Social smokers grow super skunk & white widow

heres some pics of the super skunks 25 days of flowering


heres the wws and la woman

My sweet old white haired granny used to always say

The sun don't shine up the same dog's butt everyday. Just keep your tail up in the air, and you'll catch a ray, sooner or later.

She was right! LOL

LOL!!! I love it! Using that saying if ya don't mind there Rose.

heres some pics

super skunk 20 days n to 12/12


and 3 white widows and the la woman




Everything looks so healthy and nice! Awesome.

Hey, Social
Does Indica take 8 to 9 weeks to flower in Soil, like it does in Hydro?

Sure does Boss man! Flowering time is pretty much the same, give or take. Hydro has a huge advantage in veg growth. As the plant grows upwards, the roots have to keep up and grow "down". Plants always try and keep an balance between roots and canopy. Take a plant hydro plant and cut the roots to little stubs. Canopy growth will stop and it will focus on getting the roots back. Once they are in better proportion, the canopy will continue to grow.

That said, what slowsl growth in soil generally is the roots. They take a little longer to push through the soil vs. air and water in hydro. So, since the roots grow faster in hydro, the canopy is allowed to grow faster (provided enough nutes and right environment). Once flower time comes around, the plants focus is no longer on growing up and out, but instead growing flowers. At this stage (flower), hydro and soil seem to be about on par.

That is how I understand it anyway. :peace:
LOL!!! I love it! Using that saying if ya don't mind there Rose.


Everything looks so healthy and nice! Awesome.

Sure does Boss man! Flowering time is pretty much the same, give or take. Hydro has a huge advantage in veg growth. As the plant grows upwards, the roots have to keep up and grow "down". Plants always try and keep an balance between roots and canopy. Take a plant hydro plant and cut the roots to little stubs. Canopy growth will stop and it will focus on getting the roots back. Once they are in better proportion, the canopy will continue to grow.

That said, what slowsl growth in soil generally is the roots. They take a little longer to push through the soil vs. air and water in hydro. So, since the roots grow faster in hydro, the canopy is allowed to grow faster (provided enough nutes and right environment). Once flower time comes around, the plants focus is no longer on growing up and out, but instead growing flowers. At this stage (flower), hydro and soil seem to be about on par.

That is how I understand it anyway. :peace:

yo rsp these skunks r really grown fast
i just mixed up 4 gallons water and 20 ml bloom with 15 ml kool bloom and gave them a little treat lol...

thanks for stop n n :grinjoint:
Thats awesome man. My friend said that after smoking some skunk for a while, he had an OZ, he went on a family trip with the family and that ran across an actual skunk, he said it sprayed them and he was the only one who didn't run and said he thought it smelled good and smelled just like the bud! Crazy. Enjoy!

thats funny c5 i like the smell also but dont want it on me lol:rasta:
yeah bro im gettn stoked about these skunks... there way better than the bag seed grow i did:bongrip::ganjamon:

gave the skunks1 gallon water each :bongrip:

the la woman and wws r doing good also:rasta:
wow, one of my strongest strains was a bagseed. it was some killer ass shit though... I was reading about germination(for a while) and pretty much, everyone agrees, that potency decreases as the seed sits.

i v heard the germination rate decreases aswell
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