Hemp Art Journal

ay BubaFlynn,

how about a "norml" one with all green?
I'd love one myself :cheesygrinsmiley:
Quote for the day:
Taken from Differnt Seasons.A collection of short stories from Steven King.From the first paragraph of The Body(Stand By Me the movie)

"The most important things are the hardest things to say,they are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish them.Words shrink things that seemed limitless when in your head,to no more than living size when brought out.But it's more than that,isn't it?The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is burried.Like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away.And you may make revelations that cost you dearly,only to have someone look at you in a funny way.Not understanding at all what you just said, or why you almost cried while you were saying it.Thats the worst I think, when the secret lies locked within.Not for want of a teller, but for want of an understanding ear."

It's probably been 15 years since I picked up that book,but I still remember that quote.I can't remember what I ate yesterday,but I remember that word for word.Good old Marry Jane.Just felt like sharring.I'll get to the Moonstone today.(I swear);)
Pete, thanks for the quote of the day!
Thanks Pete. I think we live a little of that each day.
Yea Mago no problem,I'd have to use smaller beads to fit on your wrist.My better half hand paints the letters.In fact the 420 bracelet was her design.Let me know the size of your wrist,this can be my donation back to NORMAL for all they've done for us.:cheesygrinsmiley::yummy:

Damn, my tape won't fit around my wrist,
without damage to the tape.

9 - 10 inches sound about right?
plus tie

Promise you'll spell it right now. :cheesygrinsmiley:

NORML , no a :cheesygrinsmiley:
Luv Ya' Buba :cheesygrinsmiley:
Todays quote: Insomnia is nothing to lose sleep over.

Again no new work to show.I'm dealing with a dumbass doctor where I moved,and on top of not giving me the meds that have allowed me to deal with the pain I go through constantly,this Mofo wants me to take weekly urins(which would mean no more pot for Pete)for the crap he is so graciously giving me one week at at time.After seeing him twice the bastard still hasn't even checked my past medical records,to see what kind of meds I should be on for the level of pain I'm in.America the Great,I get treated like a junkie for something his fellow doctors put me on,then can't even smoke some MJ even though the state I moved to votes on the matter in Dec.:yummy:
Quote for the Day: I'll make it to the moon if I got to crawl(or crutch)

Hey all.I first want to thank everyone on the site for the insane support.I moved recently and still can't find a Doctor to help me.So I've been without meds,and that's why I haven't been doing any work.I will continue soon,for sure finish the moonstone first(sorry)
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