Spring's 2nd auto Grow under CFL's. Auto Bomb and Big Bang Auto

youll have fun. one thing about the skunks i found out is wait for them. if ya need the tricomes to explode in the last week of the harvest time do this..
put in 3 days of dark[again] and ice in the hydro water or on the soil every day in the dark for 3 days. then 1 24 hr period of light and let the room get hot 95dgf. this is for the last week then the last 3 days no water at all. let the plant wilt its fan leafs. watch them carefully. then harvest the whole thing. do this for your last week and 90% of any mj will explode with tricomes big foggy looking ones and the lil mushroom heads will be really big you wont need a magnifier for it. you will see double the tricomes. and the bracs explode bigger and start to open. i have seen tricomes inside my bracs that opened. then dont strip them when ya take them just trim off the leaf as it starts to crumble. thats the best way with the skunks. ittl be the best skunk you ever smoked. and tastsed.i have done the above even 2 weeks and had great stuff lil more coach loc at 2 weeks of that but the high was only 1 and 1/2 hr compared to 3 to 5 hrs. should be no silver tricomes on skunks 1/2 or more creamy ,milky or yellow and less then 20% amber dark. it combos the drogs there in skunk and gives the ultimate of all it can do.
i hate trimming inless i have too training is way better and gives more. triming is a lazy way for most strains. but the snunks are the only ones i know for sure that like it. and only when the buds are first full about 1/2 the leaf. right at the start of good silver tricome explosion.they explode again , then leave them alone. if you have grown skunk before then you proboly have did it a few times or smoked it a few times. then you know there is a diference. and that it is a very hardy plant. but i have grown it alot and played with lots of ways with it and all are good but to max it just do the above. you will thank me many times for that if ya dont already know it.
also tie up the buds. take some of the weight off the stems they will get really big huge big.
if your going to cross them cross it into a short stocky thick stem indica skunk into thoose strains really get better and bigger buds every time i have done it. all the seed produces good plants. hard to pick a mother from thoose croses. but finding a stony ass father with skunk is way easy. 3 hrs before the light comes on. pinch the top of each male one at a time. do them seperate. if it skunks out like crazy it is a very potant male. but test them all and use vanilla to smell in between they will numb your senses.:) find the one that stinks the most. kill off the rest and rinse out the entire space.
use that male to grow seed from. the best pollen from that strain is when the male buds are getting big and the middle top flowers to the middle. going down. dont ask why long ass reason. when ya try smoking the male pollen youll know why.
how i do pollen is this way.
i cut the top off the main and mist the crap out of the plant.
next day new flowers start to open and i shake on a white or black paper 10x10 or so . even a post card works. that is the best pollen he will put out. he will put that out from that part of him till he dies.
the reason to mist is it keeps the pollen already released stuck on the plant. most of it dies in 3 days but can live longer up to 3 weeks or more. freash pollen is 98% alive. and from the middle best chance for sucess and genetics. early pollen and seed dont always give the best traits. the more mature just like with females the better genes. except top pollen will give taller plants. i have done alot of crosing. especially with the skunks.
I will definitely make use of your harvest advice gairbud :thumb: I love smoking skunk crosses but I've never grown it before. I'm still new to growing so lots of experimenting to do! I will definitely keep that in mind about tying up the buds, makes sense :).
I probably won't be pollinating any time soon, but that was interesting to read man. I've seen good breeders online that never paid attention to where the pollen comes from on the male. They literally hold the male up and shake the whole plant on top of the female, creates a big pollen cloud in there! I kinda felt it didn't look too "professional" lol :) You seem to know what the f* you're talking about man :passitleft:
thank you so much ismokes for the compliment it always feels good.
i am very interested in seeing pics of your stuff as it progresses. ill give ya the airbud cure/dry method in detail so your stuff will be sweet/mild and very tasty and kick your butt. plants still grow for a few days and use carbs and sugars in the leaf to produce even more of the drugs and self preservation tricomes. the leaf dies when the presure in it can no longer send to the buds what it needs.
so i hang mine real close together the first few hrs and days and seperate them every few hrs paying attention to the smell[amonia smell requires you to air them fast]. so dont let that smell get strong. i maintain between 35 and 55% humidity and use a fan every 8 hrs or so for lite airing the buds.and i keep them in dark after the main leaf drys and is crumbly i manicure as the leaf drys and very carefull with the buds. when the leaf is turning lighter green your doing it right. and eventuly your crop starts to finish at diferent paces i move them around and seperate then pac them for the first week then i maintain the humidity and use shammys [wet] that are ringed out of most the water just to maintain a really slow dry. that is about second week. i take about 3 weeks to finish them to 35% or less humidity. and i watch the temp as well, below 72dgf . 68dgf is perfect for drying curing at 35% to 45% in the last week. if they dry way soon i use the samys to slow the dry down. then at the end of week 2 i start to check stems]when they snap like a tooth pic that bud is ready to smoke. and i check the stems here and there of diferent sizes. i will finish the manicure when a stem for that/thoose buds when the stem is ready. i am very carefull and manicure it simi tight. the close bud leaf [trim] will be very sweet and stony. then i let them finish a week or more. keeping 35% or lower once they gone over 2 weeks. i store in sealed containers and freeze. dont let too many people scare ya from freezing it. if 85 to 90% of the water or more is out of the plant then the tricomes[crystalls wont shatter and fall off.] it dosent hurt the potency at all and storing frozen is the best way. [keeps longer then 5 years with no loss to potency.]
when ya take it out of the freezer open the bag wide and let it get to room temp before ya put in your jar to smoke from. it will gain moisture and be ready to smoke. if your humidity is high that day just let it sit longer then jar it. i store it in 2 ways. double bags with air sucked out. and mason jars for shipping. i seal the mason jars with an hot iron. do not heat the weed ... the stuff will smell up the whole neighborhood when doing it my way so be carefull. transprot it only in sealed jars. i even have very small jars with sealed lids. for testers.
i store in quantities of 1 30gram oz dry. per container/bag. it will weigh alot more when they open it and it gains moisture. up to 5 grams more per oz.depending on humidities at location. because i dry it to the hilt before pacakgeing for storage. vacum sealers work good but buying a really good one is worht the money cheep ones dont last and you will be buying another soon. i never use heat to dry and cure. only air when needed and dry air when finishing. most of the dryer and humidifers out there give ya smokable stuff in a few days to 1 week. and they manicure before drying curing. YOU LOSE 1/2 THE HIGH ,TASTE DOING IT THAT WAY. i have proven that so many times with side bud being way better off someones crop then their main colas doing it fast. and have had them sent out for lab testing too. 22%thc off bag seed weed side branch done my way versus 18% main cola off the same plant done the fast way. thats one of the reasons i stress not to trim. so what ya get a lil more yeild and a lil fatter bud trimming. why "i always ask" would i want to fuck up the plant. when my finished product may be a lil less it will be way stonier and last alot longer and tastse way better like some really exotic stuff. and ill still have lots of bud when you run out. so i can be anal in that regards i have shit in my frezer over 2 years old a few customers want for them of a few dif kinds. and they always ask me if it is the same they got last time. most think i am growing it again. i just store it really well. so their name goes on it for when they reup for more. but i do so many new stuff most just dont care what i bring them they know it is primo shit and exotic tastse and high. just the med clients have special need stuff so they get theirs i grow just for them. thats why i am doing aroura again and master kush again and adding papaya to my garden this time. cause the med people will run out in 3 months of what i have for them till then. they will have to wait or buy one of my other stuff . only because i started 3 weeks late and have gone up 3 clients over last year. one of the reasons i am useing a bigger main crop system this time. one i have designed for many others and now doing for me .. ill send ya a private message latter about the labs i use.
i use beastie and chaching too it is some great stuff but i use it in very small amounts and i add superthrive to all my watering. cant say enough about super thrive every one should use it . it has availbe micro nutes the plant will use right away. and in most cases helps prevent nute loc out.
Hey guys. Wanted to say happy Holidays to all!!! Ill be back on the grid next week! Damn order from over seas was lost in customs!!!!!!!!! No babies to report on. Puts me back a month!
So sorry! Hope you get something up and running soon!:cheesygrinsmiley:Good to see you, Merry Christmas:xmas:
Hey guys. Wanted to say happy Holidays to all!!! Ill be back on the grid next week! Damn order from over seas was lost in customs!!!!!!!!! No babies to report on. Puts me back a month!

Wow, can you let me know if this is a specific company they came from? I wouldnt want to use them. Or is there a reason why they got lost? I hope they replace them.
It's not the website's fault. Customs just happen to get lucky with random picks.
Sorry to hear about your beans spring :(, that really sucks! You motivated me to actually stock up on a few seeds before actually planning to begin. You never know what happens. Best of luck man :)
and Merry Christmas :xmas: !!
Its probably customs! I was reimbursed but I would have liked a duplicate order. I will definetaly stock up now. Ill be harvesting in the next week. My two autos look OK. Ill try and get some pics up. Weight wise I should pull 2 OZ's total
Spring....you're alive!:rofl:...Sucks about your beans....I guess that's why my MMMF is now in f7..I like cloning because you start with a plant that was a producer or had desireable traits...but I just was lucky enough to add some strain to my grow w/o the hassle of germination....:cheesygrinsmiley:Hope you meet your goal...I hit mine with my MMMF...and a little more!:slide:
Hey spring, happy harvest man :), are the nugs lookin good :)?

I really suggest you check out at least one regular instead of autos :thumb: You'll be surprised how less sensitive they are. I haven't seen one yellow leaf in a long time, except for the autos. Getting same everything, they still gave me a little trouble.
Hey Springa:) How are ya??
Hope all is well on your side of the fence! Ive been ok, just itching for harvest time again, Im ALL OUTTA BUDS:( So flower time is looming now just gotta wait for the buds to finish up.. Oh well. And I be guarding this harvest 24/7 - sittin under my buds with my bow:) GOIN LOCO STYLE!!! Anyways I hope you had a good Xmas buddy, thought I better drop by and see how things goin..Take care mate. Smokemup
Thanks man! Good idea on the guard duty!! Just watched MJ outlaws on National geographic. The guys growing up in Northern Cali are sleeping with their crops towards the Harvest. Fucking Thieves hitting the Mom and Pop growers up There too. freaky shit though.
Thanks man! Good idea on the guard duty!! Just watched MJ outlaws on National geographic. The guys growing up in Northern Cali are sleeping with their crops towards the Harvest. Fucking Thieves hitting the Mom and Pop growers up There too. freaky shit though.
Movie ...the Green Rush....learned a lot watching that movie...:cheesygrinsmiley:
Sounds interesting will have to watch it.. Its just a matter of making sure that the weed is always monitored for the just under 2 weeks til its dry enuf to move elsewhere.. So yeah, No ROADTRIPS 600km away!!
Aint no one gunna be messing with my shit again Im pretty certain as the shit storm Ive started has made alot of people stay secluded and well away from me! But, NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE THE POWER OF STUPIDITY!! So Im not droppin the guard on this one..
Anyways cheers guys, have a good one! Smokemup..
HI HO Spring!!

Doin' a drive-by on yer journal. Looking great as usual. ;)

Bummer about the beansnatch.:sorry:

I'm w/ iSmokes on the regs. Far less temperamental. (I killed 2 autos from treating them like regs.) My regs grow wound up being low for short term bennies, but friggin AWESOME for stockpiling on the long term.:woohoo::rocker:

I was able to glean @ 40 beans from my newb grow.:yahoo:

Turned a 3 males out of 4 plants scenario to my advantage (as best I could) and am seeing the silver lining in the rain clouds. :) Still have to wait (at least) a month or so before I can harvest anything again, but I'm able to get a perpetual grow on now if I choose. Cuttings (got cloning down now:high-five:) or seed (I can veg next to the cab while the current ones finish and drop right into flower!), either way.

gairbud is tossing out gold right up there! Get a few males and get a whole mess a' quality genetics to play with! You'll never have to worry about customs again!

I'll be starting up a new journal come the new year. Got one Fem Black Russian I germed @ 6 weeks ago and a Drizella clone the same age in the box (1week today!) ATM. Have my 3rd auto attempt (regular KC45) in there too and another cutting I took late in the Runtlets flowering stage. That one isn't working out as well as the first, though it started rooting faster.:confused: AND I germed the very last bean to come off the Runtlet. It sprouted the day before yesterday and is trucking along. Sorry for the ramble and all the ME ME ME.:bigblush: :)

Hope your holidays were swell and the New Year brings joyous happiness, brilliant presence of mind and all of every need. :)

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