Speedrun Seeds - Sapphyre Strain - Auto Fem - Grow Journal 2023


Active Member
This will be my first attempt at an indoor grow. I am excited to see how I do and will track my progress as instruction for future grows.

  • Indoor
  • Bud - This is an autoflower fem - SAPPHYRE STRAIN
  • # -Three plants
  • Soil - Fox Farm Ocean Forest
  • Medium - 5 gal fabric bags
  • Light - P4000 VIPARSPECTRA LED (400 Watts)
  • Tent - 5'T 6'L 3'W
  • Air - Fan venting outside
  • Water PH between 6.0 and 6.5
  • Nutes - Cal-Mag and General Hydroponics FloraMicro and Bloom

Let's Begin (Day 0)
To start, I followed the germination method laid out in a youtube series called "From Seed To Stoned"
I left the seeds in a glass of water for around 24 hours, or until they were at the bottom of the glass of water. If I could poke them and they sank then it was time enough. I kept the glass only slightly warm using an electric seedling warm pad and kept it dark by placing an empty 5-gallon fabric pot over it.

After about 24 hours the seeds would stay at the bottom of the glass after a couple of gentle taps. No tap roots were visible at this point although that can happen.

From there I transferred them to a plate and paper towel. Using a couple of sheets, I lay one sheet on the plate, then place the seeds a few inches from each other, and place the other sheet on top. Then I used a spray bottle to make the towels very moist. I would call it wet, however, it should be sitting in a puddle, just wet. I also kept the plate on the warm pad and covered it with the pot.
During this time I would check them periodically to make sure the paper towel was staying wet. Applying more sprays as necessary. I learned after the 2nd time that I can do a lot more sprays than I thought without water pooling in the plate.

After about another 24 hours the tap roots had emerged from the seeds at about 3/4inch to an inch. They were ready for planting! :)

Planting (Day 1)
During the 48ish hours above I made sure that my set up was ready. All things set up and in there place but also make sure I can keep the temperature and humidity at recommended levels for a seedling. 70-80 F and 65-75% humidity.

I had checked multiple times on the seeds and when I first noticed tap roots I inundated my soil-filled pots with PH'd water. My goal was to completely soak the soil through. Helping to even the soil out and work out any air/nutrient pockets.
By the time the seeds were ready the soil was no longer visibly wet. This was about 4-10 hours between soaking and the seeds being ready.

With the seeds ready, I made a small inch hole with my finger and placed the seed tap root down. I then very gently just moved the excavated soil back over top being careful not to push or pack down the soil.
I also spray just enough water around the top of the site to make it wet.

Sprouting (Days 2 -3 )
My Lights were set to about 180 Watts and using just a couple of ounces of water.

After about 24-48 hours all three of my seedlings had sprouted above ground.
Woo hoo!
Over the next few days I would do one or two sprays to keep the sprout wet.
After the cotyledon (the first pair of petals) were fully formed I increased my spraying until the soil around the stem was very wet.
Apologies for the poor picture quality as these are screenshots from a poorly filmed video 😅
Day 2:

At this stage, I was very afraid of burning these poor things, as well as overwatering them.

A reflection point is that I definitely was not watering enough and not using enough wattage.
Young Seedling (Days 3 - 7)
From Day 4 to Day 18 I was not using enough wattage or water.
As above I had set 180 Watts and was only watering about 5-8 ounces when things seemed dry.
I think for my next grow I will start increasing the amount and area I water from this stage, and will start with 400 Watts at about 30 inches above. Moving closer if the seedling seems fine with the distance.
Day 7:

Extended Late Seedling (Days 8 - 18)
I worry about the plant as it seems to be going slowly. However, I keep the path hoping for the best.

Worried that my plant may have strange coloration and be slower along in its grow I start researching what an autoflower should look like during week 2.

I find a lot of examples of plants much further along and so I make a post to this site for advice. It is only until day 18 that I turn my lights up to max, and begin to water in appropriate amounts. Being so late I gave each plant about a half gallon. Will attempt a fuller inundation after monitoring how the plant handles these changes.
Day 17

Day 18

Not pictured is me watering about a half gallon after.

Now I wait and see how they handle the changes. Will update as we get closer to week 3 which would put it firmly in the vegetative stage.
Very nice start to your grow journal @DicenDoor

If this is your first attempt indoors; have you grow outdoors?
Does @ViparSpectra still make the P4000 LED?

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Tok.. :bong:

edit: don't for get to have fun.

Yes, I grew a photo outside. And learned quickly that where I can legally grow does not get nearly enough light. It was a successful grow and harvest, but thanks to a friend who leant me his tent and light, will be growing indoor for now.

So unfortunately I can't answer for sure. But when I was researching the manufacture for suggested light settings, that model was still listed on their website.

And thanks! Excited to see what I get with the first try. Already learned a lot, I have 3 more seeds I'd like to try soon after this growfinishes.

I'll be updating this soon with how the week went. Thanks for your interest.
Hello gang, here is the end of Week 2 and start of Week 3 update!

Vegetative Stage (Days 15 -24)
From the wisdom and advice within these forums, I made sure to up my light and water. Things have been moving along at a better clip.
I waited for them to need watering and then gave each a half gallon.

Day ~ 18

They did ok with the extra water and light. My strongest plant drank through the water in about 2 days. The others took longer, so I fed the biggest the same in 2 days, and a little less for the smaller two.

The slower two are much more squat than the other, so I raised my light a bit hoping to inspire more stretching. However, it may just be their lot and a lesson for next time.

All of that said, they are growing better than before!

Day ~ 19

One of them definitely has some mutations as the leaves are much wider and less spaced apart than the other two. However, I will continue to grow it and see what happens.

Day ~ 20

Small time skip

Day ~23

View media item 1895788

Day ~ 24

Mid Week Update
As of day ~3 of week 3 I added the first bit of nutrients
Cal-Mag 2 ML
Micro - 1 ML
Bloom 0.5 ML
I'm slowly introducing these nutrients to make sure my plants took it well.

I noticed in one of the smaller plants some curling of the leaves. Because the leaf was firm and not dry, and this plant was taking longer with the water I am assuming it was suffering from some over-watering. Unfortunately, I noticed this AFTER I watered it again (the soil had dried up a bit so I went for it). Hoping it will survive this most recent watering with no problems and will slow down on that plant.

This ends the week 3 update! Be back for Week 4.
Hello! Back from a long break.

I made a slight mistake in my time tracking so I was off by a few days. The following update will be from about week 3 and 4.

I honed in my heat and humidity. Part of it was working on the humidifier I had, as well as using a heat lamp for ambient heating (not pointing directly at any of my plants).

Vegetative Stage (Days ~21-28) Week 3
For week 3 I gave some nutrients for the first time.
Per about a gallon of water (spread amongst the 3 plants)
  • ~ 1 mls of Micro
  • ~ 0.5 ml of Grow
I gave each plant about 0.35 gallons of water

I wanted to implement Low Stress Training, however because I had underwatered and underheated these plants I wanted to wait until they were a bit bigger.

They did bounce back by the end of this week so I started during week 4.
Sorry I don't have many pictures from week 3 and week 4.

Vegetative Stage (Days ~27-34) Week 4

With the plants catching up and growing much better, I began applying low stress training.

I made 6 holes around the parameter of the woven containers, took a strong quarter inch synthetic rope and tied off to the container, and then very carefully wrapped it around the main stalk to push it down and allow light onto the lower branches.

I did this for my two healthiest plants, and abstained from doing it to my most mutated plant. Was unsure if the mutations were from stress or genetics, and decided I'd keep it as a control to see the difference between using LST and not.

I also gave them their second dose of nutrient water
Per about a gallon of water (spread amongst the 3 plants)
  • ~ 1 mls of Cal-Mag
  • ~ 1.5 mls of Micro
  • ~ 0.5 ml of Grow
Each day I would change the location of the rope, tying it to the next hole and re-wrapping the rope around the main stalk, keeping it held down. The plan to move it around the perimeter of the 6/7 days for this week.

I saw a huge burst in growth, with the correct amount of water and heat, as well as the nutrients starting last week.

A note
For future grows, if things are going well, I would start this process at week 3, and keep the plant held in the position for two days as opposed to one.

However, even with only a week of Low-Stress Training things have paid off.
Including the photos from week 4, but in my next post you can really tell that the low-stress training aided in getting more bud sights higher up for more light.

Pre-Flowering Stage (Days ~28-35) Week 5
During low stress training, I also carefully moved bigger leaves below growing bud sight leaves.

This really helped, and I can really see these "lower" bud sights growing almost directly at the same height as the main stalk bud sights.

During week 5 I gave more nutrients again
Per about a gallon of water (spread amongst the 3 plants)
  • ~ 1.5 mls of Micro
  • ~ 1.5 mls of Grow
Now the plants are very thirsty, so I am giving about 0.5 gallons per water and noticing a little run out of the bottom. Even so, I am needing to water about every 2-3 days.

Also as we were entering the Pre-flowering stage I am following the VPD so it's suggested to try and keep the humidity lower during this time, so I added a small dehumidifier to run if the humidity was getting too high.

Here are some pictures from week 5

Pre-Flowering Stage (Days ~35-42) Week 6
Following the same flow as above. Making sure my humidity is in check per the VPD guidelines.

Watering about twice a week and 0.5 gallons each time.

I did another nutrient watering as well
Per about a gallon of water (spread amongst the 3 plants)
  • ~ 2 MLS of cal-mag
  • ~ 2 mls of Micro
  • ~ 2 mls of Grow
I'm so so pleased with how things are going. Had a little bit of a down turn as I went away for a weekend and had left the de-humidifier on which lower the range too much. Leaves were wilty and sad looking, pots were drier than expected. Added water and got humidity back to normal, and within 6 hours leaves were back to looking happy.

We are so close to full on flowering. I will be trying to keep the light between 12-18 inches from top of canapy. One plant is taller than others so I'll keep it in the low range of that, and the shorter plants within the high range.

You can really see how the low stress training helped grow up the secondary bud sights by this week.


The plant in the front is the one I did not Low Stress Train. Still going well, but nearly as bushy, and the main bud sight is definitely most developed and tallest.

Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Hey! I forgot about this.

Updates are

For a first grow I couldn't be prouder.

I ran into some issues near the end (nutrient lock out) so I had to chop about a week or so earlier than I'd hoped. All three plants contributed to the harvest.

I got a few ounces with a few very nice looking buds and a bunch of smaller serviceable buds. A few ounces if I remember correctly. I still have some left and it still smells fresh and delicious.

I'm no aficionado but the bud smells really good (hints of citris stand out to me) and has made me and mine happy with the effects!
@Clarebobacus Greenakin i started seeing lockout about a week before i wanted to chop. Things turned out well. From my account i couldn't figure out why, as I was measuring and controlling water pH.

Could it have been the soil?

Regardless, what soil would you suggest for auto/seedling?
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