Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

I had to double "like" that post

And while we're on the subject, Rico & Spimp along with another member; Coke420 were the first members to take me under their wings when I first joined. They're patience with me was unparallelled as I hadn't even seen a cannabis plant before, let alone grew one.

and right after that, I found you 3 fantastic "charactors",:circle-of-love:

all 3 of you guys put up with me & we had a LOT of :rofl: while sharing, then Light Addict joined the :cheesygrinsmiley:.

nice post Broke Ass:high-five:

That's what Monty told me about his Python.
But I told him That's a snake sir.
To which he replied no one ever expects the Spanish inquisition....

I hope all is well my friend. :circle-of-love:

:ciao: Rico . Well said Spimp :high-five: REPS, for that one :thumb: & a :green_heart: for Rico :ciao:
Re: Spimp's 150w hps Bubba Kush grow: New and improved with less Ghetto!

:ciao: spimp, i brought you some of that dank & the recipe that you mentioned today, enjoy :yummy:

the recipe

here's a prayer for all the girls in your world, :adore: I always face my prayer mat to the north.

I like your thoughts on the woods-rats, bring little attention to the "spot" :goodjob:

he has a few very good organic threads, young, cool & smart :thumb:

edit: if u have SNS 203 or 209, that stuff works excellent
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

your outdoor gal looks good, spimp. it just craves for more sun. maybe it's not too late to replant it :Namaste:
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

That's what Monty told me about his Python.
But I told him That's a snake sir.
To which he replied no one ever expects the Spanish inquisition....

I hope all is well my friend. :circle-of-love:

P.S. Any of the newer follwers may not know, but Rico is one of my 420 magazine longest and dearest friends. He has been a mentor and an ear. A friend and a an antagonist sometimes. But only when I needed it. :) His advice is golden and his friendship is dear. He is one of the most influence members I have interacted with and his wit and sarcasm are unrivaled.

Rico was pretty much the first guy to show me the ropes about how it all works in here. A truly great bloke. Haven't had that much need to hit him up since he gave me the 420 crash course. To be honest it was because of him I stayed around. Then it was funny fluxers like you guys that kept me here :) Not to mention the very friendly and down to earth ladies on board.

Spimp your Monty Python reference made me spit water over my computer. You sir deserves reps for that!
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

GOOD WEED EVERYONE!!! And Happy PurpsDay!!!
:slide: :high-five::slide:

Thanks for all the kind words! I have some Pictures for you guys. Not the greatest, but quick pic update----

DAY 4 of 12/12
Trans Siberian Auto

Bad Bubba Kush Pic

My Screen Runneth Over--

I can't express the beauty of the Auto via photo's. Mostly because she is lashed into the scrog and it's hard to give a good size reference. But she is BY FAR the prettiest girl I have grown to date. She has made me consider the next grow going somewhat au natural. MJ has such a pretty structure when the girl's co-operate. :)

The BK's are still not popping pistols, but could be any day now. :wood:
You can see from the family pic that there is not very many "wasted" lumens because everywhere are leaves and budsites. SCRoG is definitely an efficient option at maximizing light.

There is one major concern... Mrs. Spimp for the last two night's has forgotten to transfer the SOUR D re-veg to the CFL's veg chamber at lights out. I'm afraid she is going to revert back to flowering on her two tiny sites. Tonight I will make sure she is back to vegging, I just hope the stress isn't too much for her.

Anyway, thanks for looking and checking out the grow. Comments and opinions are always welcome here my friends!!
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

P.S. Any of the newer follwers may not know, but Rico is one of my 420 magazine longest and dearest friends. He has been a mentor and an ear. A friend and a an antagonist sometimes. But only when I needed it. :) His advice is golden and his friendship is dear. He is one of the most influence members I have interacted with and his wit and sarcasm are unrivaled.

Thank you for your kind words, my friend :dreamy: May your forest flower never be nibbled :yummy:

Bromance factor has been raised to a 9.5:high-five:
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

looking great. I knew that 150 watt hid would be a powerhouse. wait till you see how big the flowers get :)
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

Once again .....Very, Very nice picts. :peace:
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

:thumb:looking solid! im loving the growology tis goot chit main! and to think i was going to give it all away but the call to hydro changed my needs as to date theres very few organic hydro options, that dont make a mess anyway,and john is a good rep too,im glad i reconsidered and i love that you dont have to pay for water weight ,hmm i wonder how many gallons you get out of a bag vs a gal of liquid nutes?
i tip the pot of males so i can let them drop pollen on a tray , another use for tipping the pots, keep on keepin on spimp bro \m/

Aw, man, I'm just catching up on the different journals I've subbed to and I came upon this. Jesus, how heartbreaking. BID, I wish I'd had a chance to get to know you better. My belated answer to your question is 160 gallons from a 5-lb. bag.
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

Aw, man, I'm just catching up on the different journals I've subbed to and I came upon this. Jesus, how heartbreaking. BID, I wish I'd had a chance to get to know you better. My belated answer to your question is 160 gallons from a 5-lb. bag.

re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

Aw, man, I'm just catching up on the different journals I've subbed to and I came upon this. Jesus, how heartbreaking. BID, I wish I'd had a chance to get to know you better. My belated answer to your question is 160 gallons from a 5-lb. bag.

His posts ended on a nigh note.

And your answer is an answer to warm a growers heart :)
re: Spimp's 150W HPS Bubba Kush Grow - New & Improved with Less Ghetto!

I agree with everyone Spimp, those broads are gorgeous. It's a great feeling when you get your best looking plants to date growing.
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