60 Minutes and Marc Emery

man... i dunno if they did him enough justice...
they should have touched on medical issues... too short of a time to fit everything in... maybe if they had used the whole 60 minutes on him...
It really didn't bring light to the whole, pot is not bad thing, it just showed his story against the Dea. that prick Dea got me angry the way he was. i ended up throwing a penny at the tv screen. no worries its a piece of crap tv... lol but it was an alright clip.... I wish people would realize that weed is not a DRUG.. thats the big issue... oh yeah, the motorcycle gangs and the asians i didnt like that it looks like they put that in there to scare the common citizen. so know people are going to correlate weed with asian gangs, its B.S
bigsam83 said:
It really didn't bring light to the whole, pot is not bad thing, it just showed his story against the Dea. that prick Dea got me angry the way he was. i ended up throwing a penny at the tv screen. no worries its a piece of crap tv... lol but it was an alright clip.... I wish people would realize that weed is not a DRUG.. thats the big issue... oh yeah, the motorcycle gangs and the asians i didnt like that it looks like they put that in there to scare the common citizen. so know people are going to correlate weed with asian gangs, its B.S

Weed IS a drug, but a VERY safe drug in comparison with others, and the people need to be educated about that. I tried to watch 60 minutes but I wasn't able to get home in time, oh well maybe I can d/l it :cool:
shit, I was high as hell and missed the whole thing. Was watchin caddyshack..
Dude, i compeltely missed it. I looked for it at 7 but I live in Illinois, so I think it was on at 6 because I read your posts talking about it, while I assume it was on and all your posts were at 628 and so on. I wish I would have Tvo'd it or whatever, haha.. I wish I had one.
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