SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal 2015

Re: SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal

Re: SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal

Those buds look very pretty indeed, it seems like you have everything under control!
Re: SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal

Heavily de-foliated! I've heard good and bad by doing this, but I believe the lower buds will get 100% more light doing this.

I'm amazed that I could grow these on my first grow. I'm planning on Northern Lights for my next grow, mainly for yield and I hear high potency. Any one grown NL??
Re: SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal

Yes my man, those are gorgeous plants to behold!
Reps+ for your accomplishments!
Re: SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal

We always have low humidity here, but with these hurricanes off of Baja Mexico, we've had high humidity. I did buy an Eva-Dry dehumidifier that pulls about a cup of water a day out of the air. Keeping the humidity around 55%, seems to work well and I use the water from it to help water the plants! We're in a serious drought here, water rationing just started.
Re: SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal

Heavily de-foliated! I've heard good and bad by doing this, but I believe the lower buds will get 100% more light doing this.

I'm amazed that I could grow these on my first grow. I'm planning on Northern Lights for my next grow, mainly for yield and I hear high potency. Any one grown NL??
I have been discussing defoliation with a couple fellow growers in another thread, I do believe it has a possitive effect but I truly want to learn more about it. Lets see how it turns!
You are having good results because of your dedication and the time you took to learn before giving the step. Props.
I have grown northern lights, they are resilient, resist mold, yield well and have low odor during flowering (unless you disturb them)

Thanks Roach, I appreciate that! I put a lot of time and work into them, as I'm sure you know, it IS a lot of work to take care of them right!

It IS a lot of time indeed! But your dedication is being rewarded with those beautiful plants!
Keep up the good job, and please grow NL cause I want to see how those turn for you. I want to grow NL again too.
Re: SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal

These are from July 11th, this morning. 8th week of flowering. Look about 70% amber pistils, what does everyone think about the %? I want 80%. Tried one dried bud that fell off, I knocked it off, and it was amazing!
Re: SoCalGrower's -Soil -XXX OG Clones -SFV OG Clones -Dank Club Seed - Grow Journal

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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