So confused!

Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to help me.
This is a male, right? Auto flower AK

Ummm how about a node shot cause i see bud. But i'm oldo_O:sorry::sorry:
Me too but I figured it was because the center of the bud is really out of focus and not my old age. I do see several stigma/pistils so it is not a male. It might be a hermaphrodite but we would have to see more to tell.

Maybe back up several inches and try again. If the photo is in focus it will be relatively easy to see if any male flowers have started growing. And Greengoodness has a good point that a shot of a node that has started a bud will help a lot.
Me too but I figured it was because the center of the bud is really out of focus and not my old age. I do see several stigma/pistils so it is not a male. It might be a hermaphrodite but we would have to see more to tell.

Maybe back up several inches and try again. If the photo is in focus it will be relatively easy to see if any male flowers have started growing. And Greengoodness has a good point that a shot of a node that has started a bud will help a lot.

Sorry, I’m old AND it’s a windy day. Thanks y’all!
Better. I do not see anything that would say it was either a male or female plant.

This photo below is a male I found mixed in with some of my outdoor plants one summer. Vast majority of the time the male flowers will be at the nodes early on and then later the male flowers will form buds at the top. Occasionally the anther of a male flower will grow out of a mature female flower bud very, very late in the flowering stage. I do not seen any of that with your photo.

I've been growing outdoors in the ground for six years. I really try to keep it simple but every year I'm forced to keep learning. :/
This year I'm more confused than ever. I started with 22 seeds, seven strains. First issue was two male plants from "feminized" seeds from Seedsman. Quarantined one, trashed one.
Second issue: some of the plants started looking funny. As in, they had seeds. Noticed this in maybe half of the of the plants. The buds are mostly big and tight and lovely. But dig down in the buds and you'll find seeds. Lots of seeds.
I'm not going to throw away my whole harvest, but I have no idea what to do with the buds. Trimming is a PITA but what else can I do? A loss of potency is OK compared to no crop at all. I'm still a week or two from harvest so I'm not sure if all the plants have seeds or not. I've read I should forget trying to grow the seeds from these plants. Is that right?
AND, my labels faded over the summer so I'm not exactly sure which strain is which anymore. And I'm imagining seeds where there are none. AND, the last thing, it seems the scent of most of the buds is weak. I can smell them when I walk by and it's windy but then I'll sniff a bud and it's blah.
What are my plants called? Male? Hermaphrodites?
How did it happen?
Can I harvest, trim and cure as usual?
Are seeds a deal breaker or not? I've read SO many conflicting opinions.
Here are photos of a bud from a Durban Poison plant. One shot where the seeds are hidden and another where they are more obvious. If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it. Thanks!



My opinion, keep the seeds and sew them in the community. I’ve run into similar and while it won’t give you best quality it can still make for a darn good smoke. Seeds will most likely produce more hermaphroditic traits so I don’t keep in regular garden but rather a giveaway location. Can’t say what the causes are with any certainty, lot of anecdotal evidence is out there and I don’t worry about it, just plant them along a trail somewhere and let nature take over…
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