So Im a Productive Little Stoner


New Member
So its 2 in the morning and im hashed out of my mind with a few bong sessions in me and what do i decide to do? i made myself a new necklace of course! my other was starting to fall apart at the knot in the back and was about to come off.

its hemp and bone beads. the pendant is an image of the Buddha


sorry about the red beard in the way, its hard to take pics like that haha :allgood: but i dig the way it came out and hopefully this one will last another 2 years
Fuckin awesome man
I was thinking of getting some hemp and making myself a bracelet like that too actually
I totally dig it, props for the little stoner jeweler in ya ;)
thank you guys! still hasnt undergone a shower yet... im hoping it doesnt shrink TOO MUCH considering how many beads i put on this one (usually in the beginning with my necklaces it shrinks really tight on my neck and drives me crazy!)
True true, those kind shrink after they get wet... I relaly dig the design you made. I'm relaly gonna have to get some hemp asap and make one myself, ;)
it went into the shower today! and is still tightly clung around my neck lol, doesnt choke me or anything but it drives me crazy! its like RIGHT ON THERE hehe thats why make up freaks me out
im thinking my next necklace will have a glass pendant

one like that would be sweeeeet
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