Spider Mites & SM-90

Believe it or not the only nutes added was the miracle grow soil we used to fil that 5 gal tub up with for the transplant, after I got the soil i noticed it said outdoor use only but I bought the soil before I found this great site so ended up using it.
But the only thing I add atm is water. I gotta get a tester to make sure like ya said there's not too much nitrogen.
I did notice the tips of the leaves some of them are brown is that a sign of nitrogen being too high?
Oh I just looked at the pic again, the high pointed leaves are getting hit by the fan that's they only reason they are like that. using a table fan that doesn't rotate on low and since then the stems have really thickened up greatly.
I have a 18" plant light that i used to use for a iguana that I was using before I bought the mars and I have a round led light.
I'll try them for the sides.
I also rotate the planter a quarter turn each morning so the leaves all get a nice bit of coverage on it, I have a light timer but it will not work with the mars since its only a 2 prong so have to get a new timer for mars.
thanx for all the tips and advice
you did come to the right place for sure. these people here are really something special. :love:

yep. i'm doing the same thing with my girl Bridget. she has 3 cfl's and the Mars 300 all around her. she's getting turned and the lights are getting moved on a regular basis lol.. but so far she is reasonably happy. :)

oh yeah the miracle grow. i think that's what i used for my first try many years ago. the mirac acid is some real strong stuff and it hangs around for a very long time. it may give you some hassle during flowering but only time will tell. all the more reason to clone imo. i'm a bit of a cloning freak subscribing to better to have an army and never use it than to not have an army and need it lol. anyways, if you can locate or make good soil you may want to transplant before flowering. if not she should still get through. try and keep your water ph below 6.5.. 6 would probably be best with that soil. it should help keep things a bit more even.

and yes, the browning tips are early nute burn. likely from the mirac acid. that claw hook on a few of the leaves is from too much nitrogen.

i'm concerned a little about the height. she looks like a hybrid strain imo. that makes it even harder to predict what she will do when you go to flower. looks like you have some height in the room but it's tempting to say top it and clone the hell out of it lol. extending the veg time like that could also help flush that soil... hmmm

i'd feel better with more feedback from others, but that's what would probably happen in the caravan.
Don't clean it up until the infestation is gone...for a few reasons.

1) it adds more stress
2) you are forcing them to feed on the leaves that are not infected
3) any good portion of those leaves are still working for you
4) removing those leaves wont really impact the mite population. Sure the ones on there are gone but not the ones not on there.

Kill the mites, then be kind and let it recover. Keeping it in veg the whole time you will be able to recover. Then yo can decide what to do but the bad ones will come off easily when ready.

Hey Guys, thanks for the great help, on all subjects,, I'm having mite attacks also, I'm outdoors in Florida and have some beautiful Violeta's going on in flower stage and the mites are coming,, I've just ordered some Green Clean Spider Mite & Powdery Mildew Destroyer but not sure if it's spider mites, don't see any webs,, they are small almost white beasts,, very small, I;m sure they are mites and are making bad spots on the leaves,, any helpful suggestions,, going to try the bleach thing until the Green Clean arrives,, Thanks!
Habanero peppers are a great cure for mites and is actually good for your plants

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
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