.5 gallon or approx 12 litre, plastic
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel
. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. Both photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: Pre-charged soil and liquid organic feed.
Water: Mineral, pH 6.5
Temperature: 24
RH: 51
Howdy do folks. What's been growing on over at your side?
After all the fabulous advice I have received off you wonderful lot; I've decided to train the BlueBerry ready for getting flipped.. I know the WW auto is going to suffer on a 12/12, but needs must. As
@Listersmeghead pointed out; the photos are sitting in tiny little shoes and it will only create a problem down the line..
So, this is still part of the learning process and I have gained some valuable information, which I will probably forget and I will make all the same mistakes again..
Anyway, where was i
The Blue berry
It looks like
@Grand Daddy Black has been up to his plant sitting tricks.
She's a tad flat.
I tried down all but the top 4 branches; I dipped my manky toes (as
@copperrein kindly put it) into supper
snapping cropping the top 4.. I will give her a week to recover and them stick them into flower..
That's the pile of leaves I've stripped off. Not much, but I don't like going heavy handed on them .
Heres a group shot and a picture of the WW stacking nicely
Anyway, that's it folks. Really appreciate all the help and advice I have had over the last few day, well, over the entire thread..
It's a magical place this forum. As
@Trala said earlier today. "Its a wonderful part of the tinterwebb this forum".. its full of genuine, friendly advice and support. That's pretty rare these days..
Thanks again you lot. It's a pleasure to be amongst yous..
See you all on your side