SOG 3gal Organic Soil Mix

So basically you're only doing just flower in fresh soil in 7 gal.
And I assume that's more or less a super soil.
But you're using 11 gallons of soil throughout the grow.
I can see that working.
Basically the same as using an 11 gallon pot.

I am too lazy for all that.
Not quite that, no. 1 gal transplants into a 7gal pot which has a space that the 1gal root ball goes into, so that’s still 7gal. Or it’s a half gal pot transplanted into a 3 or 5 gal. That’s only one transplant and not nec a super soil either. That’s why I said anyone would be challenged to do it without ‘inputs’. Van stank is about to run a whole lot of tiny pots in flower, water only so that’s going to be something to watch. Not many soil mixes like his tho - it’s pretty special.
For the record, ProMix HP is not hydro - it's soilless, but it's not hydro. It's a solid buffered medium that doesn't require nutes to be pH balanced as hydro/coco do. It also doesn't need to be watered any more often than well-drained soil, and can be allowed to dry out in a way that coco can not.
Got it. Best explanation of what the product is. Also helps to figure out why some users have a few problems later in their grow.

Opens up a few things to think about when mixing up the 'Holy Trinity' for a soil mix. One third each of Peat Moss and using the ProMix HP for that step, then the 1/3 Perlite and 1/3 compost. The compost can be just that compost, or it could be a mix of compost & worm castings. Just thinking it out.
Got it. Best explanation of what the product is. Also helps to figure out why some users have a few problems later in their grow.

Opens up a few things to think about when mixing up the 'Holy Trinity' for a soil mix. One third each of Peat Moss and using the ProMix HP for that step, then the 1/3 Perlite and 1/3 compost. The compost can be just that compost, or it could be a mix of compost & worm castings. Just thinking it out.

Pro Mix HP is 70-75% Peat Moss, 25-30% Perlite, and some lime to buffer the peat and balance pH (see the Faux Mix link in my signature for the recipe to make your own). Adding another 33% Perlite may be overkill.
Opens up a few things to think about when mixing up the 'Holy Trinity' for a soil mix. One third each of Peat Moss and using the ProMix HP for that step, then the 1/3 Perlite and 1/3 compost. The compost can be just that compost, or it could be a mix of compost & worm castings. Just thinking it out.
Beyond what farside mentioned about probably not needing another 1/3 perlite, adding compost to ProMix HP makes for a hybrid substrate that would need to be managed carefully in terms of nutrients. It's not quite living organic soil but it's also not the nute-free environment that ProMix HP provides.
Beyond what farside mentioned about probably not needing another 1/3 perlite, adding compost to ProMix HP makes for a hybrid substrate that would need to be managed carefully in terms of nutrients. It's not quite living organic soil but it's also not the nute-free environment that ProMix HP provides.
True but if someone wants to make a switch from a soil-less mix it is a start. I would think that the managing for nutrients is not that much different than starting off with plain peat moss, quality compost and Perlite. If we were making the mix we would still have to dial it in but it would not take all that long. At least I hope it would not.;)
Awesome dude I’m going for it with the Kryptonite thanks! My tap water is around 6.5ph I am just going to make sure I leave it out to off gas the chlorine and that’s about it!
You can do this Dee! This is a one gal pot with a seeded plant I grew just for that. It got a little tall, that's on me. Anyway, It's in LOS supplemented with Geoflora. I got both seeds, and around 3/4 of an oz of bud that smokes deliciously. Had to water every other day in flower. :ciao:
You can do this Dee! This is a one gal pot with a seeded plant I grew just for that. It got a little tall, that's on me. Anyway, It's in LOS supplemented with Geoflora. I got both seeds, and around 3/4 of an oz of bud that smokes deliciously. Had to water every other day in flower. :ciao:
Reminds me of a nightmare I had years ago.
I started some plants then got sick and went to sleep and woke up 4 months later and my wife kept them in the solo cups the whole time.
Reminds me of a nightmare I had years ago.
I started some plants then got sick and went to sleep and woke up 4 months later and my wife kept them in the solo cups the whole time.
Come on now man. Hehe, this is a true example of a plant getting "the bums rush" in order to get work done and it worked out. DeeCee seems to want smallish SOG plants for some testing, no? Those buds are solid, frosty, and tasty. Remember the top view? She was a one gal pot sitting in the middle of 3 seven galloner's and a 5 reaching for the sun. I thought she came out great for what she was intended for. I'm not saying this is the way to go, just maybe one way.
Top view.
:thumb: That’s awesome in a 1gal otter! With the 1gal autos I’ve grown I’ve usually got about 3/4 to a full oz. (I feed mine a bit tho - seaweed, fish drenches etc.)

And you’re right, those buds look pretty great :D
Thanks Amy. For a plant that was kind of out of the mainstream (if I can't see it it doesn't exist, I am no good at multitasking) she did well enough in my book. If I intended to grow her in the 1 gal and kept her small it's very possible she would have turned out a smidge better. I might have to try that one day.
Here they are now 2 clones each of:
Wonder Woman
Bruce Banger
Critical Mass CBD 1:1
White Widow

They’ve been topped and trained with some variations of which nodes and quad lining or hexlining.
They have been in in 1gallon pots of just Fox Farm Ocenan Forest for 2 weeks from their solo cups and doing quite well. Been under a Mars Hydro TSW300 300W and NextLight Core 180W.

This week I will be amending a batch of FFOF with Gaia Greens Organic All Purpose and Power Bloom 1scoop per Gallon to supercharge it then uppotting them into their final 3gallon fabric pots. After one week to settle into the pots I will flip to flower and monitor them, likely top dress 4-6 weeks in with more Gaia Green and possibly do a couple compost teas for the first time.

Not LOS soil or the top end mixes like NextGen, Black Swan or Gaia Living Soil I was looking to use but I have confidence with the amendments they will do well in the FFOF.


Note the ninth plant is my Trainwreck mother which has been a pain in the butt to maintain. I have enough bud from last run and am not that fond of its growth so I’m giving it away or composting it.
Again, don't mind adding an organic nutrient.

Megacrop is actually "vegan" whatever that actually means... I have a tub of it, is it still an "organic" grow if I use organic soil then start Megacrop feeding when needed?
You are right, MegaCrop is not organic. It is vegan, and it is still a forced nutrition system that totally does not involve microbes or the organic feeding cycle.

Please let me make a much better suggestion, and one that will work in any soil... and it is such a complete solution that it even works in coco... to produce a totally ORGANIC feeding cycle, where the microbes are feeding your plant, not you.

MegaCrop has a following on these forums, but after experimenting with it for a couple of runs and seeing the sorts of troubles that people get into when using it, I don't classify it as beginner friendly... not at all. Its use forces you to immediately get good in reading your plants and then adjusting the amount of nutrient you give based on your assumptions. There is very little science here... it is all based on personal assessment of your plant and what you think it needs. I would never recommend Megacrop to a new grower of weeds.

Check out @GeoFlora Nutrients, a sponsor of this forum. (Megacrop is not a sponsor) No guesswork, no worries about adjusting pH, just simply apply the recommended amount on the top of the soil once every two weeks, and water it in. Even plain tap water works well. It will work in even small containers too with no need for constant applications of compost teas or microbe inoculations. The result will be a purely organic grow, and it will be a beautiful one. I have worked for years in this hobby, trying to find the "best" organic system that I could find... Geoflora is it.
You are right, MegaCrop is not organic. It is vegan, and it is still a forced nutrition system that totally does not involve microbes or the organic feeding cycle.

Please let me make a much better suggestion, and one that will work in any soil... and it is such a complete solution that it even works in coco... to produce a totally ORGANIC feeding cycle, where the microbes are feeding your plant, not you.

MegaCrop has a following on these forums, but after experimenting with it for a couple of runs and seeing the sorts of troubles that people get into when using it, I don't classify it as beginner friendly... not at all. Its use forces you to immediately get good in reading your plants and then adjusting the amount of nutrient you give based on your assumptions. There is very little science here... it is all based on personal assessment of your plant and what you think it needs. I would never recommend Megacrop to a new grower of weeds.

Check out @GeoFlora Nutrients, a sponsor of this forum. (Megacrop is not a sponsor) No guesswork, no worries about adjusting pH, just simply apply the recommended amount on the top of the soil once every two weeks, and water it in. Even plain tap water works well. It will work in even small containers too with no need for constant applications of compost teas or microbe inoculations. The result will be a purely organic grow, and it will be a beautiful one. I have worked for years in this hobby, trying to find the "best" organic system that I could find... Geoflora is it.

Hey Em appreciate the advice, I actually ran Megacrop during my last grow and did have pretty good results and loved the ease of use, coming from GN nute line though I did have a little trouble at the end with nute burn by pushing too hard and my lights frying them a bit. Final weights and quality was impressive though.



I’ve settled on FFOF and Gaia Green organic dry amendments for this grow to dip my toes into organic. This summer I plan to mix my own LOS super soil, I bought too much FFOF so decided to just use it instead of the pricey “living” premixed soils.

So far I am really loving to only water and not mix nutrients and have salt buildups on everything, although definitely seeing a bit slower growth rates.

EDIT: I scoped out Geoflora and it looks like a great company and products but unfortunately don’t see it available at any of my local shops, or any Canadian ones at that.
Slower growth rates in LOS is probably related to small pots.
My grow right now is a perfect example.
I have two large 20 gallon fabric pots and then squeezed a 7 gallon fabric pot next to them.
Even though I am giving that pot more organic amendments & nutrients to try to make up for the small size it still can not keep up, the same cultivar in the pot next to it is twice its size.
LOS done right grows just as fast as any other method.
Come on now man. Hehe, this is a true example of a plant getting "the bums rush" in order to get work done and it worked out. DeeCee seems to want smallish SOG plants for some testing, no? Those buds are solid, frosty, and tasty. Remember the top view? She was a one gal pot sitting in the middle of 3 seven galloner's and a 5 reaching for the sun. I thought she came out great for what she was intended for. I'm not saying this is the way to go, just maybe one way.
Top view.
Beautiful plant SO!

Here is my 1 gallon Trainwreck experiment from a clone I took and ended up throwing back in the tent with her mom to flower just for fun. Not organic or ideal but like you said it added an extra jar to the haul and it’s pretty damn good!


Beautiful plant SO!

Here is my 1 gallon Trainwreck experiment from a clone I took and ended up throwing back in the tent with her mom to flower just for fun. Not organic or ideal but like you said it added an extra jar to the haul and it’s pretty damn good!


Oh YES! That extra jar can either tell you a story you wanted to hear or what I might do is some more breeding in small scale. It's a bonus to be able to get the plant to stay LOS and work for us in it's little form.
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