I'm going to have to buy a pair of jewelers glasses. For 4 weeks now I've been so impaired with only one eye fixed. The second cataract operation is now scheduled for Wednesday so then things will be in balance. The lens implant will only give me 20/40 which will just eventually give me lighter/thinner glasses but I will lose my near vision. I had planned to visit the jeweler today to get his advice.
I hope you also have a great one Cannafan. We have a storm brewing off the coast so now it begins. Maybe we get some rain from that thing. Guess I better temper what I wish for.
Oh do temper what you wish for! I won't even go into what happened on my back deck and then down to the basement two days ago with the heavy rainstorm. I was not a happy camper to have to fix leak issues again. I spent the entire day on it, and I wasn't feeling so hot to begin with.
I will send good Karma that it's only enough that you need.