Hello everybody,hope you are all good.
Jumping again to
Day18,Work has moved premises so i haven't beed able to feed everyday because of this,some realy late days at work.
Starting to smell planty/earthy now.
Feed has been:
4L water
2ml CalMag
4ml each GrowA+B
2ml B52
They recieve around 700ml of this with a small amount of runoff.Not tested runoff.
SN grew a wierd fan leaf at the early stages but has not grew any more,it's just the one leaf.
She is a realy bushy squat girl.
SNxS is coming along nicely.
PN,there is something going on in that pot?there are little white bits on top of the Coco that keeps getting more each day,i also seen some more of them little buggers in her pot.
Only she has these in her pot,strange.
I just feed now and then H202 her every 4th feed,if and when i can.
Hopefuly this will slow them down but i'm not 100%.
There is nothing flying around at all so this makes me believe they are not gnats.
Seems like this attempt is going to make me learn about bugs/critters haha.
Thanks for stopping bye and taking a look.Here they are.