Smoking Before a Job Interview


New Member
I have myself in an interesting situation:

I currently have a good, nice paying job, with decent hours and benefits. However a week back I got pissed at my boss and put in for a few job postings on craigslist as a way to relieve stress haha!

Today, just as I was leaving work, I get this phone call from a place that I applied for, and they want me to come into an interview. I found the job on craigslist, and didn't really think I would hear anything back. This position is a step down from where I currently work, and the pay is quite a bit less too.

I have no serious interest in this job, but agreed to an interview anyways. Because I don't care the outcome of the interview, should I purposely play around and see what it's like to go to an interview stoned?

I will more than likely NOT go in stoned. In fact, having interest in the job or not, it's good to feel wanted. Also, each time I go into an interview I feel educated about the company and it gives me more experience. Interview experience is something you cannot have too much of. Taking the serious approach will help me in my future career path.

But discussion on the topic is interesting. It would be very cool bragging rights to friends to say "I went into an interview stoned and still got offered the job!"
I have myself in an interesting situation: lol

i smoke everyday .. so if i am working or getting work i would act the same as if i was sober

i always smoke it is who i am ... so there for going in high is the way to go for me
Dude do it up, especially if you have no actual intentions of departing from your current position. Might make for some fun conversation during the interview and who knows, maybe you'll talk em up to a higher pay.
I have gone to many interviews while high, and have done quite well, I got offered the job in most cases. One thing I would advise is if they offer you a drink, take some water.. I got some serious cotton mouth while in an interview once and it was quite unpleasant lol
If there is a remote possibility of professional encounters in the future, then no. It might appear to be very disrespectful and could be reported to your current employer.
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