Sparks Pops Beans Indoors, In Soil, Under Boards: 'Bout Time!

Cocobamba again right before chop
So a quick update-
I had placed the sprouted seed in the pics above in a solo cup of straight coco. I never grow in coco or straight peatmoss anymore, only living soil. But the seed seems to be a bit sluggish so i wanted to be able to keep it moist without drowning it and I know that even when coco is watered multiple times daily that it still holds more oxygen than regular soil. I did drop another bean of the same into a cup of water yesterday and placed directly into a light soil mix today.
Again, for some reason, the seed seems a bit slow out of the gate but did swell enough to crack open the husk and show a bit of white protruding through the crack. So now ive got one in coco and one in soil. And if neither pops up...I've got one more to try to germinate.
I also put into solo cups of soil 1 White Wedding rbx by Ethos Genetics, 1 Runtz s-1 by Exotic Genetics, and 1 Slurricane ix by Inhouse Genetics. The White Wedding is by far the most vigorous and had the logest tap root showing. The others all seemed slow so we'll keep our fingers crossed for now and hope for the best! Worse case scenario.....i just get to popping something different from the many packs that I have to choose from so Im not really worried. In fact i kind of expect the Slurricane to not make it because I haven't been able to get even one seed from the entire over priced pack to sprout! I have the worst luck germinating Inhouse Genetics so fingers crossed everyone! 😁🤞
So just in case anyone was interested...the all seeds that i tried to germ died or didnt make it except for the White Wedding rbx.
So i went ahead and threw a few more beans into water. This time they are regs.
In all i started:
1.) 3 seeds of "33 Grand" (Gelato33 × Hooligans) holligans is a GDP × Runtz male bred by Savage Genetics. Only 2 popped up in soil.
2.) 3 Nag Champa f-2's regs bred by terp_fi3nd. All 3 popped above soil.
3.) 2 Polar Voertex (Platinum Kush Breathe × Slurricane) fems bred by Inhouse Genetics. Both popped above soil (to my surprise!) Lol!
I'll post some pics shortly.
This first pic is of the White Wedding rbx by Ethos Gentics. It was starting to yellow at the bottom set(s) of leaves so i went ahead and up-potted from a partially filled solo cup of a light seed starter mix (bag soil) to a 1 gal pot of a highly mineralized batch of "living organic soil."

The second pic is of the two 33 Grand's by Savage. They just got about a half teaspoon of "Craftblend" scratched into the top of their soil with some worm castings.


These are some updated pics of the White Wedding rbx by Ethos Genetics. She is definitely looking much greener, healthier, and has put on some small branches and size overall. She responded so well to the up-potting that i went ahead and did the same for the rest of "the girls" and the rest of the "reg seedlings" that have yet to be sex'd. , or have their sex confirmed.

These are the 3 Nag Champa f-2's bred by @terp_fi3nd. They have been removed from the solo cups and put into what looks like maybe half gallon pots? Not too much bigger but into some much better soil and should give them enough room and energy for them to get to the point of showing sex. Then the confirmed females will be put into larger pots to finish up in.
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