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ive read through this thread and it’s really sad that society in general continues to look at cannabis as bad stuff . EmployerS specifically
Maybe not slip out the back once the boss announces a drug test... SUSPICIOUS lol I would just tell them that I made a call a few days ago to the local rehab and are waiting to be enrolled... (lie) but that would prolly work, ya know as long as your actively seeking treatment. Unless your boss is a serious hard ass with a heart to match I think they will work with you. Again drug addiction is considered “serious health issue” so I think there is some obligation from the employer to help you seek treatment. Shit I was skimming over an old new hire paperwork and they literally have “drug rehabilitation” listed as a benefit and which rehabs their insurance covers...but that shop was FILLED with junkies and alcoholics, so that’s probably why. This is where I saw one instance of someone dropping dirty then returning after their treatment.. I was not there very long.. I’m beginning to think this situation is unique with different rules being implemented at different companies....and of course they are only telling you what they want you to hear. If they explained the loop holes and how to jump through them they’d be fucked. LolPerhaps my company tells me only what they want me to hear, but my understanding is I have to voluntarily go to rehab before asked to take a test. It is laid out that way in our employee handbook exactly. Once you know you have to take a test it's too late to go the rehab route.
To be very clear I would opt for this 100 times out of 100. If I had to go to rehab for even 12 weeks unpaid I would do it to keep my job for the 8 years I have left to work. I would keep using and just use the rehab out, as it sits I think just not using is the only option as I have too much to lose here.
Even as a (pretty much) non user I am a paranoid person so I'm not going into a ton of detail about my specific job and my specific situation/condition because I fear someone may figure out who I am and all of the sudden, "random" test.
Again, maybe they are lying to me, but I don't think running off to rehab is an option for me. I'm certainly going to look into the law since you brought it up.
Thank you!
Best of luck brother . Hopefully one day soon it won’t matter because it will be recognized as any other medical treatment plan . Everywhere I go people are starting to speak up positively about it . This may be because we have it on our ballot in November for medical. There are 2 props on this ballot with the intent to confuse voters , people have educated themselves hopefully and we will get the percentage we needFirst off, thanks for chiming in. I guess I don't get as upset as others about the current sad state of affairs because I just accept that that is the way it is. I am concerned that that is just weakness on my part because I'm like that in a lot of things in life. If I can't change it then I just accept it.
The other side of this, as has been touched on earlier in this discussion a little, I might try to make my case to HR to either consider changing the company stance or to give me an exception on a trial basis. If my attendance or performance drops then we kill the test. I'm not super hopeful they go for it, but I do have those pending court cases in my state that may give me an additional avenue of leverage because my company HATES lawsuits.
Go to a smoke shop and get some synthetic urine. X-tream is one that a lot of people use. There’s the wizzinator that’s like a fake penis that pee’s, if your going to be watched. That works as long as it’s a urinalysis test. There are saliva and hair tests as well. I haven’t tried to cheat any of those.... I got a detox drink that worked a few times called stinger. But for real go with the synthetic urine. Good luck stay safe,hope I help you out and you can smoke whenever you want and keep your boss happy to.I'll spare everyone the long background story, but suffice to say I am a new medical Cannabis user and have a job that will tolerate absolutely zero use, even on my own time. I have no intention of using at or before work and have really only been using about once a week.
I apologize in advance to the next poster who will feel obligated to shame me for not better using Google or the search engine here, I fail at such things in a large way. I understand that.
I'd rather have answers from people with actual experience anyway and Google/internet seems full of people who think they know what they are talking about, but in reality......don't.
1. How reliable are the home tests you get from a place like Amazon? I'm mostly using the 50NG/ML tests but have had the same results with 25NG/ML tests so I'm a bit skeptical that both end up with a negative result the same day.
I know I am taking a risk by using, but it's the only thing that really helps my condition since I cannot tolerate pain killers of any kind (too hard on my stomach) and I've never really heard an Opioid story that ends well. I'm trying to mitigate that risk by only using once a week on Fridays. After a month of this I consistently fail the test for 3 days and am clean on the 4th day. For me this means I'm really only risking failing a drug test on Monday and Tuesday. I'm simply willing to take that risk.
2. Will that continue to be the case or will I build up toxins in my system as time goes by and it will take longer to pass the test, if I pass at all before the next Friday comes around?
3. WIth all due respect to the sponsors here (which I will use pending the answer of this question), do those detox drinks really work in limited time. I will only get tested if I am suspected to be under the influence or if I get hurt at work. The first case will not be an issue, in the second case I have 24 hours to report for the test. I will likely order one as (I hate for this to come off as arrogant) I'd rather have it on hand because it can't hurt the test and I'm not super worried about the money.
4. Does dilution work? It seems to me it does. I've tried the tests on normal fluid intake with the above time frame and passed with a faint line (that I believe means pass). Most recently I tried it on several bottles of water and got the most solid red line I have seen yet. I understand the risks of over diluting your urine and the test coming back tampered with, but this seemed to be the most effective route so far.
I do appreciate the time you took to read this and further appreciate any input you might have, especially if it comes from someone with actual experience.
Be well.