Spicy White Devil CFL Grow

Hi fellow growers out there :welcome: !

Thank you for stopping by!

This is my first grow here at 420magazine, and one of my firsts at all.

All suggestions are greatly appreciated folks!

So to stick a bit to our guidlines please find a brief overview on what is going on in my small cabinet:

What strain is it?
It’s Spicy White Devil (SWD) coming from Samsara Seeds, one of the newer Seed Banks from Spain.
It’s a Jack Herer x Blueberry cross, aka “Blue Jack”. Being a Jack x Blueberry cross was the main reason I planted this.
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?
35 % Indica / 65 % Sativa
Is it in Veg or Flower stage?
14days in Veg
Indoor or outdoor?
Indoor in a small wall cabinet of approx. 1square meter
Soil or Hydro?
Plagron Grow Mix (a soilless mix and in my opinion one of the best mixes on the market)
I presoaked the seeds in distilled water with a drop Superthrive for 48hours. Later I transplanted the seed in a rockwool cube. I pretreated the rockwool cube in a quarter solution Plagron Terra Grow (liquid fert.) with another drop Superthrive. After approx. one week of veg. I transplanted the cube in a 2 liter square pot, which my lady is in, currently. After some time I will transplant into a 8 liter root pouch pot.
Size of light?
I’m using CFL. Currently my lady is sitting under 2 x 30Watt and 2 x 20Watt 6400K CFL bulbs. So at the moment it’s 100 Watt. I have 2 x 105 Watt 6400K bulbs waiting to be installed. (I still need to find some time for the diy reflectors). During flower I will most likely use a 250Watt 2700K CFL.
Is it aircooled?
Currently I have one fan, though more will come, since even the 100Watt heat the cabin up quite a bit.
How often are you watering?
As needed. I use the “fingertip method”.
Type and strength of ferts used?
I use a mixture of Plagron Terra Grow and Superthrive both at the recommended dose (meaning approx. 20ml Plagron Terra Grow and 1 ml Superthirve per gallon) I have good experience with them. I really like the Plagron series so far. Probably I will experiment a bit with other nutes they offer. For flower I will use Plagron Terra Bloom, without the Superthrive. I use distilled water, I get in gallon jugs.

From now on I'll try to update this journal as regularly as possible.

Now I will see how the picture thing goes ...

Update (with question):

Hi guys and gals,

Here today's pictures:



Do you see the light green coloring around the leaf's veins? Is this a deficiency/overdose of nutes? I just noticed I did not stick to Plagron's feeding shedule, since they don't recommend any feeding in the first 4 weeks when using the pretreated Plagron Grow Mix. I started feeding the regular dose after ~ 14 days vegetation.
Maybe to little light? I will add the new lights asap, preferably on this weekend.

Feeding Addition

I will add another Plagron product next week which is called Plagron Phytamin. It's a micronutrient/ hormone formular for foliar feeding. I like the fact, that it can be used during flower, while Superthirve should only be used during vegetation as far as I understand. Also it is supposed to increase the chlorophyll concentration. Maybe this alleviates my little leaf discoloring prob.
I will see if that replaces Superthrive; if they'd synergize, that would be sweet as well. I will let you know how this turns out.
18 days in veg, still under 100 watt 6400K CFL.

Update: transplanted in a 16 L rootpouch.


I thought I had a 8 L rootpouch (see initial post) but it actually is 16 L. I'm sure she can use the space, since she used almost all space up in her 2 L Pot in just ~ 10 days. I'm going to veg her for at least another 2-4 weeks, so that should be fine.

Any ideas about the light green leafs? (see post # 6)
Hi Drewskee,

:thanks: for posting and :welcome:

Yes she is growing like crazy. I never had a plant that grew that quick. On today's pics (post #7) she is 18 days into veg.
I realy love her pheno so far, but with this parents (Jack Herer and Blueberry) she just needs to come out great :)

2 weeks of flower? No way :ciao: I was going to let her in vegetative stage for another 2 - 4 weeks and then put and let her in flower as long as it takes. Should be between 9 and 10 weeks. Sorry I did not make that so clear before.

Here is what Samsara Seeds says about SWD:

The result of crossing one of the strongest and most resinous Sativas (a strain bestowed with the status of prescribed medicinal cannabis by Dutch pharmacists) with the original Blueberry from the late 70s, she’s a very vigorous, compact, hardy plant laden with dense buds tinged with red and blue. So productive that under optimal conditions even her branches and larger leaves become covered in fruity smelling trichomes that taste of blueberries. Her best quality being her double-edged strength, the effect is a high quality, long-lasting and enjoyable euphoria. A perfect blend of a sublime Sativa rush and massive, resinous Indica yields!

Genotype 65% sativa 35% indica
THC 21%
Flavour Sweet fruit
Way of cropping Ind/Out
Production 500-900 gr/m2 indoor/outdoor
Smell Low
Efect Euphoric
Resistance to mold Low
Outdoor Harvest Time late October
Resistance to plagues Medium
Sex Feminized
Lineage jack herrer x blueberry
Irrigation tolerancy Low
Medicinal value High

The little Caramelo is quite a bit slower then her stepsister. Her parents are both Lavender plants (need to do some research on Lavender, since I'm not sure about this breed) Her genotype is 30% Indica/ 70% Sativa.
looking real nice ph-farmer not quite sure bout the def. oh diy reflector for those light get a aluminum pan cut holes for lights
Hi Bigman,


About the reflector it's just a matter of time until I get hold of my tools again. They should be returned anyday. I was thinking about the aluminium pan thing as well, but already bought all the metal parts so I will put this thing together asap. Prety busy week so far, I hope I will get my tools and have some time tomorrow ...

Oh the reflector will actually be for 2 x 105 W 6400K CFL bulbs. The 30 W lamps you see on the pics will be replaced soon. Flower will be under one 250 W 2700K CFL with reflector.
Feeding Shedule

Here the Plagron feeding shedule. I did not follow it from day one on (jumped on it at 50ml/10L) but will stick to it for the rest of the grow.
As mentioned I will use the Plagron foliar feeding solution "Phytamin" starting next week.
For this grow I will not try the Pure Roots and Pure Enzyme since funds are a bit limited right now. Though I plan on using the Plagron Green Sensation for the last weeks of flower.
For my next grow I will try to report on the complete Plagron Terra range!

Welcome & Thanks Scopopulus!

Welcome & Thanks Twelve12!

I will watch closely how she performs with the new soil, otherwise I will up the fertilizer a bit.

Welcome & Thanks Thawk!

I will make sure she gets the nitrogen she needs, though I will try to keep it balanced. The new grow mix is pretreated with fertilizer for the next two weeks, I will see if that's enough or if she needs further food. Prety hungry girl, given that I accidently gave her the full dose of fertilizer, though she was just a little seedling, sitting in prefertilized grow mix. Probably the Superthrive makes her hungry?

Great to have you all on board!
Hi sfw88 thanks and welcome to my grow! I will make sure to check your gallery. CFL's rock!

Day 20

Update: FIM

My lady received her first topping today. I know it's a bit close to the repotting stress, but she seems so fine so I thought she would be ready. This is actually my first FIM and I'm a bit afraid I actually missed/messed :laughtwo:



Hope she will make it!
Don't think she'll have much trouble, she looks good, and it's a little harder to kill than your average plant. From my experience mmj, especially some strains, are just hungry for nutes early. I usually start adding additional nutes as soon as new growth starts after the clone transplant. Happy Easter
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