Spike's Grow Room

Re: spikes grow room

Cool thanks.....we are just hitting the two week point and although the girls have lots of pistils (and are putting more on daily) they still haven't got the classic hairy-looking bud tips with the white furry tips. Just wondering....should start thickening up soon I'm guessing. Your are looking nice.
Re: spikes grow room

picture of widow stems :surf:

cut off bottom branches that dont hardly produce.
Re: spikes grow room

Great news from the great state of Iowa: Today the state's Board of Pharmacy voted 6-0 to recommend to lawmakers that the state reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug and create a task force to study the possible implementation of medical marijuana in the state.

This recommendation puts Iowa one step closer to enacting a medical marijuana law, as its own officials have now definitively recognized marijuana as a medicine. The Iowa House and Senate are each considering bills that would protect from arrest chronically ill patients who use marijuana to alleviate their conditions, but the bills missed deadlines that would have allowed them to be enacted this year. Fortunately, this recommendation from the Board of Pharmacy will put increased pressure on lawmakers to pass a law in the next session.

A Des Moines Register poll released yesterday found that 64% of Iowans support patients' use of medical marijuana with a doctor's recommendation.oh yaa spike may be moving a few miles south.

Iowa is not a shabby state, i must say with admiration.
Re: spikes grow room

I was dissapointed that it requires doc thing tho as I may have considered buggering off to Cali lol It seems that Obama's people are letting the pro weed folks have a party so congrats if it benefits you.

"used to think just drop a seed"

Ha, I keep gettingthose reminders when I read interesting and varied grows like yours amigo. I have soo much to learn but Im an avid scholar!

I dig those blue cups too haha
Re: spikes grow room

new pics on grow just 2 widows now,unknown-hermie.
smaller of 2-I always get 1 like a bush-I think at the start I'm growing them too fast.this 1 got more light then the taller widow.
bush widow

taller widow

I gotta use the smaller pics,see better
Re: spikes grow room

nice spike, I just started seeing lady preflowers on 3 of my biggest plants. It made my day. I'm starting 12/12 this weekend, so I'll have some good bud shots in the next few weeks
Re: spikes grow room

well thx mmmmmmmick,

you know when your on here and looking at all the great smoke I think I forget that alot work goes into
what your seeing.used to think just drop a seed.

I wish it was so easy, hoping number 3 gets on track. Almost killed my latest (actually my first)seeds, they are just starting to recover. Still really small but I think I've got the problems ironed out. Maybe once I get a routine sorted out I can stop tormenting my plants, lol.

You've got things running pretty smoothly, brother. Gives me hope.:grinjoint:

Look like some good strains Spike.
Re: spikes grow room

Spike, you are doing a fine job and the garden is looking good..... Ok, now someone explain to me how a "State" can reclassify a Fed law??????

Keep up the good work Spike.... :thumb:
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