So what do you people know about


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Marijuana "level test" directed by the court... i want to smoke my last bowl.. but they said they are level testing me and if i come up higher than i was before ill goto jail. Will i be able to work one bowl off in two days if i exercise, drink alot, and pee alot? just want to know. thanks!
yes, ive read that many times.. i took a test today. came up positive for marijuana, so they said they were gonna level test me... i just want to know. how quickly you think i could get an extra bowl outta my system... im no more than 15% body fat. and ill exercise and drink alot and w/e
i wouldn't do it, it's totally not worth going to jail. Imagine sitting in a cell, will the memory of that one bowl be able to make it all worthwhile?
Having been in jail myself, I would think of you as fool if you want to risk incarceration over 1 bowl of weed!
Don't smoke the bowl, and drink lots of water.

Right...I know the love of Marijuana is trying to overpower your brain, but think about it this way, if your locked up how will you smoke her then? Dry some banana's out and pretend? Come on man do it right ;)
There will be pleanty of time for you to smoke after all that stuff blows over. You have got your whole life ahead of you with many more opportunities to smoke. Don't jepordize your freedom for one bowl. Don't smoke it's that simple.:peace:
aye depending on the last time u smoked, this is what happend to me so take it how u want it i didnt smoke for 2 weeks took niacin my first test was 300 hundred he said then 2 weeks later it was 50 so at least stop for a week or two
Why even risk it?
Be a man smoke that bowl. I hear that jail isn't that bad, especially if you like having sex with other men
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