Here's what happens when you forget the hoses after cleaning your system. I am Soo Soo grateful the plants weren't cooked and that I have more to replenish, I moved all of my others into the box so it looks like we might have something of a SOG situation, I think that I can live with that. This has been a learning experience for me. Thinking these two ladies are going to be just fine, more photos will be on here ASAP, I just need to swap them over. I just realized that my lights are on the back cover of my Jorge Cervantes medicine book, if anyone has a need for information this book is great for that, I read it all the time and each time that I open it I just go to the table of contents or the index for some area that I want to learn about and even if I find myself reading a page that I recall reading before there's still new information for me to glom onto, I am super into this book, you know it's a good one because it is Soo be t up
, thanks everyone who takes the time to visit me at my post, and please let me know that you're there ok, I can properly appreciate you by visiting your posts and giving thumbs